Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1972: Recognized

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Death Divine Emperor broke out his strongest attack power, and Fang Chen, who was able to contend with him one or two, was forced to retreat in an instant, and even his attack was instantly broken.

Seeing this, Fang Chen's figure exploded rapidly.

"It seems that the Tower of Hercules is still needed."

Fang Chen stared at the Death Divine Emperor caught in the rage and secretly said.

After all, Death Divine Emperor is the second-level peak Divine Emperor, and it is the only Divine Emperor among many Divine Emperors.

His research on Yuanshen has reached an incredible level.

Even the ten most powerful divine emperors are inferior to the death emperor in the study of Yuanshen.

Although the death emperor is a sword repair, but his sword attack is far worse than the black emperor.

At this moment, the death **** emperor exhibited his own attack method of Yuanshen, and Fang Chen felt that Yuanshen was shaking.

"not good."

Shura Divine Emperor and others, whose face changed greatly, secretly shouted, worried for Fang Chen.

Gu Zu's complexion gradually dimmed.

"Death Emperor's research on Yuanshen is really admirable." Time Emperor sighed.

The Space God Emperor on the side also said: "In God Realm, no one can compare with the Death God Emperor's research on the God of Death. The method of the God of God attack he created is also stunning."

"I thought Destruction Emperor could be comparable to Death Divine Emperor. Now it seems that Destruction Emperor has no chance of winning. However, it is also very powerful to be able to use God Emperor Realm as a battle and fight against Death Emperor . "

Several Xeon Divine Emperors said one after another.

The fighting atmosphere of Doujian Mountain Villa became dignified instantly.

Death Divine Emperor completely controlled the battle situation, he used his omniscience to Yuan Yuan, and perfectly suppressed Fang Chen.

"The **** to Yuanshen is so strong."

Yuan Shen trembled, Fang Chen frowned, and said coldly.

"Your strength is nothing more."

At this moment, Death Divine Emperor jumped into the air, and his big hand came out, and the terrifying soul breath breathed out instantly.

He was making the final blow, and the other Divine Emperors on the scene also knew that Fang Chen had no power to fight even if the blow fell.

To put it bluntly, after this blow, the battle is over.

"Let you try my strength."

Death Divine Emperor looked at Fang Chen, grinning grimly.

This move implies his absolute control of Yuanshen. From the appearance, it is a super attacking move.

But only the Death Divine Emperor knew best that if Fang Chen was hit by himself, it would not take long for his cultivation behavior to be abolished.

In his familiar field, he is confident.

Even the Ninth Greatest Emperor Divine Emperor cannot be discovered.

After the meeting of the Divine Emperor ended, Fang Chen had become a waste person, and no one would doubt himself.

The best way to retaliate against the enemy is to let it become a waste unconsciously.


Death Divine Emperor snorted, wild attack, roared, and fell hard.


Fang Chen snorted, the sword-shaped runes around him flashed, and a small tower appeared in the palm of everyone's attention.


Immediately after the appearance of the small tower, it skyrocketed to a few feet.

Around Hercules Tower, there was a terrifying breath. Under the control of Fang Chen, the tower of Hercules was severely attacked by the death Divine Emperor.

"Trick and worm skills."

Seeing this, the Death God Emperor sneered. Want to disperse your attack with weapons? Are you kidding me?

His own primal spirit attack is pervasive, unless it is the Xeon God Emperor, otherwise it is impossible to resolve.


Death Divine Emperor seemed to have seen the scene where Fang Chen was scrapped by himself, and he laughed wildly in his heart.

Immediately, the intensity was increased, and the speed of depression by the big hand suddenly accelerated.


A deafening voice came from Doujian Mountain Villa.

When the Hercules Tower collided with the Unreal Big Hand, the surrounding space collapsed and quickly twisted.

The violent breath, constantly escaping, ravages the whole earth.


The next scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Originally thought that Fang Chen's small tower would be suppressed by the unreal big hand.

However, the reality is that the Unreal Master has no resistance and is cracked by the Hercules Tower.

"How can it be?"

Seeing the death emperor, one pupil, shouted silently.

"I killed you."

Fang Chen said in a deep voice, controlling the overbearing Hercules Tower, violently smashing the unreal hand.

In a blink of an eye, the unreal big hand was completely smashed and disappeared into the void. Subsequently, Hercules Tower began a crazy attack on the Death God Emperor.


Death Divine Emperor shouted angrily. Although the Hercules Tower could not cause substantial damage to it, he could not smash the tower. Instead, he was perplexed by the Hercules Tower.

At this moment, many of the Divine Emperors present were shocked. Dazzled at the Hercules Tower in Fang Chen's hands.

"Is it the best artifact?"

Some Divine Emperor exclaimed that the ultimate real artifact appeared in the hands of a powerful God Realm, which is absolutely explosive news.

"The breath of this tower is absolutely the best artifact."

Even God of Destruction spoke.

Need for true artifacts, looking at the entire God Realm, are the most high-level weapons.

So far, there are only ten superb real artifacts, which are in the hands of the ten most powerful emperors.

