Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1920: Zelong vein

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Jinfeng Island, the island's main house.

Fang Chen was sitting on the stone bench, and the deputy island master beside him was wondering himself.

"Islander, because of our special geographical location, we will often be provoked by the three top forces and even visit." The deputy island owner whispered, he was also one of the 36 elders in the palace.


Fang Chen looked at the deputy island master with interest and said, "You continue to say."

"The island owner should also know that our east side is the land of the extreme west." The vice island main road said: "The vast land of the extreme west is actually equivalent to a wild land. The resources are relatively scarce. The beast gods It is the only overlord in the land of the extreme west, and the strongest one is the Destructive Divine Emperor with the strongest attack power among the ten most powerful Divine Emperors of God Realm. "

"The Beast God Clan believes in the Supreme Mastership, so the Destroying Divine Emperor can become the Beast God Clan's patriarch. The island owner should never underestimate the Beast God Clan. In fact, among the seven top forces, the Beast God Clan is the most terrifying."

"In the Beast God Race, the major races are chaotic. But most of them are Orcs, and super **** beasts are everywhere. Their talents are terrible." The deputy island master continued: "The Beast God Race is belligerent and often challenges other people everywhere. The powerful. Ten years ago, the beast **** clan's emperor realm came to challenge our Jinfeng Island. "

"How is the result?"

Fang Chen asked, worthy of beast **** clan, so belligerent.

In fact, when Fang Chen first saw Destroyer Divine Emperor, he saw it. The latter is also a militant.

"The Beast God Clan has three Saint Sons, each of which is a **** emperor's realm, and the three of them are all disciples of the Destroying Divine Emperor. It was the Three Saint Sons of the Beast God Clan that challenged us on Jinfeng Island ten years ago. During World War I, Elder Li shot himself, but was eventually suppressed by the Three Saints ... "

Speaking of which, the deputy island owner was a little sighed.

The Son of the Beast God Race is also the pinnacle of power in the God Emperor Realm.

"The Son of the Beast Goddess, likes to challenge the God Emperor of the same realm. And he also threatened that among the six ruler emperors, their Three Beasts of the Beast God Clan must occupy at least three positions." The vice island main road: "So ..."

"So, are you worried that they will challenge me?"

Fang Chen grinned, after all, his current title is the Destruction Emperor among the six rulers.

"Based on my understanding of the Beast God Race, once they know the news, they will definitely come to challenge." Vice Island main road.

"It doesn't matter, if they come to challenge, they will take it." Fang Chenfeng said lightly. "What about the other two forces?"

Compared to the Beast God Race, Fang Chen is more curious about the other two forces.

Because, although the Beast God Clan is very strong, there is not much to be concerned about.

The remaining two forces are different.

"The Undead Pavilion in the northwest region was created by the Divine Emperor. This force has few personnel, but its fighting power is amazing. The most important thing is that their self-healing ability is really abnormal." The deputy island master said slightly: " I have been on Jinfeng Island for so many years and heard a lot of news about the Undead Pavilion. There are very few true gods willing to deal with the Undead Pavilion. "

"Oh, I have a chance to meet."

Fang Chen is somewhat interested in being able to apply the rules of creation to such a degree that only the Divine Emperor of Creation can do it.

"In addition to the Undead Pavilion, the reincarnation hall in the Xihai Sea is also very scary." When it comes to the reincarnation hall, the vice-islander's face changes slightly.

"The reincarnation hall was created by the reincarnation **** emperor, far away from the **** realm, and never participated in the disputes of the **** realm. But if you underestimate the strong man of the reincarnation hall because of this, then you will inevitably bear unbearable consequences." After a while, he continued: "There are many disciples in the reincarnation hall, but reincarnations are very rare. Those who can be called reincarnations have at least experienced the reincarnation of the Baishi."

The rule of reincarnation is a very special rule that can send martial arts into reincarnation, experience one after another reincarnation, and enlighten martial arts in reincarnation.

Fang Chen once also personally felt the power of reincarnation rules, so he still remembers the rules of reincarnation.

"Is it possible to be called a reincarnation?" Fang Chen asked with a bright eyes.

