Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1970: Doujian Mountain Villa

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In fact, it took time for Fang Chen to understand Shenguangmu, much longer than expected.

In the previous year, the consciousness enveloped half of the space of Shenguangmu. I thought that within a year, I could completely cover the Shenguang wood space.

However, the later the period, the more Fang Chen discovered that the Yuanshen method touched the bottleneck, and the extension speed was very slow.

This attempt lasted for two years.

In the third year of Fang Chen's enlightenment to Shenguangmu, the consciousness finally completely enveloped the entire Shenguangmu space.


In the air, the terrifying pressure came instantly.

It's just that these pressure lines can't touch Fang Chen, but instead let the latter feel that the body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Cosmic God's perception of martial arts."

Fang Chen feels that within the range touched by his own consciousness, every corner has the remaining breath of the universe god. This kind of breath directly allowed Fang Chen's Yuanshen to be sublimated.

"Is this the perception of the universe god?"

Fang Chen's inner vibration, the perception of the universe god, is really too strong.

After just casually enlightening myself, I feel that my understanding of martial arts has improved a lot.

"It turns out so."

The twisted space, ripples and waves spread rapidly, the golden giant sword suppresses the **** light wood, and absorbs the breath of the cosmic **** wildly.

With the deepening of his understanding of Shenguangmu space, Fang Chen felt clear in his mind.

The Dragon Sword, which was stuck in the bottleneck before, also instantly crossed the chasm.

"call out."

Fang Chen used his fingers to bring his sword, and his terrifying fingers, turned into golden sword lights in the void, tearing the sky and frightening the heavens.

"Twenty-fifth floor of the Demon Dragon Sword."

The accumulation of kendo over the years has allowed Fang Chen to easily become the 25th floor.

Moreover, he felt that he had not reached the bottleneck.

"carry on."

Twenty-sixth floor, twenty-seventh floor ...

When practicing to the 28th floor, the restless sword energy in the body finally stopped.

Fang Chen's divine consciousness also withdrew from the Shenguang wood space in an instant.

An excited smile appeared on his face.

Put away Shenguangmu, the golden giant sword once again turned into a golden heart, and drilled into his body.


In the golden heart, a trace of the imperceptible cosmic **** breath gradually penetrated into Fang Chen's limbs and corpses.


Seeing this, Fang Chen was very ecstatic.

"The harvest is really not small." Fang Chen could not help sighing.

This practice took three years before and after. It was not a long time, but it was very rewarding.

In particular, the magic dragon destroys the sky sword to the 28th floor. If you try your best, you should be able to easily withstand the attack of the first level of God Emperor Realm.

"Calculate the time, it's almost the time for the Divine Emperor's gathering." Fang Chen said secretly: "When the Divine Emperor's gathering is over, continue to enlighten Shenguangmu."

Fang Chen felt that Shen Guangmu's enlightenment would allow him to break through to Divine Emperor Realm.

"Fang Chen."

As soon as he got out of the customs, Gu Zu came to the news.

"Master, I just got out of the customs." Fang Chen said.

"Tomorrow is the day of the Divine Emperor's gathering, you come to me here." Guzu said.

Soon, Fang Chen came to the garden.

Gu Zu was fishing, and he saw a smile of excitement on his proud disciple.

"Your boy, how is the harvest?" Gu Zu asked. He knew that Fang Chen had been comprehending Shen Guangmu for the past three years, and specifically asked how he was doing.

However, Gu Zu didn't think Fang Chen could make a difference.

"Master, the breath contained in Shenguangmu is unbelievable, and the disciple has a little harvest." Fang Chen modestly said.

Gu Zu nodded and said, "Shenguang Mu doesn't understand even our ten most powerful divine emperors. You don't have to waste time on it. Just look at it and don't go deep."

"Master is teaching." Fang Chen said. "Oh, Master, will tomorrow be the day of the Divine Emperor meeting?"

"Yes, the location of the God Emperor's gathering was set at the Nanling Sword Palace." Guzu said.

After hearing this, Fang Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the meeting time of the Divine Emperor would be fixed in the Nanling Sword Palace.

Seemingly guessing Fang Chen's thoughts, Gu Zu smiled and said: "Divine Emperor Gathering, every place will be in one of the seven top forces. This time it was Nanling Sword Palace."

"Clean up, I will take you past today." Guzu said.

"Master, I have packed it up," Fang Chen said.


Nanling Sword Palace, Doujian Mountain Villa.

