Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2195: Dong Xuansheng will arrive

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Fang Chen defeated Thor and ranked among the top five in the internal sect, causing a great sensation.

But Fang Chen himself didn't care about it at all. All his actions were to improve his strength and protect the people he wanted to protect.

After returning to Nejong, I was originally thinking about the enlightenment left by Venerable Sword Sovereign.

Who knows that Jian Wuji has found it.


Jian Wuji nodded and sat on the stone bench in the pavilion.

Squinting eyes at Fang Chen, who seemed to be smiling, was stared at by such a strong man, and Fang Chen felt uncomfortable.

"Compared to what you also know, Tianqing's survivors resurrected their lives in the virtual star sky and wanted to occupy the entire virtual star sky." Jian Wuji said.

Fang Chen nodded and listened quietly.

"According to the information we have, the only mission of Dongxuantian's Tianqing remains is to kill you." Jian Wuji continued.

Fang Chen heard the words, but pouted, somewhat helpless.

It's all a disaster caused by the natural pattern of the God of Order, otherwise it will not be targeted by the Tianqing's survivors.

"Of course, you don't have to worry, the sword master will always protect you in secret." Jian Wuji said with a smile: "How is the recent practice? Have you been sure to beat the won?"

Han Yuan is the well-deserved first person of Neizong, the strongest in the unity.

Jian Wuji has high expectations of Chen Chen, and since Fang Chen defeated Thor, Jian Wuji knew that Fang Chen had grown up.

God's pattern of natural order brought him great benefits.

"Brother Han Yuan is the pinnacle of unity, and it is still difficult to defeat it," Fang Chenqian said modestly.

Jian Wuji was not questioning, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a dignified color.

"I came to you this time, I have something to tell you." Jian Wuji said: "We have three top sects in Dongxuantian, and some first-class sects. Every once in a while, we will send sects Elite disciples, communicate with each other. "

"Because the emergence of Tianqing's noble family has disrupted our plan, so after our negotiation, this exchange and consultation will be conducted in advance. Moreover, we will integrate the entire process of exchange and consultation to select the five strongest disciples Send them to a secret place. "Jian Wuji said.

Upon hearing the words, Fang Chen slightly moved.

He could feel that Jian Wuji's tone of voice was a little dignified.

Thinking about it, the appearance of Tianqing's survivors completely disrupted Dong Xuantian's situation.

"Dongxuan Festival is the grandest event in Dongxuantian, and there are many Zongmen participating. Each Zongmen will send some disciples to participate. Competition. "Sword Promise. "I am going to let you participate."

Fang Chen's strength is qualified to participate in the Dongxuan Festival.

"The venue of the Dongxuan Festival is in the Divine Phoenix Sect. Three months later, I will take you to the Divine Phoenix Sect. During this period, you will practice well."

Jian Wuji talked a lot with Fang Chen, and also gave some pointers during the period about some things on Kendo.

However, just after Jian Wuji's forefoot left, Fang Chen was called to Dan Yaotang by Ling Danzi.

"Your kid still knows to come back?"

Ling Danzi glared at Fang Chen, and said with some displeasure.


Fang Chen said apologetically that he had promised Ling Danzi, and if he entered the internal sect, he promised Ling Danzi's Dan Tong for three years.

During this time, he has been busy and has no time to take care of Ling Danzi, so he feels apologetic.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'm going to refine the Elixir."

Ling Danzi waved his hand and concentrated on refining the Elixir. And Fang Chen is responsible for fighting on the sidelines, being his own role as Dan Tong.

In fact, many people are very envious of Fang Chen, able to contact Ling Danzi up close.

For the next period of time, Ling Danzi has been refining the panacea on a large scale. Every time Fang Chen refines, Fang Chen is watching.

Over time, Fang Chen's perception of alchemy has also greatly improved.

Soon, Fang Chen's alchemy cultivation practice broke through to the heaven level, which is also a big improvement for him.

But obviously, Fang Chen is not satisfied yet.

Ling Danzi is an alchemist who is open to heaven. He has super strength. Every time he watches Ling Danzi alchemy, Fang Chen can feel something.

