Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2034: complex

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Even Mogo did not expect that things would evolve to this step.

Rather than beheading this arrogant guy, Mocha negotiated with him and wanted to get him to join.

"Mocha leader."

Mogo reminded.

Moka waved his hand and begged Mogo not to speak.

"How is it? My ambition is to dominate the Eastern District. And you want to improve your cultivation skills and then leave Wanmo Island. The two of us cooperated and it was a win-win situation." Moka Booth said.

"You believe me that way?" Fang Chen asked.

Moka grinned, didn't say much, just stared at Fang Chen quietly.

The two looked at each other in this way, everyone was wondering, what happened next?

After a moment, Fang Chen smiled first, breaking the deadlock.

"Happy cooperation."

Fang Chen held out his palm and shook hands with Mocha.

"Go, go to the meeting hall of the Black Soil Tribe and discuss the details of the cooperation." Moka waved his hand.

Fang Chen nodded and secretly evaluated Mocha a lot. Although this Mocha looks a bit rough on the surface, it has a quick mind, which is not comparable to the average person.

Black soil tribe, meeting hall.

"Brother Fang, I think so. Although we have cooperated, we will not announce it for the time being. In case the two tribes are prepared. Our Tribe tribe is on the surface, but secretly supports you and regains other tribes. Wait for the time. Mature, you and I join forces to fight against the two big tribes of the Nether Realm, they will certainly be able to unify the entire Eastern District in one fell swoop. ”At this point, Moka paused and continued:“ Even if the guardian wants to start against us It's time to weigh it. "

"no problem."

"Hahaha, Brother Fang is really happy."

Mocha appreciates Fang Chen more and more. Although he is young, he seems to be a battle-hardened strong man, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

"Okay, then I will go back to deploy."

Mocha clenched his fists.

"Slow walk, don't send."

After watching Mocha leave, he handled the matter of the Black Soil tribe briefly.

Fang Chen immediately returned to his courtyard and began to study the formulas of Taiko Refining God's tactics.

"With my current strength, I am still at a disadvantage against the God Realm Powerful, and strive to integrate the formula into the Taikoo Refining Formula before taking action." Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he began to study.


There are densely written small writings in the mind, and the Taiko Refining God's formula has a total of six layers. Each layer corresponds to a sword move, and only by integrating all six layers of recipes into the sword move is success.

"Let's start by destroying the sword move first."

Taking a deep breath, Fang Chen began the road to fusion.

The whole body emerged with the power of ruining the rule to the extreme. Fang Chen's palms kept waving, and the first-level formula emerged in his heart.

"The destruction of the sword master should have the power to destroy the world."

In Fang Chen's mind, he recalled the shocking words.

After about half an hour of enlightenment, he was blessed to the soul.

In an instant, Fang Chen felt the destruction of sword moves and mantras, the integration was through, and the natural fusion came together without any obstruction in the middle, and it was very smooth.


Fang Chen was overjoyed and excited.

He did not expect that the ruins of destruction would blend together so easily.

"carry on."


While Fang Chen was practicing, the Tribe was also holding an emergency meeting.

"Boss, why join forces with that outsider?"

"Yeah, he is provoking our Ster tribe, such people should be directly beheaded."

"Please think twice."

Many tribes and tribes opposed the cooperation between the Tribe and Fang Chen. However, Mocha did everything.

"This matter was decided after my careful consideration. Don't talk about it anymore. I've already decided. Don't let me hear the discussion about this matter in the future." Moka said in a deep voice.

Among the tribes, Mocha is very authoritative.

He said this, everyone immediately closed their mouths and stopped talking.

"Head, the Hanshan tribe is here."

Suddenly, a man hurriedly entered the meeting hall and reported.

"Oh? Hanshan tribe?"

"The leader seems to be Han Qi, the leader of the Hanshan tribe, saying that he has something to see you," said Xuanren.

"Let him come in." Moka said.

Moments later, a middle-aged man in a Chinese suit walked into the meeting hall.

"Mocha, don't come unharmed." Han Qi grinned.

"Why is leader Han Qi free to come to me?" Moka stood up and greeted Han Qi.

Han Qi smiled and said, "Mocha leader, have you forgotten the agreement between us?"

After hearing this, Moka's heart moved, and his eyes fell on Han Qi again.

"You came for that thing?" Moka asked.

"You also know that when we are in this state, it is very difficult to break through to the **** pattern realm. That treasure may lead us to step into the **** pattern realm." Han Qi said straight away.

"Decided?" Moka asked.

Han Qi nodded and said: "It's already decided. Each of our three tribes will go out and explore the mysterious place together."

Moka sneered, Han Qi's wishful thinking was loud enough.

This mysterious place was discovered by their three tribes at the same time. But Han Qi joined forces with the leader of the God Monkey Tribe to exclude him.

Later, after a long time, Han Qi found Moka and said that the Mysterious Land could give Mocha a place and let them enter with them.

Mocha was so smart that he guessed it.

Han Qi and the leader of the God Monkey Tribe must have lost money inside and could not get the treasure. So find him and let him be a cannon fodder.

The first time he did not agree, he did not expect to come again the second time.

But this time, Moka did not rush to refuse.

"It was you two who excluded me, and now I'm inviting me again? Could you let me act as cannon fodder?" Moka grinned.

Han Qi waved his hand: "How is it possible."

"I can go in with you, but I have a condition." Moka said. "Give me two places, otherwise I won't go in with you."

Moka was sure that Han Qi and the leader of the God Monkey Tribe made him a cannon fodder, so it was reasonable to strive for more places.


Han Qi showed a somewhat embarrassed look.

"If it doesn't work, forget it." Moka waved his hand away.

At this time, Han Qi was a little anxious and hurriedly said: "Okay, I am the one who promised you and gave you two places. But after entering there, you must obey my instructions."

"No problem." Moka said with a grin.

The two were pregnant with each other and calculated each other.

After sending away Han Qi, Moka sneered. The quota he was fighting for was reserved for Fang Chen.

Right now the entire Eastern District, except Han Qi and the leader of the God Monkey Tribe, only has the strength of Fang Chen, and they are at the same level.

"If you want Lao Tzu to be a cannon fodder, you are too naive. You will regret it by then." Moka sneered.

But at this time, Han Qi, who had walked out of the Stein tribe, had a meaningful smile on his face.

"This mocha is stupid enough, but that's fine. How about giving you two places? The level of danger in that place is not what you can imagine. Looking for you just makes you act as a cannon fodder, and really takes yourself seriously Now. "

Han Qi sneered: "Want to bring someone in to prevent us both from attacking you?"


Wanmo Island, as always calm.

It hasn't become lively because of the arrival of Fang Chen, but the pattern of the 31 tribes in the Eastern District is gradually changing.

It has been half a year since Fang Chen came to Wanmo Island.

During this period, with the secret help of the Tribe, Fang Chen has recovered more than 20 tribes. The remaining tribes are supported by two tribes behind him. He did not rush.

It was after Fang Chen integrated the formulas of Taiko Refining God's tactics into the sword moves.

Mocha finally came the news, let Fang Chen quickly went to the tribe.

"Are you going to act?"

Fang Chen's eyes brightened and asked.

As early as Han Qi agreed to give two places, Mocha informed Fang Chen about this matter.

The latter agrees and is also actively preparing.

"Han Qi just contacted me, the time is ripe."

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