Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2197: Soulstone

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Jin Yun couldn't help saying that he walked straight out of the clouds and came to the top of the mountain, staring at Fang Chen with anger.

The disciple-eyed disciple of this thief is also somewhat helpless.

He was timid by nature and was afraid of kicking the iron plate, but now Jin Yun wholeheartedly wanted to teach this ignorant guy, and he couldn't stop him.

"Xin'er, why are you here?"

In order to show enough demeanor in front of the beloved woman, Jin Yun did not directly shoot the other party, but looked at Huang Xin with a gentle smile.

The latter heard the words, turned around and saw that the person was Jin Yun, his face slightly changed.

This scene was captured by Fang Chen, and he looked at Jin Yun quietly.

"Heart, I have something for you." Jin Yun said.

Huang Xin shook his head and said directly: "I am taking Brother Fang to visit the attractions of our God Huangzong."

Rejected by Huang Xin directly, Jin Yun's face could not be held a bit, and his face was completely gloomy.

"Xin'er, would you rather stay with this kind of thing than stay with me?" Jin Yun asked.

"Brother Fang is my noble guest, you are not allowed to insult him like this." Huang Xin said coldly.

After hearing this, Jin Yun's heart was even more angry.

She knows Phoenix Heart better than anyone else. The latter has a gentle personality and is not angry at all.

However, he just said that this guy is not good, and Huang Xin's face changed instantly.

This made Jin Yun very angry. He walked towards Fang Chen step by step, his dark eyes, and looked at Fang Chen from the top.

"Toad also wants to eat swan meat, which is ridiculous." Jin Yun said: "I thought he was a disciple of the Promise Sword Sect, wouldn't it be possible to ignore anyone?"

"Who are you? I don't know, why should I put you in your eyes?" Fang Chen said calmly.

"You ... kid, Huang Xin is my woman. You'd better stay away from her, otherwise, I won't let you walk around." Jin Yun threatened.

"Jin Yun, you are too much." Huang was anxious.

Fang Chen shook his head, turned his head to look at Huang Xin, and asked, "Do I need to help you solve it?"

Huang Xin looked at Fang Chen apologetically, then shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine soon."

Fang Chen smiled and walked towards Jinyun.

"How? You want to do it? Who is afraid of who?"

Before Jin Yun's words were finished, he felt his body flew out uncontrollably.

"what happened?"

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yun felt a shocking force and attacked himself.

Suddenly, the pain of heartache swept through the body.


With a loud noise, Jin Yun's body fell heavily on the ground, hitting a big pit.

"Brother Jin."

The thief eyed the disciple, his heart was terrified, he hurriedly walked to the big pit and helped Jin Yun up.


Jin Yunqiang endured the pain in the whole body and looked at Fang Chen in horror.

"Who the **** are you?" Jin Yun Shen Sheng asked.

"You are not qualified to know, before I change my mind, hurry up, if you dare to entangle the Phoenix Heart, I do not mind taking your dog's life." Fang Chen said indifferently.

"Brother Jin, let's go."

The thief eyed the man, pulling Jin Yun, and left the mountain.

"Sorry, it caused you trouble." Huang Xin said apologetically.

"It's ok."

After Jinyun made such a fuss, Fang Chen had no mood to continue to hang out.

After saying goodbye to Huang Xin, he returned to the luxurious mansion.

The night is coming.

Fang Chen continued to practice congenital anti-soul technique and wanted to hit the second floor in one fell swoop.

However, an unexpected figure came quietly.

"How? My suggestion, how do you think about it?" In the darkness, Huang Mo stood quietly, and a heavy voice passed into Fang Chen's ear.

"What advice?"

Fang Chen pretended not to know.

"Innate Contrary Soul Technique, do you pay or not?" Huang Mo was annoyed and said coldly.

Fang Chen spread his hand and said, "No."

After finishing talking, go directly into the room and ignore the Huang Mo.

The latter's complexion, extremely gloomy, with a bang, kicked open the room door and appeared in front of Fang Chen.

"If I insist on asking?" Huang Mo threatened.

"You can't get it," Fang Chen said calmly, not caring about Huang Mo's threat at all.

"you wanna die."

