Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1927: The Embarrassed Third Son

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The claw of the beast **** is a trick that the third son evolved from a holy product divine art through his own perception.

This trick is very suitable for him, because his body is the king of tigers, the red tiger.

The medullary red tiger itself is a high-level beast, but through his own efforts, the Third Son has forcibly raised the bloodline to the ranks of super-beasts. As a result, the destruction of God Emperor was appreciated and appreciated, and he was accepted as a disciple.

One of the characteristics of the Red Tiger is that its defense is super strong.

His claws are very sharp, and even the inferior real artifact is hard to escape in his claws.

The claw of the beast **** is to make full use of its claws and power to form a perfect combination, and finally realize a trick.

This move is extremely powerful. From the perspective of the Third Son, the claw of the beast **** is enough to defeat Fang Chen and hold the beauty.

Therefore, when Fang Chen actually tried to use pure physical strength to resist the claws of the beast god, the face of the Third Son showed a disdainful smile.

"Earth turtle is earth turtle."

Dare to compare the physical strength with the Beast God Clan, is this not to death?

The beast **** clan's flesh is strong and well known in the **** realm.

The Gucang Realm, ranked third in the five largest Jedi, is in the territory of the Beast God Clan. Like the Nanling Sword Palace, the Beast God Clan also regards the Gu Cang Realm as a place where the tribes sharpen their flesh.

Although the ancient warehouse is dangerous, the cardinal number of the beast **** clan is too large.

As long as one of the 100 people came out alive, that would be considered a success.

The three great sons, all of them are the powerful players of the Shenhuang Realm who have fought **** battles in the realm of Gu Cang. Their physical strength has reached the ultimate level of the Shenhuang Realm.


The claw of the beast **** in the sky is huge and shocking, swooping down, directly covering Fang Chen's entire body.

However, from beginning to end, Fang Chen's face did not change.

He stood quietly, the sword-shaped runes circulated, and the perfect sword body was pushed to the extreme.


When the beast god's claws covered Fang Chen's body, he tried to disintegrate and crush Fang Chen's body.

However, it was blocked.


The strength of the beast god's claws hit Fang Chen's body fiercely. The shock wave formed was enough to tremble the ordinary King Realm Powerhouse.

However, what is striking is that the sword-shaped runes of Fang Chen's body actually resisted the claws of the beast god. The latter cannot get in.

"How can it be?"

The third son suspended in mid-air, his face also changed greatly.

No one knows the power of the beast god's claw better than him, this kid can resist.

"Pure physical strength, resisting the power of the beast god's claw?"

The third saint's face changed greatly, and he quickly reached out, increasing the power of the beast god's claw, and wanted to take this opportunity to suppress Fang Chen.

On the square, the crowd around the audience shook.

Even the woman in black was a little stunned. After a long time, she nodded gently, her dark eyes, and thoughtfully looked at Fang Chendao: "The island's flesh is really powerful."

"Yes, this disciple of Gu Zu, it seems not easy." The old man said with a smile, the other party was full of praise in his words.


The perfect sword body once again proved that the well-deserved world's strongest special physique.

The sword-shaped runes circulated, and the powerful sword gas surrounded it, no matter how the power of the beast god's claws was enhanced, Fang Chen could not be shaken.

The atmosphere on Yanwutai has been suppressed to the extreme.

Fang Chen raised his head and looked at the Third Son. "If you only have such a little strength, just admit defeat."

"Humph, you are dead."

The Third Son was completely irritated by Fang Chen, the claws of the beast **** exploded suddenly, and the power of terror drowned Fang Chen.

At the same time, the Third Son became an ontology, and a grim-faced red tiger appeared suddenly on Yanwutai.

There is a king character on the forehead of the marrow red tiger, and there are traces of bone marrow circulating around its body.

The marrow red tiger transformed into the body has a stronger body atmosphere.

"Boy, I admit that your strength is very strong. But it is not enough to defeat me." There was a cold voice in the mouth of Chi Chi.

Fang Chen came out of the majestic power, and said lightly, "It seems that you still haven't recognized your situation."