This is the center of the Nanling Sword Palace, and no one can enter without the permission of the Divine Emperor.

The meeting place of the Divine Emperor was in Doujian Villa.

It is a pity that the Wujian Divine Emperor still did not go out.

However, everyone does not care either. After all, a strong person like them, it takes tens of thousands of years to retreat casually.

No Sword Divine Emperor is no longer, the Divine Emperor gathering is coordinated by the Black Emperor.

A total of two great emperors participated in the gathering at Nanling Sword Palace.

In Doujian Mountain Villa, the Black Emperor and the Death God Emperor stood at the gate and greeted the God Emperors with smiles.

"Brother, don't be anxious, Fang Chen will definitely come this time." Heidi passed on the sound to Death Divine Emperor, he was afraid that his brother could not control it.

"Relax brother, I will not leave any handle to other Divine Emperors." Death Divine Emperor nodded.

At this moment, the God of Destruction of the Beast God Clan came.

"Destroy Divine Emperor, please quickly." Heidi greeted with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, there is the reincarnation emperor of the reincarnation hall, the creation emperor of the immortal pavilion, the time emperor, the space emperor, and the fate emperor.

Guzu is the latest among the ten great emperors.

Once again came to the Nanling Sword Palace, Fang Chen felt deeply.

Just entering the Nanling Sword Palace, I felt the horror of the sword.

"Go, go directly to Doujian Mountain Villa." Gu Zu said.

Stepping out, the master and apprentice came to Doujian Villa.

"Gu Zu, please." Heidi said.

The eyes of the Death Divine Emperor, staring at Fang Chen dyingly, wished to crush his corpses for tens of thousands, but he knew that the time was yet to come.

All Divine Emperors have settled down.

"Master, why do other forces have only one Divine Emperor?" Fang Chen asked in doubt.

"Do you think Divine Emperor is so easy to break through?" Gu Zu stared at Fang Chen with a glance: "Looking at the whole Divine Realm, except for our Heavenly Bone Palace with two Divine Emperors and Nanling Sword Palace with three Divine Emperors, almost all other forces Is a divine emperor. "

The remaining five top forces, there are five Divine Emperors, plus two Heavenly Bone Palaces and three Divine Emperors in Nanling Sword Palace. This is already ten Divine Emperors.

There are also four great emperors on the Antarctic continent, three free emperors, and a total of seventeen emperors.

There are a total of 17 people in the current Doujian Mountain Villa.

Wujian Divine Emperor no longer, but came a Fangchen, no change in the number.

However, Fang Chen has been the God Emperor's gathering since its establishment. The first person who took God Emperor's Realm as a participant and participated in the God Emperor's gathering, he has created the history of God Realm.

The latecomers may have difficulty breaking their records in a short time.

"However, the 17 Divine Emperors are just nominal. There are also many Divine Emperors who are hidden in the world. They are indifferent to fame and fortune, and they are dedicated to the pursuit of the pinnacle of martial arts. If they want to hide, even us, it is difficult to find them. "Gu Zu explained."

Fang Chen nodded, he had the same idea as Guzu.

There is more than one divine emperor in God Realm, there must be a hidden divine emperor.

For example, the mysterious divine emperor who took away Xingyue has not yet found its trace.

However, it can also be seen from this point that the Swordless Divine Emperor is stunning. Apprentices who can bring out two Divine Emperor Realms, one of the Three Divine Emperors, is famous in the universe.

"It stands to reason that there are three great emperors in the Nanling Sword Palace. How can we be among the top three in the top seven forces?" Fang Chen asked again.

Gu Zu shook his head, he seemed unwilling to say more. "There are many things you don't know. When you step into Divine Emperor Realm, you will naturally know."

"Right now, you need to pay attention to the challenge of Death Divine Emperor and Black Emperor." Gu Zu said: "The Divine Emperor gathers to allow many Divine Emperors to communicate with each other and enhance the strength of the entire God Realm."

"You can make an exception to participate in the Divine Emperor Party, which has created history. At the Divine Emperor Party, the two great Divine Emperors in the Nanling Sword Palace will not miss such a good opportunity, and will certainly challenge you."

"Once they issue a challenge, you can't refuse. This is the rule of the Divine Emperor's gathering, and I won't say anything at that time." Gu Zu said.

"Is the Black Emperor the Death Emperor?"

Fang Chen said to himself, "Their brothers and sisters should be second-level **** emperors?"

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