Even other ordinary Divine Emperors have at most the highest quality artifacts.

For them, the ultimate artifact is an unreachable existence.

However, such a powerful existence appeared in the hands of a **** emperor.

Some embarrassing death gods persecuted by the tower of Hercules had a gloomy face and roared with anger, he was not reconciled.

I am the second-level peak divine emperor, and only one step away from the Xeon emperor. He doesn't have the best real artifact, why does a **** emperor have it.

"The best artifact is mine."

In the eyes of Death Divine Emperor, there was a hint of greed and a cold voice.

"However, this tower's attack is very single and powerful, which is really interesting."

"Huh, how do I feel this tower is familiar?" Emperor Taixu said suddenly.

Wen Yan, the eyes of other Divine Emperors looked.

The Emperor Taixu thought about it carefully and said immediately: "Is this tower a Hercules Tower?"

"Do you mean, Hercules's weapon Hercules Tower?" Destruction Emperor asked quickly.

Taixu Divine Emperor nodded and said: "This tower has a single attack method, but its power has reached the level of the ultimate real artifact. Legend has it that the Hercules Tower of Hercules Emperor looks like this."

Mentioning Hercules Emperor, the other Divine Emperors nodded one after another.

"I also feel a lot."

While several **** emperors were discussing, the battle of Doujian Mountain Villa had entered a stage of fierce heat.

Fang Chen used the Tower of Hercules to barely draw a tie with Death God Emperor.

However, the latter wanted to get the best real artifact, at all costs, crazy attack Fang Chen.

This also made the Guzu a little displeased, "Did everyone, should the battle end?"

"It really should be over. Divine Divine Emperor just questioned that Fang Chen was not qualified to attend the Divine Emperor's gathering. Now that everything is clear, I think everyone present, should no one doubt Fang Chen's qualifications?" Destroy Divine Emperor looked around. , Asked.

Finally, his eyes fell on the Black Emperor.

"Heidi, what do you think?"

"Destroy what you said is good, Fang Chen is indeed qualified to attend the Divine Emperor meeting."

After all, the Black Emperor spoke out to stop the Death God Emperor.

"Brother, stop."

Death Divine Emperor was stopped, a little displeased. But he stopped fighting and looked at Fang Chen fiercely.

"Fang Chen already has the strength of the second level of Divine Emperor. There is no problem to participate in the Divine Emperor's gathering. The battle is over. The gathering will continue." The Destruction Emperor finished speaking and sat down cross-legged.

Hearing the words, Death Divine Emperor suddenly asked: "Destroy Divine Emperor, you say this, does it mean that you also regard Fang Chen as a strong level with our Divine Emperor?"

Destruction God Emperor nodded lightly.

"Then, in this case, can I shoot at will without obeying the Divine Emperor agreement?" The Divine Emperor continued to ask.

It is said that the eyes of other Divine Emperors also fell on the Destroying Divine Emperor.

Destroy Divine Emperor, faintly is the strongest Divine Emperor of God Realm. His words are also authoritative.

At least in some decisions, the destruction of Divine Emperor is still very powerful.

"Yes." Destruction God Emperor said.

Gu Zu didn't say anything. His disciple's strength itself was close to the second level of Divine Emperor. Coupled with the ultimate real artifact Hercules Tower, he retreated in the hands of Death Divine Emperor. There was no problem. He naturally did not worry.

"Guzu, congratulations."

Some **** emperors who had a good relationship with Tiangu Palace thanked them with fists.

For a time, Fang Chen became the focus of Doujian Villa.

The most complicated thing is the ancestor of Tianpeng and the ancestor of Devil Bird. The two of them are very unwilling.

What they once regarded as a ants-like existence now walks in front of them.

However, no matter how unwilling to be reconciled to no avail, they, as the Divine Emperor, still understand the truth.

From Fang Chen's performance just now, they knew a little.

From now on, Fang Chen can no longer be provoked. Even the Phoenix family who had made friends with Fang Chen could not provoke them.

The Divine Emperor meeting continued.

The Nineth Greatest Emperor Divine Emperor is a strong class, they communicate with each other.

As for the other Divine Emperors, they all surround Fang Chen and make friends with Fang Chen.

"The destruction of the Emperor God is really powerful. I will admire it."

"Yeah, I said at the beginning that the destruction of God Emperor will definitely shock God Realm in the future."

"The Divine Emperor Realm can fight like the Death Divine Emperor. If you become a Divine Emperor, the fighting power will be pushed to the Strong Divine Emperor.

The God Emperor Realm strong take the initiative to make friends, of course Fang Chen will not refuse, chatting with everyone with a smile.

The most deserted in the gathering of divine emperors is the host, the black emperor and the death emperor.

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of unwillingness.

"Brother, don't worry, wait for the God Emperor's party to end. We have a lot of time, the other party will shoot. The revenge of the Nanling Sword Palace must be reported. And the potential of this child is huge, it must be strangled in the cradle. "" Heidi said.

In fact, there is one word left in Heidi's heart, that is, he took a fancy to Fang Chen's best artifact.

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