Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1913: Devil Legacy

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There are many disciples under the swordless emperor.

However, Death Divine Emperor and Black Emperor are the only Divine Emperor Powerhouses among these disciples.

Looking at God Realm, who can teach the disciples of Divine Emperor Realm, there is only Divine Emperor without Sword.

For this reason, Wujian Shendi is very proud.

A Three Divine Emperor, this is very rare in God Realm.

Inside the tomb of the sword tomb emperor, the two great emperors burned with anger, looking for the tomb of the devil emperor, and looking for the person who destroyed their plan.

However, how powerful the Devil Emperor's method is. During the peak period, it is stronger than Divine Emperor without Sword.

Even the Swordless Divine Emperor, the existence to look up to, almost stepped into the realm of the universe god.

If the Devil's Tomb is so easy to find, it is not called the Devil's Tomb.

At this moment, in the tomb of Demon Emperor, Fang Chen is inheriting Demon Emperor.

His kendo potential makes the Devil Emperor amazing.

This peerless potential is much stronger than that of its own age. The Devil Emperor really can't think of any reason to refuse Fang Chen.

After listening to the Devil Emperor's words, Fang Chen also roughly understood the Demon Emperor's heritage.

In fact, the Devil Emperor is strictly a Moxiu in a strict sense.

What is magic repair?

In fact, there are still many magic repairs in God Realm. But the number of martial arts is too much, which leads everyone to think that the number of magic cultivation is very small.

Moxiu is tyrannical and likes to kill. All this is related to the magic they practiced.

The magic method of the magic road is very overbearing and often gives people a bloodthirsty feeling.

However, Moxiu did not mind, because what they were after was the trembling attack power.

This is unmatched by martial arts.

Many martial arts, disdain magic Taoism, but also very tired of demonic cultivation.

In fact, real high-level powerhouses don't think so.

From Dadao to Jianxu, the same path, Moxiu and Wuxiu, although the cultivation path is different, but the ultimate pursuit of the results are the same, are the pinnacle of martial arts.

Although Devil Emperor is Moxiu, he has reached the extreme of Devil's Dao and can completely control his emotions.

"Destroy fellow swordsman and demon fellow initiates?"

Fang Chen was slightly startled, he should have guessed long ago that the sword path repaired by the Devil Emperor was to destroy the sword path.

Because only the destruction of Kendo can erupt that powerful force.

"Fang Chen, your heritage, can you remember it?" Devil Emperor asked.

Fang Chen focuses on the head. In simple terms, the inheritance of the Devil Emperor is divided into three parts.

The first part is a holy product Kendo magical technique created by the devil emperor's life, called the magic dragon destroying the sword.

The second part is the intermediate war fortress that the devil left in the tomb.

The third part is also what Fang Chen thinks is the most precious part, that is, Devil Emperor's perception of Kendo.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely choose the first two without hesitation.

However, Fang Chen's sword training with such strong sword skills will definitely choose the third kind.

The stronger Kendo is, the more you can feel how important the kendo perception of the strong is to yourself.

"The inheritance of these three parts, the holy product Kendo Divine Art, with your potential, should be able to be built in a short time. As for the intermediate war fort, when you leave the tomb, you can naturally control it. The only thing I worry about is the third part My perception of Kendo. "The Devil Emperor said slowly," Destroying Kendo is itself a kendo with super attack power. That's why I chose to destroy Kendo. "

After a pause, the Devil Emperor continued: "I can feel that you have five distinct kendo flavors on your body. It seems that you want to build all six kendos. What I worry about is here, I I have a deep understanding of the destruction of Kendo. If you comprehend it, it is very likely to be refuted with the other Kendo breath in your body, ranging from serious injury to death. This is something I do not want to see. "

"So, you must be careful when comprehending my perception of Kendo. If you feel something is wrong, immediately stop feeling." The Devil said solemnly.

"Senior Demon Emperor is at ease, and the juniors have their own sense." Fang Chen nodded.

In fact, this third part is precisely the part that Fang Chen least worry about.

Because the golden heart in his body is left by the ancient **** of the universe.

