Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2062: Took it all in one breath

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Along the way, both of them were constantly mocking Fang Chen.

It ’s hard to hear, but the latter does n’t want to bother with these two jumping beam clowns at all. They have no strength and like to be jealous of others.

Today's mission hall is particularly lively.

"so many people?"

Fang Chen is also a little surprised, usually there will not be so many people in the mission hall.

Soon, he heard the voice of discussion in the crowd, and it seems that five blood-level missions were suddenly released today, which is rarely seen in peacetime.

"Boy, hurry up and cancel the task. They are all scared and still posing here." Chi Yi servant sneered.

"Do you think it's so easy to kill a star-eater blood wolf? It's really naive." The blue-servant sneered.

Suddenly, some people in the crowd recognized Fang Chen.

"Isn't this person the guy who took the blood-level mission before?"

"How? Has the blood-level mission been completed?"

"Did you hear the two servants say? Without the strength to dare to take the blood-level mission, it is estimated that the star-biting blood wolf is scared and broken."

For a time, everyone in the mission hall laughed.


Fang Chen pouted and said disdainfully.

His behavior caused a lot of dissatisfaction. However, before the crowds rushed, he had already entered the mission room.

"Turn over the task." Fang Chen said straight away as soon as he came in.

The old man in charge of the handover task looked up lazily and said, "What task?"

"Blood-level missions, beheading the star-eating blood wolf."

Hearing the words, the old man's face changed a bit, his eyes widened, and he carefully observed Fang Chen.

"You completed the blood-level mission?" The old man asked incredulously.

Fang Chen nodded, and his palm turned over, and the little wolf cub who lost his life was taken out by him.

"This is ... Star Eater Blood Wolf."

The old man was quickly identified. This is indeed a star-eating blood wolf. Although it is only a cub, it is considered to have completed the task.

"You are waiting here, I will call Deacon Li."

Soon after, Deacon Li came to the room, looked at Fang Chen seriously, and said with a smile: "Are you finished the blood level task?"

"Not bad." Fang Chen nodded.

"This is your reward." Deacon Li handed the **** of order to Fang Chen, saying: "I have read your information, you are a servant of Miss Shuang'er Xiangheyuan. Your potential is very strong, and the void can absorb The three lines of God's pattern are already amazing. Work hard and strive to enter the pattern of God's pattern as soon as possible. Maybe the family owner can give you the surname by then. "

Although he completed the blood-level mission, it only attracted the attention of Deacon Li, and nothing more.

After chatting with Deacon Li for a while, Fang Chen walked out of the room.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on him, wondering if he had cancelled the mission.

"How? Was it scolded?"

"This time I was scolded, and next time I was directly beaten, I tell you."

The two servants smiled in misfortune.


Fang Chen walked from the crowd to the task panel, carefully watched it, and immediately took all five blood-level tasks.

"What? Is he crazy?"

Fang Chen's crazy behavior finally caused some dissatisfaction.

Many **** pattern warriors jumped out and accused Fang Chen of believing that he was not qualified to take blood-level tasks.

"Boy, quickly cancel the blood-level quest you took, otherwise, you can't get out of the quest hall."

"Yes, you don't have the strength to complete blood-level missions, but you still deliberately dominate. Is this a provocation mission?"

"Garbage, believe me or not?"

Many people surrounded Fang Chen in the middle, filled with righteous indignation, and some even wanted to start.

However, at this moment, Deacon Li appeared.

"What are you doing?"

Deacon Lee frowned slightly, and was a little unhappy.

"This is the mission hall. Who dares to make trouble, get out of me." Deacon Li got angry and everyone trembles, lowering their heads.

"Deacon Li, this kid is here to make trouble." The blue servant said, "He had taken the blood-level mission to kill the star-eaten blood wolf before, but he was scared, and when he came back to cancel the mission, he would blood-level All the tasks are taken, which is obviously intentionally seizing and not letting others take over. "

"Yes, ask Deacon Li to punish him severely." Chi Yi servant also said with a fist.

