Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2084: Secretly follow

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Xinghe has no need to survive!

This is a naked threat. I am afraid that no one in the outside sect dares to say such crazy words.

However, the Blue Devils said.

Only because the strength of Xinghefu is too weak, he can destroy it with one hand.

"It's ridiculous, whether Xinghe Mansion is necessary to survive is not yours." Fang Chen laughed, looking at the Blue Devils as if watching an idiot. "And, you are not qualified to say that."

"Are you questioning my decision?" The Blue Devils asked grimly.

"How about questioning? If you have the ability, you will wipe out my galaxy." Fang Chen said coldly.


The Blue Devils are furious, ready to shoot.

However, Elder Heshan and Elder Baiwu came side by side.

After seeing this scene in the square, the two frowned slightly and were a little unhappy.

"What's going on?" Elder Heshan asked coldly.

Seeing the elder Heshan coming, the Blue Devils were even more arrogant.

"Elder Heshan, Fang Chen, a disciple of Xinghe Mansion, indulged his daughter, and left Xinghe Mansion without permission, which in itself violated the rules of Waizong. My brother, Lan He, enforced the rules for Waizong and wanted to capture this woman and give it to Elder Heshan Punishment. However, Fang Chen shielded his daughter, wounded my younger brother, and asked Elder Heshan to take charge of my younger brother. "

After the Blue Devils had finished speaking, he gave Fang Chen a glance, the meaning was obvious, that is, the elders had all come, depending on how you ended.

After listening to the Blue Devils, Elder Heshan nodded gently and turned around.

"Blue Devils, are you sure Fang Xi violated the rules of the outside sect?"

"It's true, this woman didn't even join the Promise Sword Sect." The Blue Devils clenched their fists.


Suddenly, the elder Heshan was furious and scolded: "Are you saying that you are questioning my decision?"

"Elder Heshan?"

The Blue Devils were also at a loss when they were scolded by Elder Heshan.

He didn't understand where he was wrong and why he was cursed by Elder Heshan.

"I can tell you clearly that this matter is wrong with your younger brother. His blue river is to blame himself, and it is not fun to find himself. Fortunately, Fang Chen's men are merciful, otherwise Zongmen will not be punished even if he is killed." Road.


The Blue Devils didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't expect that Elder Heshan would have this attitude.

"Elder Heshan, you are the elder responsible for the daily affairs of the external sect disciples, so it's a bit wrong to help Xinghefu?" Blue Devil whispered.

"Huh, the old man only held the introductory etiquette for Fang Xi not long ago, but you said that the old man helped Xinghefu? Come here, you tell me, how do I help Xinghefu? If you do n’t make it clear today, do n’t Go away. "Elder Heshan said.

After hearing this, the Blue Devils were also startled, and immediately widened their eyes.

"How can it be?"

At the moment, the Blue Devils had ten thousand grass and mud horses running past.

He glared fiercely at the blue river falling to the ground, his heart full of anger.

Does n’t this **** guy say that Fang Chen is the only one in Xinghe? Even if the information is not clear, dare to shoot at will?

Give him the Blue Devils ten thousand guts, and dare not question the words of Elder Heshan.

"Fang Xi has reached the standard of enrolling disciples and has officially become a disciple of Xinghe Mansion. What is wrong with her leaving Xinghe Mansion and wandering outside Sect?" Elder Heshan stared at the Blue Devils and continued to ask.

At this moment, the Blue Devils wished to find a ground seam to get in.

Numerous mocking eyes on the square made the Blue Devils feel lost.

"And you, Blue River, don't know how to practice well all day, and don't know what to think about. Even if Fang Xi violates the rules, there will be law enforcement departments to punish, what do you jump out of?" Elder Heshan scolded loudly.

"I know that Chen Qian beheaded Lan Zhen, and you, Blue Moon House, have a prejudice against it. But you have to know that that is Lan Zheng's violation of the rule first." Elder Heshan continued: "Go away, the old man doesn't want to see you. You are not shy about being nailed to the ground by a new disciple? "

"Elder Heshan has learned."