The most hated thing of the Third Son is that Fang Chen's breeze is light.

Upon seeing this, it opened a big mouth of blood basin, roared, and rushed directly to Fang Chen.

Beside Xingyue, the woman in black shook her head. "The Third Son has already been in trouble, he has lost this battle."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that there is such a rising star in the younger generation of God Realm now." The old man nodded slightly. "In time, this child will be comparable to the young lady."


The third son, transformed into an ontology, exhibited the talented magic power of the Red Tiger.

However, Fang Chen is no longer wasting time. The five swordsmanship of Taikoo Refining God's tactics are issued simultaneously, directly interrupting the talented magic power of the Red Tiger.

At the same time, he exhibited the Demon Dragon Sword.

Huh ...

In the sky, there was a sudden gust of wind, and lightning and thunder in the sky.

The clouds were overcast, and the whole sky was directly gloomy.

The long sword in Fang Chen's hand waved in the air, and the sword lights swiftly turned into a black dragon and swooped down.

"Twenty-three layers of the Dragon Destroyer Sword are enough to deal with the Third Son."

Fang Chen secretly said.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and the golden liquid merged into the Xingyin sword, which immediately increased the power of the magic dragon.

On the square, the complexion of the old man and the woman in black changed greatly.

Fang Chen brought them too much shock. How many secrets are hidden in his body?

"It's really not easy to destroy the Divine Emperor." The old man sighed. "His accomplishments in swordsmanship, even the sword repair of the Nanling Sword Palace, can't be compared. Moreover, he performed the swordsmanship of the swordsmanship, even I felt terrified. "

"I haven't been born for a long time. I didn't expect to encounter such a splendid fight as soon as I came out." The woman in black opened her eyes wide and smiled.

"Miss, the power to destroy the Divine Emperor is also at the highest level in the Divine Emperor Realm. When you come out of the reincarnation, you can also deal with him." The old man laughed.

The woman in black nodded her head gently, her eyes always on Fang Chen's body.

A moment later, a crazy roar came from Yanwutai.

Under the strong attack of the Demon Dragon Sword, a lot of sword marks appeared on the Third Son.

He was furious in his heart and looked up at the sky to show his talents to the extreme.

However, to no avail.

Fang Chen's Jianguang is too tricky, no matter how he resists, he can't avoid it.

"Somewhat weak."

In the void, Fang Chen's figure flickered, and while showing it, he felt the magic dragon destroying the sky sword.

He originally thought that in the battle with the third son, he realized the 24th floor, which now seems impossible.

"Then end the fight."

Fang Chen said secretly, then his figure appeared on Yanwutai, and he hacked a sword.

This sword, as heavy as Mount Tai, is domineering.

Thump ...

A sword came out, and the world was shocked.

Blood flowed through the body of the Third Son, a paw was badly hit, and his breath was a little slack.

He barely supported the body and stood on the Yanwutai, staring at Fang Chen fiercely.

"Do you want to continue?"

Fang Chen spread his hands and asked, this action made the Third Son feel great shame.


The Third Son looked up to the sky and his body was changing.

The eyes are scarlet, the breath of killing rises into the sky.

"Fang Chen, you forced me."

In a blink of an eye, the Third Son again turned into a humanoid form, but his body showed a more severe breath.

Thump ...

In the hands of the Third Son, a spear appeared and opened his mouth to spray a sip of blood on the spear.

Suddenly, there was a loud voice inside the spear.

"No, the Son used taboos."

No lack of God Emperor and other people's faces changed greatly, want to block, but it was too late.

"Brother Chen."

Xingyue, who has always been calm, was also anxious.

"Sister Yue, you don't have to worry. The Third Son is useless even if he uses taboos, paper tigers, not scared." The black woman smiled and took up Xingyue's little hand, comforting.

The old man in the reincarnation hall also nodded.

"Miss is right. The strength of the owner of Jinfeng Island is far above that of the third son. The reason why he refused to end the battle was to treat the third son as a sparring partner."

In fact, the old man said nothing in his heart.

The person of the Heavenly Bone Palace, the first hidden means of God Realm.

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