Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2054: Suspended Tiangong

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In the trial field, **** atmosphere filled the world.

The power of the source in the air is extremely scarce, and it is impossible to maintain the practice of those criminals.

Therefore, they have no choice but to desperately kill the indigenous warriors of Wanmo Island, and then seize the cultivation resources on them.

After all, living a day is a day, maybe one day will be able to break through to a united state, or a higher level.

In that case, there is hope for leaving.

Never underestimate hungry wolves, and never overestimate the strength of geniuses.

As soon as he entered the trial field, the powerful criminal gave Fang Chen a lesson, so that his head was sober.

Hiding behind a remote hill, Fang Chen sat cross-legged on the ground and quickly recovered his strength. The long-time escape almost exhausted the strength in his body.

"Fortunately to escape this time, what about next time?"

Fang Chen asked himself, can't always go on like this, and good luck will not always be on his own.

What should I do? Only to enhance strength.

After carefully analyzing your current situation, there are only two ways to improve your strength. The first is to enlighten the sword drawing technique, and the second is to absorb the **** pattern of the fusion order.

If you can absorb the nine lines of God's merged order, that level of strength, even if it is placed in the realm of **** lines, can be regarded as a medium to upper level.

And now, he just absorbed a godly pattern of fusion order, which is considered a genius in the outside world. In this man-eating trial field, nothing counts.

"Sword-drawing is definitely impossible to understand in a short time."

Fang Chen pondered, and the purpose of his trip was just to explore the reality of the trial site, nor was it really necessary to practice here for a long time.

Soon, he made a decision.

See if you can find the same door in one or two Ten Thousand Demon Halls, ask about the trial site, step on the point and then quickly exit.

"I hope you have better luck and don't run into criminals." Fang Chen pouted and said lowly.

Immediately, he used the power of time and space practice, shuttled in the void, and kept searching.

On the wasteland behind a certain mountain, a **** pattern realm warrior in the Ten Thousand Demon Palace is fighting with a criminal full of blood.

"Delicious prey, jade ..."

The criminal said greedily while furiously fighting.

His attacking method is very strong. Above his head, there are three thousand Dao order patterns, and the escaped breath makes people discouraged.

And his opponent, the **** pattern realm warrior of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace, has only two thousand lines of order **** pattern, obviously not the criminal's opponent.

After some fierce battles, the people of the Devil's Palace are losing ground, and they will be beheaded by criminals.

At this moment, a sword light was born, stabted into the chest of the criminal with a thunderous speed.


A miserable cry came from the criminal's mouth. He screamed in the sky, his body trembles, and the scarlet breath suddenly emerged from his body.

"you wanna die."

The criminal's blood-red eyes stared at the corner of the void, shouting angrily.


The criminal attacked Chen Chen, the latter did not hesitate to show off the ancient sacred magic skills and sword-drawing techniques, and even the fusion of the **** pattern was released.

In an instant, Fang Chen and the criminals fought together.

"Why do you froze? Haven't you shot yet?" Fang Chen shouted.

At this time, the shocked man of the Ten Thousand Demon Palaces reacted and hurriedly shot up and joined forces with Fang Chen to suppress the criminals.

When the two joined forces, the offensive power was significantly improved, and the attack of the criminals was directly dispersed by the two.


After a few breaths, the battle situation changed.

Fang Chen teamed up with the people of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall to suppress the criminals.

The latter, with a terrible look, seemed to know that it was invincible and wanted to escape. But the two did not give him a chance, and displayed the strongest attack, bombing the criminal in one fell swoop.


The people in the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons stood breathlessly on the ground, their eyes full of excitement.

"This brother, thank you for your help."

Fang Chen waved: "All are in the same hall, there is no need to be so polite."

Hearing the words, the man of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace nodded, "If I didn't meet you this time, I'm afraid I would have died here."

"These criminals are too fierce to fight against them at the same level. How could you enter the trial field by yourself?" Fang Chen asked.

The man sat on the ground and quickly recovered his stamina: "The five of us entered the trial site together, but because of the discovery of a certain ruin, they were chased by the criminals. After a hard fight, only I escape Now, the other four are dead. "

Speaking of which, this person's face is a bit dull.

Fang Chen shook his head, this is the cruelty of the practice field.

"The trial site itself is very cruel, leaving Qingshan without worry or firewood. If you can live, it means that your four brothers' enemies still have hope. If you also fall, then there is really no way. "Fang Chen comforted.

The man's complexion gradually improved, raising his head, his deep eyes, staring at Fang Chen.

After a long time, he said: "Don't you want to know what remains we found?"

Fang Chen spread his hands and said: "You relentlessly found the relics, if you want to say, you will naturally say. If you don't want to say, what if I ask?"

Hearing this, the man nodded in satisfaction.

"You are unique. I can tell you the location of the ruins. But don't go before you have a certain strength, otherwise you will lose your life." The man said solemnly: "The whole trial field is very large. The criminal's den , In the middle of the practice field. The remains we found are near the criminal ’s den. "

In fact, Fang Chen was not very interested in the ruins.

Besides, what if you are interested? If you do n’t have enough strength, you can only listen to it.

"By the way, can you tell me about the trial site." Fang Chen said with a smile. "For example, is there any special place or famous place in the trial field?"

Faced with Fang Chen's inquiry, this man fell into contemplation.

After a moment, he suddenly thought of something.

"You say this, I really thought of a place." This humane: "There is a suspended Tiangong in the southeast area of ​​the trial ground. According to legend, the secret of the trial ground is hidden in the Tiangong. But so far, No one has ever entered the Tiangong, even if the **** pattern realm is strong, once it approaches the Tiangong, it will be bounced back. It will be seriously injured and die. "

"Hanging Tiangong?"

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly. Is there the secret of Wanmo Island?

"What is the origin of this suspended Tiangong?" Fang Chen continued to ask.

"I also listened to my uncle, his master is the elder **** pattern realm strongman of Wanmodian, and he knows a lot. It is said that a long time ago, Wanmodao at that time had not been unified yet. In the Tiangong, it is said that an earth-shattering war broke out. Countless Wanmodao strongmen entered the suspended Tiangong one after another. ”Having said this, he paused for a while and continued:“ That war was too shocking. The suspended Tiangong It almost shattered, and in the end, Wanmo Island won. However, those strong men who entered the suspended Heaven Palace disappeared strangely. "


Hearing this, Fang Chen's heart was even more excited.

He seems to be sure that the floating Tiangong is the way to leave the magic island.

"The suspension of the celestial palace is full of violent and extreme power. It is too cruel. Many powerful people on the Magic Island jointly created a trial field and enveloped the levitation of the celestial palace. Over time, no one went to the levitation. The man continued: "Over the years, criminals have entered the suspended celestial palace from time to time. But almost all are dead and there are very few criminals who can survive."

A smile appeared on Fang Chen's face.

My purpose has been achieved, and all the secrets should be hidden in the suspended Tiangong.

"Wait for your strength, and explore the suspended Tiangong." Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.

After chatting with this person for a long time, Fang Chen knew almost all the conditions of the practice field.

After the two of them negotiated, they decided to withdraw from the trial site, which is too dangerous and will die if they are not careful.


After leaving the trial field, Fang Chen immediately transmitted the sound to Huang Xuan. However, the latter was closed and unable to receive their own information.

Fang Chen pouted and returned to his courtyard.

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