Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1942: no Zuo no Die

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When Mo Wu woke up, it was seven days later.

"Brother Wu, how is it?" Fang Chen asked.

Mo Wu was full of smiles on his face, very excited. "Brother, I have successfully accepted the inheritance of Hercules Emperor. How about you? How? Passed the fourth level evaluation?"

In Mo Wu's view, his teacher's apprentices have little problem passing the fourth level evaluation. But if you want to hit the fifth level, it seems a little difficult.

"Passed." Fang Chen said. "Always waiting for Brother to wake up. Now that Brother has accepted the inheritance, we should leave."

"Okay, let's go." Mo Wudao.

The brothers and sisters left from the tower of Hercules.

Immediately, the tower of Hercules turned into nothingness, and was included in Fang Chen.

When the two came out of the Temple of Hercules, there were many clan members of the Beast God Clan.

The head of the person, awesomely, is the third son, beside him, standing the **** of the cold, and some powerful elders of the **** emperor realm.

"Elders, please help me to capture this son." After the third son saw Fang Chen, Shen Sheng said.

In order to avenge his revenge, he also invited elders from many gods and emperors in the clan at all costs.

"Isn't this the third son? I was beaten into a pig's head and recovered so quickly?" Fang Chen looked at the third son with a smile.

He was chased by the Swordless Emperor, and the Destruction Emperor had appeared twice.

For this reason, Fang Chen does not want to easily kill the clan of the Beast God Clan.

"Fang Chen, can you still laugh?" The Third Son looked somber and coldly said.

"Why can't I laugh? My men are defeated. Your actions are stupid. I will never be merciful, and I will beat you into a pig's head again."

"Elders, please come with me."

"Destroy God Emperor, you are too arrogant."

"Hand over the weapon of the Third Son."

"We didn't want to be against you, but if you are so arrogant, you will offend."

With the order of the Third Son, many elders shot.


Mo Wu was a little anxious. He met so many enemies just after he came out. He was worried.

"Senior brother is watching a good show."

Fang Chen grinned and rushed into the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chen opened the runaway mode. Like a humanoid monster, he has incredible power.


The third son was the first to bear the brunt. Fang Chen didn't hesitate and hit his head with a punch.

The latter's head shook and his body flew out. Fortunately, it was Fang Chen who deliberately controlled the strength, otherwise, if he tried his best, his Yuanshen would have been smashed.


The third Holy Son shouted miserably, his face full of anger.

"too weak."

Fang Chen shook his head and said softly.


One punch after another, the elders of the Beast God Clan couldn't get close to Fang Chen's body.

In a blink of an eye, there was a large lie on the ground, and a miserable cry came out.

Fang Chen looked at the people with a smile, and said: "Your strength, dare to come out and embarrassing? Really embarrassing the Beast God Race."

After all, Fang Chen walked towards the third son step by step.

"Too strong. How could he be so strong?"

"His power has exceeded the scope of the Divine Emperor Realm."

"Did he break into the Divine Emperor Realm? Impossible, absolutely impossible?"

All the elders fell to the ground and their bodies became stiff. They cannot accept the facts before them.

They are known as elders of the Beast God Race, and their physical bodies are extremely powerful. However, in the face of Fang Chen, he couldn't even withstand a punch, which was too self-confident.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the third son, his body kept receding and looked at Fang Chen with vigilance.

"Aren't you going to take revenge?"

Fang Chen asked.

The head of the Third Son, like a rattle, rocked wildly.

"Destroy the Divine Emperor, you have a large number of adults, let me go. I swear, I will never remember to hate you again." Proud as the third son, Fang Chen was completely deterred.

"Relax, I won't kill you. However, I will leave you a lesson that you will never forget."

Immediately, before waiting for the Third Son to speak, Fang Chen grabbed his collar and punched his head with punches.

A miserable cry came from the mouth of the Third Son.