In the mission hall, there was silence, and everyone was watching Deacon Li.

They wanted to see how Deacon Li would punish this child. In the past, it was not without such a situation, often the mission hall would not be merciless.

"Get out of here."

Deacon Li had a rage in his heart and slammed a punch, blasting the blue and red-clothed servants out of the mission hall.

"Don't ever step into the mission hall again, otherwise you will come to meet me." Deacon Li said coldly.

The two servants who were bombed out of the mission hall were pale and humiliated. But after hearing what Deacon Lee said, he was so trembling that he fled directly.

"What's going on? Why did Deacon Li start with the two servants?"

Many warriors of the **** pattern are unknown, so they are very curious.

Deacon Lee looked around and immediately said in a deep voice: "Fang Chen has completed the task of slaying the bitter blood wolf, I can witness. So he is qualified and capable of taking the blood-level task. As for the deliberate occupation you said, I do n’t think it exists. "


The whole mission hall was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Fang Chen dumbfounded, and their hearts set off a storm.

Deacon Li, as the person in charge of the mission hall, naturally does not tell lies, does this guy in the void really complete the blood-level mission?

"Is this too shocking?"

In the shock of everyone, Fang Chen nodded gently to Deacon Li, and then left with a fist.


Harmony Garden.

As soon as Fang Chen came back, he immediately shut down and absorbed the goddess of fusion order obtained from Deacon Li.

The whole process of absorption is very smooth. Almost a scent of incense, the absorption of the fourth fusion order **** pattern is completed.


The strength of the body is oscillating, and the four lines of order and **** pattern complement each other, giving Fang Chen a very powerful feeling.

"Now I, even if it is the **** pattern realm of the five thousand Dao order **** pattern, right?" Fang Chen said to himself.

Fang Chen's eyes are full of excitement, more and more anticipation, to absorb the nine lines of merged order, the strength will soar.

However, he also has a sense of self-knowledge, knowing that the more the Void Realm absorbs the order goddess, the more difficult it will be in the later stages.

It is still easy to absorb now, and it will become extremely difficult when it is seven or eight.

And to absorb the ninth way, you need super talent.

Looking at the entire Eastern Xuantian and absorbing the Nether Dao Order God's Void, there are few.

"Hopefully I can succeed."

Taken five blood-level tasks in one breath, naturally it is not blind.

This is a decision made after careful consideration. Fang Chen has carefully read that one of the five blood-level tasks is relatively simple. With his current strength, he can completely complete it.

"Recently a wave of unidentified Shenwen Realm Warriors came from Zekai Town to investigate their identities."

This task may seem simple, but there are risks.

According to the mission prompts, this wave of unidentified **** pattern realm warriors is most likely a member of the blood dragon clan of Ling Fu's dead rival.

"First repair Xiu to consolidate."

Fang Chen secretly said, then closed his eyes.


At night, Zekai Town was brightly lit.

In a secluded courtyard, there are five warriors of the **** pattern, sitting together and discussing important things with each other.

"Brother, do you say that we can pretend to be Ling Fu if we pretend like this?" A man with a scarred face asked.

"When Ling Fu finds us, the task has been completed, and I'm afraid of something."

"The purpose of our trip is to attack Ling Shuang'er. If it can be beheaded, it would be better."

The man, who was called the elder brother, pondered: "According to intelligence, Ling Shuang'er has gathered tens of thousands of **** patterns, and his strength should not be underestimated. Moreover, he is in Ling House and has many masters. It is very difficult to sneak attack.

"However, we have time to figure out all the habits of Ling Shuang'er first, and then we are making a plan." Bald man said: "It is not possible, some of us have to make the necessary sacrifices."

"I am willing to sacrifice for the blood dragon clan."

"Yes, Ling Shuang'er's existence is Ling Fu's greatest hope, it must be strangled."

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