Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2013: Stone Forest

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Peer-level formation method, corresponding to the strong level of the true **** level.

From the lowest god-level formation, to the highest **** low-level formation.

The celestial array method corresponds to the universe god. That is to say, the lowest level of the heaven-level formation method has the coercion of the cosmic god.

Fang Chen and Fang Xi just entered the stone forest and felt the suppression of the formation.

"Father, aren't you an array mage? Can you break it?" Fang Xi asked.

"I'm not sure, but it takes time." Fang Chen said.

Fang Xi heard the words and said softly: "I will resist the attack of the Stone Forest Array. Father, you concentrate on cracking the array."

Fang Xi knew that his father's attainments in the formation of the formation were extremely strong, and he had already reached the ultimate level of the supernatural level, only one step away to be able to enter the level of heaven.

Although this stone forest array is a heaven-level array, according to Fang Chen's speculation, this should be the weakest heaven-level array.

As long as you give him time, it can still be cracked.

Besides, even if it is really impossible to crack, after waiting for a year or two, after Xier becomes an adult, everything will not break.

Of course, finally encountered such a powerful formation, Fang Chen still want to sharpen himself to see if he can take this opportunity to successfully break through.

Under the resistance of Fang Xi's powerful offensive, the attack of Stone Forest Array could not touch Fang Chen at all.

Fang Chen sat cross-legged in the center of the stone forest array, his consciousness spread, sweeping the whole stone forest array.

The terrifying array of breath spreads out. The first thing to do to crack the formation is to find the formation base and formation center.

This is a very important thing, because the power of Tongtian level formation is too unrealistic to want to break through brute force.


Fang Chen began to devote himself to the formation.


Over the North Sea, Mu Xian's figure suddenly appeared over the sea.

She looked down at him in horror, remembering the incredible things she had encountered before.

However, while she was preparing to speak out, she discovered that the origin of the universe was suppressing herself so that she could not speak.

"Can't you say everything about this place?"

Mu Xian looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.


Thunder on the ground, the sound of thunder in the sky, seemed to be responding to her.

At the same time, the suppression of the origin of the universe disappeared instantly.

Upon seeing this, Mu Xian's face was pale, and he shook his head, determined to hide everything he had seen before in the bottom of his heart.

In the Sky Bone Palace, the starry moon that was originally cultivated calmly.

The consciousness swept through and found that Fang Chen and Xi'er were no longer.

She was a little surprised and continued to spread her consciousness, looking for the whole God Realm.

However, to her surprise, Fang Chen and Xi'er could not be found.

"what happened?"

Xingyue's complexion changed greatly, and he hurriedly told Guzu this matter.

The latter was also dismayed after some investigation. There is no trace of Fang Chen and Xi'er in the whole God Realm. What is going on here?

"Where did the two of them go?" Gu Zu asked in a deep voice. "With the strength of Fang Chen and Xi'er, looking at God Realm, no one is their opponent."

"But ..." Xingyue was in a hurry, a little confused.

"Leave this matter to me, don't worry." Guzu comforted.

Gu Zu used the space-time repair system to search for Fangchen across the entire God Realm.

Time is passing, and two years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past two years, Fang Chen has been studying the Stone Forest Array. The breath of the whole body, the more powerful, seems to be able to break through at any time.

And Fang Xi, who resisted the attack of the Stone Forest, has become more and more powerful.

In a few more days, she will enter adulthood. Fang Xi felt that his body was undergoing transformation.

"Are you going to break through?"

Fang Xi's eyes flickered, very calm.

Long ago, she had known that she possessed the body of Wanrong and would automatically become a cosmic **** when she became an adult.

Therefore, on the occasion of the breakthrough, it is very calm.

Turning his head to look at his father who was cracking the formation, Fang Xi secretly decided to wait a few months.

The significance of Shi Linzhen to his father is self-evident. It is not too late to break through when he has no way.

In Fang Chen's mind, he constantly simulates the various trajectories of the Stone Forest Array. For a full two years, he has simulated no less than one million trajectories.

He wants to choose the one that is closest to the stone forest array among the one million kinds of running tracks, and then study it.


Shi Linzhen shook slightly, and Fang Chen caught a slight flaw in Shi Linzhen in an instant.

"Huh? There was wind in the stone forest array, this ..."

Fang Chen's face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly incorporated this news into his mind, matching with millions of running tracks.

After half an hour, Fang Chen finally selected a running track.

"According to my speculation, this trajectory should be the closest to the stone forest array." Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, his palms spread out, a terrifying array of breath, in his palm simulated a miniature stone forest array.


Stones formed by condensing breaths fell from the sky and fell in Fang Chen's palm.

A small palm, densely packed with tens of thousands of stones, these stones run through the sorted out running track.


After the pseudo-stone forest was in operation, it suddenly exuded terrible coercion.

This coercion is slightly weaker than the real Stone Forest. But Fang Chen was surprised.

"Sure enough."

He already knew the trajectory of the Stone Forest Array, and at the same time grasped the position of the array base and the center of the array.

"Finally I find you."

The pseudo-stone forest array in the palm of your hand has a panoramic view.

Fang Chen's palm was slammed in a sudden, and countless breaths burst into his mind.

The next moment he stood up violently, his body constantly shuttled in every corner of the stone forest.

Every time it appears, the sole of the foot will gently step on the ground. Throughout the process, there are no obstacles.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xi's pretty face was full of smiles.

That back view is still the father that makes her proud.

In the sky, the phantom figure suddenly appeared, looking at the stone forest array with some surprise.

"Geek, found the formation base and the formation center in two years?" Xing Ying said with a lip, "I don't know what method you will use to break the stone forest array."

In the ghost's memory, among the first seven warriors, it took 18 years to break the fastest record of the stone forest array.

The remaining six people basically took at least 40 to 50 years. One of them took more than 90 years, and almost missed the deadline.

In fact, for a hundred years, for the Divine Emperor Realm, it is really a flick of a finger.

However, Fang Chen is an out-and-out demon genius.

Whether it is martial arts, soul road, or formation.

Almost all-round development, all aspects are very prominent, there is nothing to be picky.

"Tongtian level formation is really subtle enough. Unfortunately, with my current position, I can't arrange the Tiantian formation."

When Fang Chen understood the trajectory of the stone forest array, his understanding of the array of paths was clear in his mind.

At the same time, it also opened a road to the sky-level formation mage.


With Fang Chen sipping low, suddenly in the stone forest array, under a lot of stones, a dazzling light erupted.


Under the action of Fang Chen, these stones actually broke without breaking, but suddenly shattered and turned into stone chips.

A total of 9,600 formations were found by Fang Chen and destroyed.

Next is the formation center, as long as you break it, and then run the stone forest array in reverse, you should be able to break this formation.

Without the support of the formation, the formation center clearly cannot resist Fang Chen's attack.

In a blink of an eye, the formation center completely disappeared, and the stone forest array began to oscillate and shattered.

Fang Xi stopped attacking, and now the Stone Forest is in a state of embarrassment, and has no attack power.

"Push backwards."

Fang Chen took a sip, waved his palm, and his figure flashed. The running trajectory outlined in his own mind reversed violently.

The reverse running trajectory breaks with the forward direction and directly explodes.

The dense and dense stones in the stone forest array are constantly fragmented.


Fang Chen waved his hand violently, and those crushed stones that were about to fall were directly rolled away.


The sound that shook the sky dome came from inside the stone forest array.

The stone forest disappeared, and the wilderness became full of eyes.

Fang Xi looked at his father in surprise.

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