Numerous elders around the Beast God Clan tremble and their hearts are full of panic.

Too violent, like a humanoid monster.

After a while, Fang Chen finally stopped punching.

At this time, there is nothing like the third son.

The head is bigger than the pig's head, and no one can recognize it. But he was not dead yet, and he was not in danger. Fang Chen's shot is also decent.

"Go away, my uncle, I'm in a good mood, I don't want to kill you." Fang Chen said.

It was heard that many elders hurriedly took the third son, and left in embarrassment.

"Brother, you too ..."

Nothing was more shocking than Brother Wu Wu, his inner feelings were too strong.

The two also accepted the inheritance, but Fang Chen's physical strength surpassed several levels of him.

"Senior brother, your physical strength is invincible in God Emperor's Realm." Mo Wu froze for a long time before coming back to God and excitedly said.

"It's just a fluke." Fang Chen said modestly.

"I admire you."

Mo Wu said several admirations in a row.

If I said before, I still have some dissatisfaction with my brother. It's gone now.

This kind of evil spirit talent can almost sweep the invincible hand of the ancient warehouse.

"Hahaha, after seeing the Beast God Clan dare to interfere with my practice in Gucang Realm." Mo Wu haha ​​laughed.


Mo Wu's smile came to an abrupt end, and his face became dignified.

"What happened to Brother Five?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

"Brother Master told me that he had some troubles." Mo Wudao: "The first son of the Beast God Race seems to be disturbing Master Brother's cultivation."

"Is the Beast God Race? It's really a ghost."

Fang Chen said slightly: "Take me to find the brother."

"Okay, I will give the voice to the master." Mo Wudao.

A moment later, Mo Wudao said: "I have spoken to the master, and he is walking towards where we are. We meet him on the road."


On a wasteland, a man in black with a flashing figure and a very fast speed. Behind him, there is a huge python chasing.

"Emperor Tianding, you coward."

The giant python is the Nine Serpent Python, the first son of the Beast God Race.

"You despicable villain, if you have the ability, fight with me outside the ancient warehouse." The man in black is the great disciple of the ancestor of the gods.

"In the ancient warehouse, what is it to suppress me with physical power?"

The name of the God Emperor Tianding is also well-known in God Realm.

He is the eldest disciple of the Guzu, and he is super powerful, even if compared with the six ruler emperors.

However, Tianding Shenhuang has been relatively low-key. They have been practicing in the ancient warehouse for a long time.

I had some grievances with the first son before, and the first son found his trace, and then he did not follow it.

If it is outside, he has no fear of the First Son.

However, here is the ancient warehouse, suppressing the true divine power. With physical strength alone, he really couldn't fight the First Son.

Knowing that it is a loss, why fight?

Therefore, in the face of the chase of the First Son, Tianding Shenhuang directly ignored it.

"Tianding Divine Emperor, you are also a ancestral disciple anyway. I fled without a fight. I really feel embarrassed for you." The huge python said spittingly.

call out!

The First Son flicked his tail violently, and his tyrannical force crashed directly into the Divine Emperor.

The latter hurriedly evaded, his body staggered.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the First Son stopped the journey of God Emperor Tianding.

Immediately afterwards, the First Son became a humanoid and looked at the God Emperor Tianding with a smile.

"Sometimes I found an opportunity to ravage the God of Heaven and Earth, would I miss it?" The First Saint Zi smiled grimly.

"The Nine Nether Pythons are really shameless. You are the first Saint Son of the Beast God Clan. You can only rely on the pressure of the ancient warehouse to fight me." Tianding Shenhuang sneered.

He simply disdained the First Son and looked down on him.

"It doesn't matter, you can say whatever you want. I am relatively straightforward and only look at the results." The First Son said eerily: "And today's results are destined to be good news for me."

"After today, everyone in God Realm will know that the great disciple of the ancestor of the ancestors is the **** of the heavens and the devastated disciple of the emperor."

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