The Blue Devils clenched fists against Heshan Elder, and quickly pulled the Blue River up, quickly disappearing into the square.

"Another trouble to Elder Heshan." Fang Chen said apologetically.

Elder Heshan waved: "This matter is something I didn't think about. Blame that I didn't publish the news that Fang Xi joined Zongmen. But no one should come to trouble you afterwards."

At the top of Promise Sword Mountain, on the sky pillar wrapped in snow.

Jian Wuji smiled down at the scene below, especially when he saw Fang Xi, Gu Jing Wubo's face actually showed a smile.

"It is worthy of this guy's daughter, which is actually a rare body of integration."

Sword Wuji has no one, and looking at the virtual star sky can be regarded as the top strong.

Moreover, he is still in charge of the huge Promise Sword Sect. It is no exaggeration to say that his words in the Promise Sword Sect are highly authoritative.


Jian Wuji laughed, "I have been struggling to find a successor, who can think of it, it is actually in my Wuji Sect, hahaha, even God is helping me."

In fact, what Fang Chen wants to receive more is Jian Wuji.

But no matter what, but he did not receive it, because more than one person concerned about Fang Chen, as well as Xinghe Patriarch.

He can't compare with the latter, then take the second place and put this ten thousand body together.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the body of Wanrong is more suitable for his inheritance.

"Hahaha." Jian Wuji was very happy.


Inside the Blue Moon House.

The Blue Devils raged into the sky and dropped all the porcelain in the room to the ground.

"Stupid guy, I almost got punished by Heshan Elder."

The Blue Devils shouted in anger. If it wasn't for Lan He who had quietly left the Promise Sword Sect, he really wanted to give this guy a slap.

"It's better to get something from this action, otherwise I won't let you go."

Said the Blue Devils.

The task date has arrived. After Blue River was brought back by the Blue Devils, after taking a little healing potion, he recovered some strength and hurriedly left.

At this moment, Fang Chen in the galaxy house also got a message.

"Huh? Blue River left?"

Fang Chen was puzzled, why did the Blue River leave.

"This guy, shot me three times and five times, and even shot my daughter, never stay."

After learning that Blue River had left, Fang Chen quietly left the Promise Sword Sect after setting up the Star River House.

Promise Town.

"Damn Fang Chen, it's all because of you. I won't let you go."

Sitting in a restaurant, Lanhe swallowed heavily, cursing secretly in his heart.

This mission must be completed, and there must be a big harvest, so that when you go back, you can get the forgiveness of Brother Blue Devils.

"What mission is this guy going to do?"

Fang Chen implemented the space-time practice system, hidden in the void, and overheard the words of Lan He.

Originally prepared to leave the Promise town to start against the Blue River, but now changed his attention.

"Listening to this guy's meaning, it seems to have found a remarkable ruin with the treasures of inheritance." Fang Chen pondered secretly.

When I came to Wuji Jianzong, I discovered that the competition for training resources was much more intense than he thought.

Although he cultivated invisible swordsmanship, and absorbed the tenth line of fusion order, he was still not satisfied with his strength.

"Follow him in secret first to see what remains."

Fang Chen made a good decision and secretly followed the Blue River.

With his accomplishments in the practice system of time and space, the blue river could not be found at all.

Soon, the sky dimmed. Lan He finished the last pot of wine, turned and hurriedly left Wuji Town.

When he came to a wilderness, the Blue River looked around, making sure that no one was following, and immediately turned his head and swept toward the deep mountains on the west side.

"Huh? Is the ruin in this deep mountain?" Fang Chen was a little puzzled, but he still followed.

Soon, the Blue River entered the mountains, and someone came to meet him.

"It's me." Lan He said.

Black Shadow heard the words, nodded, and then took the Blue River to continue on.

"Did you find anything else?" Blue River asked.

"There haven't been any major discoveries for the time being, but we preliminarily speculate that this singular place must have inherited treasures." Black Shadow Road.

After hearing this, Blue River smirked.

"Fang Chen, wait. Insult me ​​Blue River in public, this matter will not end." Blue River said.

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