Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1918: Do you dare to fight life and death?

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Evergreen God's remarks have won the approval of many people.

But there were also some emperors who began to think deeply. As a disciple of Guzu, can Fang Chen create miracles.

In this battle, all the **** emperors of the whole God Realm are paying attention. Even some emperors are paying attention.

The destroying emperor on Yanwutai's face gradually dignified.

"It's worthy of my respect to be able to resist my devil's hand." Destruction God Emperor said lightly.

The devil's hand is a very powerful holy divine art, which ordinary emperors can't resist. Being able to resist the attack of the devil's hand shows that the gap with the destruction of the emperor is not too great.

"Next, I will exhibit my strongest scholasticism, demolish the sky." Destruction God Emperor Road.

"Wait and wait," Fang Chen said.


Destroying the **** emperor's whole body, surrounded by horror.

His palms spread out, and the power of the violent destruction of the sky suddenly poured into his palm.


Destruction God Emperor's hands are constantly waving, and in front of him, there are layers and layers of enchantment.

For a moment, in front of the Destruction God Emperor, countless layers of enchantments have been superimposed.

"So strong."

Fang Chen felt the terrifying breath from the destruction of God Emperor.

However, the stronger the enemy, the more able to inspire Fang Chen's fighting spirit.

"The magic dragon destroys the sky sword."

Fang Chen snorted and exhibited the Demon Dragon Sword.

This divine art is the magic of the Devil Emperor, he has cultivated it to the twenty-third floor.

In the sky, the violent destruction of the rule sword gas, under the control of Fang Chen, condensed into a black dragon.

The black dragon spreads its teeth and claws, and a terrifying breath sweeps across the earth.


Fang Chen held the Xingyin sword in his hand, and stomped **** his sole.

Jumped on the body of the black dragon, and then drove the black dragon, and instantly came to the destruction of the emperor.

"Eternal enchantment, broken."

The Destruction God Emperor also exhibited his unique skills, and the enchantment in front of him was superimposed to form a strong space barrier.

This space barrier, which contains rich and extreme power, hits against the black dragon.

"I see how you can resist my space barrier."

When the Destruction God Emperor exhibited this trick, his face was full of confidence.

No one can break his eternal enchantment in the God Emperor Realm.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

The space barrier hit the black dragon fiercely. At the same time, Fang Chen's body and the Xingyin sword merged briefly, turning into a sharp giant sword, and stabbed hard into the space. Barriers.

The impact of the black dragon and the space barrier made the Yanwutai tremble.

At the same time, the attack of the black dragon is also destroying the power of the space barrier.

Fang Chen urged the magic dragon to destroy the sword to the extreme. The human sword united and directly penetrated the space barrier.


A gap appeared in the space barrier, and Fang Chen was separated from Xingyin Sword, and the sword slashed to destroy the Emperor.


Upon seeing this, the Destroying God Emperor froze for a moment, and his body flashed immediately, avoiding Fang Chen's attack.

"You ... how can you break my eternal barrier?"

The God of Destruction, suspended in midair, looked at the space barrier in disbelief, and his heart trembled.

"Your space barrier is indeed very strong. Unfortunately, my swordsmanship is more penetrating." Fang Chen said lightly.

Seeing that Destroyer stopped attacking, he also stopped attacking.

In the sky, among the crowd of onlookers, there was a raging wave.

Obviously, I was surprised by Fang Chen's strong performance.

"so amazing."

Many people are talking about it, and some people even feel that they have wasted their time for so many years of practice.

The Evergreen God Emperor's face was somber, very unhappy.

"This **** luck guy."

Evergreen Divine Emperor can guess that the magic technique Fang Chen just exhibited should be related to the Devil Emperor.

Otherwise, it is impossible to penetrate the space barrier.


The eyes of Fang Chen became complicated after the destruction of the Emperor God's heart returned to peace, and he waved away the space barrier.

Immediately, his body carried the power of monstrous destruction rules and landed on the Yanwutai.

Just when everyone thought that a terrifying station was about to begin, the destruction of the Emperor God made an amazing move.

"I lost, you are more qualified than me to destroy the title of God Emperor." God of Destruction said with a sigh.