The deputy island master nodded, "It is said that since the establishment of the reincarnation temple, there are only seven, seven, forty-nine reincarnations. The first reincarnation is the minimum standard. After the baptism of endless years, the weakest reincarnation is estimated to be more than the reincarnation ? "


Fang Chen said in his mouth, let people realize the Tao in samsara, there are pros and cons.

The advantage is that it can make people feel the separation of life and death in each life, and it is especially easy to realize the Tao.

The disadvantages are also great. Once a warrior cannot bear the power of reincarnation, those who fall into endless reincarnation will be unable to extricate themselves. Even if a strong man pulls it out of reincarnation himself, it is basically abolished.

Therefore, for so many years, there are only a few reincarnations.

"In any case, the number of reincarnations in the reincarnation hall is fixed. As long as someone joins, someone will withdraw." The deputy island lord continued to introduce, "The island lord, you have to be careful about the five reincarnation kings of the reincarnation hall. It is said that they The five are the strongest under the reincarnation divine emperor. The five reincarnation kings join forces to be able to fight against the divine emperor realm. "


Fang Chen's eyes widened for the first time.

He had heard of the samsara, but he was the first time he heard of the samsara.

The five reincarnation kings joined forces to actually be able to fight against the powerful emperor.

In other words, although there is only one divine emperor in the reincarnation hall, it is actually equivalent to two divine emperors.

"It's really perverted."

Fang Chen couldn't help sighing, "Samsara King, how many samsaras need to go through?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen pouted.

At the same time, he secretly wrote down these five reincarnation kings in his heart.

"It seems that there are quite a lot of powerful players in God Realm."

Previously, Fang Chen only knew more about the gods and emperors of Tiangu Palace and Nanling Sword Palace.

Now, it is basically understood that the other powerful forces of the Divine Emperor Realm.


In the courtyard, Fang Chen sat cross-legged, and the whole body escaped a rich breath of time.

"The last step."

Fang Chen smiled bitterly, and his face was helpless.

According to the detailed explanation given by the Master, the speed of practicing time and space magic book has accelerated a lot.

Moreover, after coming to Jinfeng Island, he successfully practiced the Time and Space Magic Book to the seventh floor.

It's just that Fang Chen is a bit distressed, and the rules of time and space are still close to being fully integrated.

According to the Master's statement, if you want to achieve a certain accomplishment in the space-time modification system, you must first merge the two rules.

"carry on."

Fang Chen was a little unbelievable, and continued to try.

However, at this moment, the deputy island master hurriedly arrived.


"what happened?"

Seeing the deputy island master's face in a hurry, Fang Chen asked.

"There is something wrong with the Zelong vein, and the island owner needs to look over it," said Vice Islander.


After hearing the words, Fang Chen directly stopped practicing, and then followed the deputy island master to quickly go to Zelong ore vein.

Zelong veins are the three first-class veins. Other veins can be ignored, but Zelong veins cannot be ignored.

The Zelong ore mined from the Zelong vein is very important to the Tiangu Palace.

Huh ...

A moment later, Fang Chen came to the northwest of Jinfeng Island.

Standing in mid-air, looking down, Zelong ore veins lie on the island, hundreds of feet long, with a layer of golden luster over it.

"What happened?" Fang Chen asked.

"The miners said that in the depths of the Zelong ore veins, it seems that unidentified creatures have been found." Vice Island main road, "Unknown creatures are very strong, at least at the level of God Emperor.

"Oh, let me go in and see." Fang Chen said.

"Islander, let me go in with you." Deputy Islander said.

Fang Chen shook his head, "You are responsible for the normal operation of other mineral veins, and the Zelong mineral veins will be handed over to me."

Immediately, Fang Chen plunged into the Zelong ore vein.


As soon as he came in, Fang Chen felt that the surrounding temperature was rising.

Holding a golden ore on the wall in his hand, Zelong ore turned into powder. A trace of energy penetrated into Fang Chen's body.

"Zelong Ore, which can strengthen the physique of the warrior, is really true." Fang Chen said secretly.

But now is not the time to sigh, according to the route provided by the miners, Fang Chen quickly entered the depths of the veins.

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