Gu Yuan controls the six major swordsmanship, and the golden heart he possesses happens to be the destruction of swordsmanship.

Destruction Kendo, there should be the prestige of the world.

In Fang Chen's heart, remember this sentence firmly.

"Okay, you start to accept the inheritance." The Devil Emperor said, and then he waved his hand, and suddenly a square space diaphragm appeared around Fang Chen, "This is the limit I can do, I hope you can succeed . "

The Devil Emperor sighed, with some helplessness on his face.

Fang Chen vibrated, he could naturally feel that the speed of time inside the space diaphragm was much faster than the outer boundary.

"I can only maintain the time flow rate of 10,000 times, and at most one year." Devil Emperor said: "Unfortunately, I have already fallen, otherwise, let alone 10,000 times, even if there is no more."

"Thank you Senior Demon Emperor."

Fang Chen was very moved, and at the same time no longer wasted time, sat cross-legged and began to inherit.

"It's a demon emperor who stepped into the universe god, fell into endless years, and can only maintain the time flow rate of ten thousand times by a virtual shadow," Fang Chen couldn't help sighing.

With his current means, it is impossible to achieve this step.

"Ten thousand times the flow rate, I hope it can succeed."

Fang Chen's face showed a faint smile, and then he closed his eyes.

According to Fang Chen's ideas, the first thing to do is to enlighten Devil Emperor's life perception of Kendo.

Only by increasing the awareness of kendo, the speed of practicing holy kendo divine art will increase.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and the wisps of ruining kendo breath escaped from it.

After a while, Fang Chen was wrapped in the whole body, the latter was immersed in the breath of destruction Kendo, very intoxicated.

The six strongest kendos, of which the destroying kendo is said to have the strongest attack power.


After just watching it for a while, Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, the Devil Emperor's perception of the destruction of Kendo reached an incredible level.

"If I can achieve such insights as the Devil Emperor, let alone the Divine Emperor, even if I step into the Divine Emperor Realm, I have great confidence." Fang Chen said slightly.

The sentiments left by the Devil Emperor are all his views on the destruction of Kendo in his life. There are also some difficulties and bottlenecks that I have encountered.

Fang Chen has experienced these bottlenecks.

Three days later.

Fang Chen thoughtfully, a smile appeared on his face.

"It turns out so."

Time has accelerated tens of thousands of times, the outside world has been in the past three days, and Fang Chen in the space barrier has actually been enlightened for more than 30,000 days.

Devil Emperor is not wrong, Fang Chen's kendo potential is really too evil.

I dare not say that there is no one who comes later, but it definitely belongs to the level of the unprecedented.

The Devil Emperor praised Fang Chen in this way, and one can imagine how perverted his kendo potential is.

In more than 30,000 days, Fang Chen had already realized the two-thirds of the enlightenment left by the Devil Emperor.


Fang Chen's whole body, Kendo breath filled.

His body seems to be changing subtly.

And all this is because of the emperor's perception.

"Awesome, compare the destruction of Kendo to a war fortress. Jianxiu is the master in the war fortress. From the understanding of the parts one by one inside, it is analyzed until it is completely controlled."

Fang Chen is not talking to himself.

These are some feelings about the Devil Emperor.

The outside world, Death Divine Emperor and Black Emperor, are also frantically searching for the Devil Emperor's Tomb.


At one moment, the two great emperors were looking for the tomb of the demon emperor, and suddenly several wraiths appeared.

The two of them were angry in their stomachs. Without seeing anything, they directly shot Thunder.


How can the Wraith resist the attack of the Death Divine Emperor?


Wraith's body is corrupted instantly.

"Brother, your research on death together is really getting more and more powerful." Heidi couldn't help complimenting.

"What's the use? Unless I thoroughly understand the structure of Yuanshen, otherwise, it's impossible to become a cosmic god." Death God Emperor said with a lip.

"Senior brother, you and I, have been stuck in the bottleneck for so long. It is also time to break through." Heidi said indifferently: "Maybe, Devil Emperor's Tomb is an opportunity."

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