Fang Chen froze for a moment, then immediately fisted to the **** of destruction: "If you continue to fight, the final winner should belong to you."

Destruction God Emperor shook his head, so what?

What's the use of occupying the title of Destruction God for a short time.

"Your strength is very strong. Although I will win in the end, it is also a terrible victory. And it won't take long for you to defeat me. So, simply give you the title of Destroying God directly."

Destroying the God Emperor was simply off the title.

"Fang Chen, I will not give up."

After the destruction of the Emperor, he turned and left.

Fang Chen nodded gently to the latter, and those who were crazy about martial arts deserved respect.

"Congratulations to the destruction of the emperor."

Many **** emperors in the sky congratulated with fists.

"Guzu received a terrific apprentice."

"The new God of Destruction is so young."

Everyone was complimenting Fang Chen, but the Evergreen God Emperor stood quietly and looked at Fang Chen with a cold face.

After a long time, the Evergreen Divine Emperor stepped out and came over the Yanwutai.

Condescending, looking down at Fang Chen.

"Boy, I want to challenge you." Evergreen Divine Emperor's tone made Fang Chen very unhappy.

"Who are you? Why should I accept your challenge?" Fang Chen said deliberately.

This is provocation, naked provocation.

"You ..." Evergreen God Emperor's face is somber, "Destroy God Emperor direly, but I dare not accept my challenge. I think your title of God Emperor Destruction really is a worthy name."

"Fang Chen, if you don't dare to fight me, then hand over the title archer of the destruction of the emperor, and then kneel on the ground and give me a kowtow. Later I saw that I was far away." Chen.

Suddenly, many **** emperors froze for a moment, and immediately understood.

The Evergreen Divine Emperor didn't come to watch the battle at all.

Recalling that Fang Chen had offended Nanling Sword Palace before, many **** emperors shook their heads one after another.

"Evergreen God Emperor? Disciple without Sword God Emperor?"

Fang Chen squinted at the Evergreen Divine Emperor, then said: "Are you humiliating me?"

"Just like your rubbish, you are eligible to humiliate me? That's ridiculous." Evergreen God Emperor Zhang Yang said: "It's been a long time since God Realm stopped shooting. What a cat and dog dare to speak to me."

"Wujian Divine Emperor shot me and failed to kill me. Do you think you can kill me?" Fang Chen's voice spread throughout the temples.

All the **** emperors were shaken in their hearts.

Wu Jian Divine Emperor Chen Chen shot? This is great news.

"You ... if not the ancestor of the ancestor, you can escape from the palm of my master like this kind of garbage?" Changqing Shenhuang said coldly.

Fang Chen spread his hand, unwilling to do more theory with the Evergreen Divine Emperor.

He shook his hand fiercely and inserted Xingyin Sword on Yanwutai.

Then he said one by one: "Evergreen God Emperor, you can also challenge me, fight life and death."

The three words of life and death battle are exceptionally firm.

The Evergreen God Emperor frowned, staring at Fang Chen.

"If you dare not, go back to Nanling Sword Palace and be your twenty-seven sword emperor. Don't be embarrassing here." Fang Chen said.

Evergreen Divine Emperor felt that his face was hot and deceptive.

"Fang Chen, when I am Evergreen God Emperor afraid of you?" Evergreen God Emperor shouted angrily.

However, at this moment, horror came over the temples.

"Brother Changqing, come back with me quickly."

The coming man is the Death Divine Emperor. His breath swept the temples and oppressed many emperors.

"Meet the Death Divine Emperor." Many Divine Emperors said.

The figure of Death Divine Emperor appeared in the void. A glance at Evergreen God Emperor, and then fell on Fang Chen.

"Boy, don't think that Heavenly Bone Palace supports you, you can do whatever you want." Death Emperor said indifferently.

"This doesn't require the death **** emperor to be ** heart. If the evergreen **** emperor dare not fight life and death, then I will leave." Fang Chen said.

"Huh, can you compare the strength of my younger brother? If it wasn't for the Master's call, my younger brother would have screwed your head down." The Death God Emperor said coldly, and then took the Evergreen God Emperor, Leaving the temples.

There are many emperors in the pantheon, and they are completely fried.

Death Divine Emperor shot to block, is it afraid that Evergreen Divine Emperor lost?

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