The time of three months is fleeting.

At this time, Fang Chen was already able to point out the top grade Tongtian-level medicine.

Even Ling Danzi was extremely surprised by it. This speed of perception is too amazing?

"Boy, are you really not going to worship under my door?" Ling Danzi asked.

Fang Chen apologized: "I'm sorry, the juniors concentrate on cultivation."

Ling Danzi was very speechless and turned directly away.


The Dongxuan grand meeting is held in advance, and the main reason for all this is the resurgence of the Tianqing survivors.

All the ancestors of the entire Eastern Xuantian are paying attention to the movement of the Tianqing relics.

Through this Dongxuan grand meeting, many Zongmen leaders also had to discuss how to thoroughly eradicate the remaining evil of Tianqing's survivors.

They do not get rid of them one day, and many sects are panicked all day long, and they cannot rest in peace.

After comprehensive evaluation, Jian Wuji selected 20 disciples to participate in the Dongxuan Festival.

Surprisingly, Thor was defeated.

Although he was spared no effort to recover after being hit hard by Fang Chen, he was not selected.

For this reason, Thor was furious, but there was no way.

His hatred towards Chen Chen was even greater.

However, this does not affect Fang Chen's practice.

Under the guidance of Jian Wuji, all the Wuji Sect came to Shenhuang Sect.

On the top of a bird-scented mountain, there are endless hills all around.

The tall mountain peak in the middle standing in the middle of the low mountain peak is the Shenhuang Peak.


Void ripples, Jian Wuji brought Fang Chen and others directly to God Phoenix Peak.

"Hahaha, Swordsman blamed you for coming early."

Sovereign Divine Phoenix came out to meet him personally and said with a smile.

"Dong Xuansheng will be approaching soon, I will take the disciples around for a while." Jian Wuji said.

Sovereign Divine Phoenix waved his palm and said, "Really settle the noble guests of Promise Sword Sect."

Subsequently, he took the sword Promise and left here.

"Everyone, please follow me."

Elder Huang Tian said with a smile.

Soon, the disciples of Wuji Sect were arranged in a luxurious mansion.

"Shenhuangzong is worthy of the holy path of spiritual cultivation, and the power of such mysterious mystery is really amazing."

Fang Chen is also a soul-cultivator, able to sense the huge soul power surrounding the Divine Phoenix Sect.

He returned to his room, sat directly on his knees, and began to practice congenital rebellion.

How could you miss such a good cultivation holy place.


The formula of innate anti-soul technique worked in his mind, and a faint breath suddenly ripped around him.

However, what Fang Chen didn't know was when he was practicing.

In a pavilion of Shenhuangzong, a man wearing luxurious clothes suddenly opened his eyes.

"Innate Contrary Soul?"

This person is Huang Mo, the fifth-ranked disciple in the Divine Phoenix Sect.

"Does the Promise Sword Sect also practice soul Tao?"

Huang Mo stood up violently, with an excited smile in his eyes.

If the disciples of the Promise Sword Sect were practicing, it would be great.

No one knows better than Phoenix Mo, how powerful is the power of innate soul rebellion?

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that the blood power in Huang Mo fits well with the innate soul rejuvenation technique.

His ancestors had the honour of seeing the congenital anti-soul technique, which was full of praise. It is believed that innate anti-soul technique is very suitable for their spiritual practice of the soul.

However, his ancestors did not get the innate soul rejuvenation technique until death.

Since then, they have passed down from generation to generation, with the goal of obtaining inborn soul rebellion.


Huang Mo spread his palms, and a black light flashed away.

His eyes were full of madness.

He must get congenital counter-soul.

"Only me can fully activate the strongest innate soul rebellion." Huang Mo shouted inwardly.

In his generation, he also tried to retrieve the innate anti-soul technique.

However, when he learned that this divine art had fallen to the Promise Sword Sect, he no longer had any thoughts.

Now, finally have a chance.

This is the site of the Divine Phoenix Sect, quietly intimidating and lure, it is not impossible to bring the innate anti-soul technique.

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