Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1951: True invincibility

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The physical power that he was proud of was completely suppressed by Fang Chen.

This made Wu Teng uneasy, and he was not willing to accept the fact in front of him. So he has to fight everything and defeat his opponent.

Only in this way can the obsession in his heart gradually dissipate.


When the lightning pattern on Wu Teng's body covered his whole body, the words cold in his mouth spit out.

Immediately, his wrist trembles, and the leather whip in his hand suddenly dances in the sky. There was a horrible flash of thunder on the leather whip.


A deafening voice sounded, and the majestic power of thunder in the sky suddenly penetrated into the leather whip.

At this moment, the power inside the leather whip reached its extreme.


Wu Teng controlled the leather whip and exhibited the unfathomable magic of the Undead Pavilion. The majestic power of creation rules merged with the power of Thunder to form a shocking power.


Where the leather whip passed, the void collapsed everywhere, and the whole reincarnation hall was shrouded in a trembling breath.

Seeing this scene, the many emperors of the reincarnation hall were shocked.

The four reincarnation kings were even more shocked, staring at Wu Teng in a stunned state.

"It's worthy of being the most powerful undead warrior in the Undead Pavilion. It's really powerful."

"Wu Teng, who is in a violent state, even if the four of us join forces, I am afraid that he can't beat him?"

"I don't know if Destroying God Emperor can resist Wu Teng's attack."

"If Ling'er came out of reincarnation, the power of reincarnation in Wanshi should deal with Wu Teng easily."

The four reincarnation kings were a bit worried, and at the beginning they thought that Fang Chen must win.

But now, a lot of doubts are emerging in their hearts. It's just that Wu Teng's current strength is too arrogant.

However, of all the appearances on Yanwutai, only the two great emperors and the first round of Wang Ling'er were relatively calm.

The two great emperors have long known the outcome of this battle. Even if Wu Teng's attack power is strong, it cannot be Fang Chen's opponent.

The reason why the two did not say anything was because of a certain tacit understanding.

Linger, however, saw it completely with his own eyes.

"Wu Teng's undead magic is strong, but Fang Chen's brother is winning."

In the eyes of countless eyes, Wu Teng's leather whip came to Fang Chen in thunder.

"The magic dragon destroys the sky sword."

In the face of Wu Teng's attack, Fang Chen didn't support him. The Xingyin sword waved out. The trembling sword gas suddenly whizzed out, suspended in mid-air, and turned into a black dragon.


The black dragon suspended in mid-air burst into a deafening sound of dragon chanting.

Immediately, under Fang Chen's control, he slammed into the leather whip.


The leather whip and the black dragon suddenly entangled together, and the power of terror suddenly escaped.

The entire Yanwutai was swept by wild forces.


As each black dragon collapses, it weakens the whip's power a lot.

In a blink of an eye, the black dragon collapsed completely, and the leather whip in Wu Teng's hands gradually weakened.


Seeing this, Fang Chen once again made a sword.

This blow was Fang Chen's strongest attack, and no one in the God Emperor Realm could resist it.


Wu Teng widened his eyes and waved his leather whip desperately, trying to resist it. But to no avail, his body was blasted fiercely.

"Do not……"

Wu Teng shouted miserably, and his eyes were scarlet, and he attacked more frantically.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Fang Chen gradually took control of the rhythm in the scene. Every sword split left a mark on Wu Teng's body.

However, Wu Teng's abnormal self-healing ability is gradually revealed.

Almost at the same time that the sword marks are left, the power to create rules emerges and the sword marks disappear automatically.

In this scene, even Fang Chen was somewhat helpless.

"Perverted self-healing ability."

However, Fang Chen was not in a hurry.

Now Wu Teng has completely lost his mind.

Moreover, Fang Chen does not believe that he can maintain such a horrible self-healing ability for a long time.

Once his attack speed exceeds his self-healing speed, Wu Teng's defense does not attack and break through.

In this way, the fighting on Yanwutai gradually weakened.

Half an hour later, Fang Chen took the opportunity to stab Wu Teng with a sword.

The latter dodged in vain, but was still stabbed in the arm, blood was spilling over the sky, and his body was bombarded in Wutai.