Huang Mo thunder shot, the terrifying soul breath breathed out in an instant, condensed into an incredible attack in the room.

"Since you want to ask for congenital rebellion, let you try its power."

Fang Chen sneered, and exhibited the innate anti-soul technique.

call out!

The trembling soul breath circling above Fang Chen's head, quickly condensed into a long sword.

"go with."

Fang Chen snorted, the long sword carrying the vast soul power, struck toward the Huangmo.

"Trick and worm skills."

Huang Mo sneered and continued to increase the attack.


When the two breaths of Soul Dao struck together, Huang Mo's heart set off a stormy wave, and his body exploded quickly.

"How can it be?"

Huang Mo, who had stabilized his body, heard a crackling voice. If it weren't for him to escape in time, the horrible soul sword had already pierced his body.

"Is this congenital inverse spirit?"

Thinking of this, Huang Mo licked his dry lips, and the greedy color in his eyes became more intense.


Huang Mo spread his right hand, and there was a flash of light in his palm, and he passed away.

"Soul Stone, open."

As Huang Mo drank low, a black stone the size of a thumb suddenly appeared in his palm.

This black stone exudes a very powerful soul power, and the breath emanates from it, which has some similarities with the innate soul rebellion technique.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, looking at the Soul Stone, his heart was trembling.

Intuition tells him that this stone has a great relationship with the inborn soul rebellion, perhaps it is the reason why Huang Mo found himself practicing this divine art.

"Must get it."

Fang Chen's eyes were hot, and he exhibited the congenital anti-soul technique as well as the time and space collapse technique.


The void collapsed, and in a small room, Fang Chen's figure kept blinking.

call out!

Before the Huang Mo fully mobilized the power in the Soul Stone, the Xingyin Sword would split out.

Unmarked swordsmanship is performed, and the small-scale destruction is very powerful. The horrible sword spirit swept the Phoenix Motor.


Huang Mo couldn't resist the attack of invisible swordsmanship at all. His body was embarrassed and the soul stone flew out of his palm.

"Bring it."

Fang Chen opened his hand and sucked it suddenly, and the small soul stone suddenly fell in his palm.


The terrifying soul road breath enveloped the soul stone and directly cut off the connection with Huang Mo.


The miserable cry came from Huang Mo's mouth. Suddenly, it attracted the attention of many disciples of Promise Sword Sect in the luxurious mansion.

The first one rushed in was Won. After seeing the two men fighting, they immediately scolded: "Huanghuang, do you dare to attack Brother Fang?"


Other disciples also came, they were watching.

"It's so ridiculous."

In mid-air, Jian Wuji and the Divine Phoenix Sect Master stood side by side, watching the scene below quietly.

God Sect Master Huang is very displeased, the visitor of Promise Sword Sect is a guest, and Huang Mo will actually shoot the guest? What a disgrace to Shenhuangzong.


The Divine Phoenix Sect Master grabbed a big hand and directly caught the embarrassed Phoenix into the air.


Divine Phoenix Sect Master scolded, and Huang Mo suddenly woke up.

"Sovereign, he ..."

Before Huang Mo finished speaking, he was not dared to speak when he was scolded by Lord Huang.

"Aren't you ashamed? Get me back."

The order of the Divine Phoenix Sovereign, Huang Mo did not dare to resist, and left in disgrace.

Before leaving, looking into Fang Chen's eyes, a flash of murderous intention flashed through.

I thought that I could easily subdue the latter and get the innate soul rebellion technique. Who would have thought that in the end, not only the **** Sovereign was alarmed, but the soul stone was also lost.

"Old Sword, this ..."

Sovereign Divine Phoenix looked at Jian Wuji apologetically.

The latter waved: "It's no big deal, and Fang Chen was not injured."

"Let's all go." Jian Wuji said to the people below.

"It is worthy to be the owner of the **** pattern of natural order."

Sect Master Shenhuang looked at Fang Chen's eyes with a complex look.

The **** pattern realm was able to force the Huang Mo to this point, no wonder Jian Wuji would take him to the Dongxuan grand meeting.

Soon, the luxury mansion restored calm.

Fang Chen secretly hid while playing with the soul stone in his hand.

"What a good thing."

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