After Wu Teng's body fell to the ground, he quickly climbed up, with a terrible look, staring at Fang Chen desperately, wanting to attack again.

However, the creator **** finally spoke.

"Wu Teng."

The Creator God Emperor's face calmly said: "Knowing shame and being brave, this is the mentality that we martial arts people should have. His strength is indeed very strong. You are not his opponent now, but it does not mean that it will not be in the future."

"As the strongest undead warrior in our Undead God Pavilion, you should have self-knowledge." Creation Divine Emperor said again: "In this battle, you have lost. You don't need to fight again, go back and get a good understanding. Strive to step into Divine Emperor as soon as possible Situation, it is not too late to compete with him. "

After hearing this, Wu Teng's body shuddered.

Immediately, the scarlet eyes gradually recovered, and his head recovered.

He clenched his fists at the Creator God: "Thank you Bishop Pavilion."

Immediately, he turned to look at Fang Chen, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Destroy the Divine Emperor, I admit that your strength is stronger than mine. But I will not give up because of it. Wait, I will one day defeat you with fairness and integrity."

After all, Wu Teng turned and left.

Seeing the Divine Emperor, he nodded comfortably.

Wu Teng's mentality was pretty good, and he soon accepted the facts before him.

At least this battle did not become his nightmare, it was just a hurdle to practice on the road, and it was enough to cross over.

There was silence in the entire Yanwuchang.

Everyone looked at Fang Chen dumbfounded.


A moment later, the cheers of the mountains and tsunami broke out instantly.

Linger's face showed a bright smile.

"Reincarnation, I will take a step first."

The creator Divine Emperor, with the undead God Pavilion, quickly left the reincarnation hall.

Everyone surrounded Fang Chen in the middle, and his strength conquered the entire reincarnation hall.

Reincarnation Divine Emperor walked down the podium, looked at Fang Chen, and said with a smile: "Thank you this time."

"Sir Emperor Shen does not have to be this way. Ling'er is my friend. Solve the worries and solve problems for my friends. It's just a hand." Fang Chen said.

Reincarnation Divine Emperor nodded, he appreciated Fang Chen's character. Victory is not arrogant but not discouraged. Although he defeated Wu Teng, he was not proud.

"Your potential is strong. I have a hunch that the next emperor who stepped into Divine Emperor's Realm must be you." Reincarnation Divine Emperor said: "Take a good rest. After three days, I personally protect the Fa and let you break into the Samsara Tower."


Fang Chen defeated Wu Teng and became famous in the reincarnation hall.

Until the evening, Fang Chen's courtyard, one after another samurai martial arts come to visit Fang Chen.

Because of the relationship between Ling'er and Reincarnation Divine Emperor, Fang Chen was not easy to refuse.

Fang Chen didn't relax until the moon came out.


Fang Chen was relieved, he was really not good at socializing.

"Brother Fang Chen, thank you very much." Ling'er walked with a smile, with two dimples on Qiao's face, very cute.

"Why are you polite?"

Fang Chen said: "By Ling'er, I don't know anything about the reincarnation tower, can you tell me something?"

The reincarnation tower that can be valued as much as the reincarnation hall is also extraordinary.

"Samsara Tower is the ancestral land of our reincarnation hall. There are a total of nine floors. Each floor is equivalent to the rebirth of the Baishi Renaissance. It is equivalent to breaking into the reincarnation, which is very helpful to the improvement of cultivation."

"Huh? If that's the case, then why is your way of reincarnation different?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

Linger smiled, and then said: "In fact, there is no danger in samsara in the samsara tower. Because the samsara tower itself is the treasure of the town hall of our samsara temple, and it is also protected by the master himself. It wo n’t improve too much. "

"Only by letting some of your souls go to reincarnation in person, the strength can be improved." Ling'er continued: "Our five reincarnation kings are not willing to enter the reincarnation tower to practice, they all invade reincarnation in person. This is dangerous though , But the benefits are huge. "

"However, these are only for those of us who reincarnate the temple. For your brother Fang Chen, the reincarnation tower is very suitable for you."

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