Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2224: Cut open

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Fang Chen at this moment, ecstatic inside.

The benefits brought by the natural pattern of the gods are too great.

Especially after entering the magic city, it is revealed completely.

The cultivation of everyone in the magic city is suppressed, so the level of martial arts perception level determines the strength of the strength.

With Fang Chen's current martial arts sentiment, staying dead is the pinnacle of unity. If it is outside, facing the martial arts opener, there is no power at all.

However, here, it is easy to defeat the Kaitian class warrior.

Looking inside his fist-sized Shenquan, Fang Chen's eyes radiated a tremendous light.

With these magical fountains, are you still worried about being unable to gain a foothold in the magic city?

Although in a short period of time it is certainly impossible to fight against the powerful people in the realm of the realm, the most holy realm, but at least the power of self-preservation is there.

Facing the praise of Thunder King, Fang Chen just shook his head gently.

The magic of the magic city is much more than that, his eyes fell on the Thunder King.

After all, the latter has practiced in the magic city for thousands of years, and knows a lot about the magic city.

"Do you know, is there any treasure in this magic city?" Fang Chen asked.

"If I inherit the treasure, I know a little bit, but that area is occupied by the Heavenly Eye Palace."

It can be seen that there is a look of embarrassment on the face of Thunder King.

Although he is a member of the Demon God Chapter, after all, he is just an ordinary member. Even if he is dead, the Demon God Chapter will not come forward for him.

The area he knew was occupied by the Heavenly Eye Palace. With his own strength, he naturally dared not go there.

"Sky Eye Palace? Is it strong?"

Fang Chen asked.

"It is said that the palace master of Tianyan Palace has reached the late stage of Kaitian Realm. There are more than ten martial arts openers under his staff, which can be regarded as a considerable force." Thunder Hand King Road.

The power of a dozen people is already pretty good.

It's better than Fang Chen alone.


Magic city, on a desolate plain.

Fang Chen and Thunder Shouwang walked side by side. Since Fang Chen showed his strong strength, Thunder Shou Wang's opponent Chen Chen admired nothing.

Knowing that Fang Chen needs a warrior who understands the magic city to guide the way, the Thunder King is naturally recommended by himself.

"In the Palace of Heaven's Eyes, there is nothing terrible for anyone other than the Palace Lord's Heavenly Eyes Demon. There is still a chance to break them one by one." Fang Chen said secretly.

However, what the two did not know was that they had been stared at.

In the dark, there are three figures, they stare at Fang Chen and Thunder King.

"Why did that person feel a bit like the Thunder King of the Devil Branch?" One of the black-robed warriors asked.

"Yes, I look very similar."

"The kid beside Lei Shouwang looks very strange. I don't know who it is? Isn't it new?"

After discussing with each other, the three decided to take action.


As Lei Shouwang and Fang Chen moved forward, suddenly three figures suddenly appeared in front of them.


The three teamed up to attack, and the wild attack power spread instantly.

"No, it's the man in the heavenly palace."

Lei Shouwang screamed badly and entangled with one of them instantly.

"People in the Heavenly Eye Palace?"

Fang Chen sneered in his heart, staring at the two in front of him.

According to Lei Shouwang, the people in Heavenly Eye Palace are all good at Soul Dao attacks.

"Soul power is not strong."

Fang Chen said secretly, and then he exhibited the innate anti-soul technique.

The innate anti-soul technique that has reached the second level is very powerful. The terrifying soul power condenses into a long sword in the sky, which is terrifying.

call out!

Under Fang Chen's control, Long Sword suddenly shot at one of them.

At the same time, Fang Chen's foot stomped, the Xingyin sword slammed out, and the powerful innocent sword technique was instantly displayed.

With one enemy and two, seeing this scene, even Thunder King was a little dazed.


Regardless of the other party's attack, falling on his own body, the huge divine spring instantly absorbs these forces.

At the same time, the innocent sword has quietly penetrated into the body of this black-robed warrior.


With a loud noise, the body of the black-robed warrior exploded directly, his blood and flesh blurred.

His body flew out heavily, fell to the ground, spit blood, and his face was pale.

"How can it be?"

The heart of the black robe warrior set off a raging wave.


At the next moment, another warrior was also defeated by Fang Chen's innate anti-soul technique.

"go to hell."

The two warriors glanced at each other, and then attacked again.

This time, they rushed to kill Fang Chen. The latter frowned slightly, and there was a hint of killing vaguely in his heart.

"Nuclearless swordsmanship."

Focusing on the innocent sword technique, supplemented by the innate soul rejuvenation technique, Fang Chen is able to resist the attacks of the two people in the Heavenly Eye Palace with ease.

After countless trials, Fang Chen was more certain.

Shenquan absorbed the power of the martial arts in the early days of the opening of the realm without any problems.

Absorbing the power of the martial arts in the mid-day of Kaitian Realm will cause some discomfort.

As for absorbing the power of the martial arts in the late Kaitian Realm, this situation has not been encountered for the time being.

It seems that Shenquan is not omnipotent. It can only absorb the power of a warrior who is not much different from his own cultivation. There are still great limitations.

However, even so, it has helped Fang Chen a lot.

call out!

The invisible sword technique was performed again, and the transparent sword light stabbed fiercely into the head of the black robe.


His head shattered and his vitality dissipated.

"You ... you dare to kill the people in the Heavenly Eye Palace?"

The other person's eyes widened and a flash of confusion flashed in his heart, trying to escape.

But he was killed by Fang Chen's innate anti-soul technique.

Between the electric light and the flint, the two warriors who opened the realm of the heavens were beheaded, and the people in the Heavenly Eye Palace who fought against the Thunder King were terrified.

"How can this person be so strong?"


Taking advantage of this person's negligence, the thunder king's big hand protruded, and directly shattered the latter's head.

"Brother, fighting with you is really refreshing."

Lei Shouwang smiled and walked to Fang Chen.

He couldn't imagine that the latter was a real warrior in one unity, but he could easily kill the warriors in the early days.

The only explanation is that this person's level of martial arts perception has already surpassed the level of unity.

do not judge a book by it's cover.

Perhaps this is the truth.

How could he know that Fang Chen is a unique warrior in the chaotic void.

The only warrior that has absorbed the divine pattern of the natural order, in the divine pattern realm, already has unparalleled combat power.

After stepping into the unity, it directly became the existence that swept the universe **** level.

The strange suppression of the magic city, coupled with the help of Shenquan, can easily kill the warriors who open the sky.

Of course, if it is placed outside, he can't confront it at all.

"Let's go quickly, if the people in Tianyan Palace find out, they will definitely come to avenge their revenge." Lei Shouwang reminded.

Fang Chen nodded and continued to follow Thunder King.

Near the headquarters of Tianyan Palace, there is a broken city.

Within this city, there are four or five people who are besieging a young warrior.

"Boy, just obey your hand, or you will die."

One of them said coldly.

"Huh, let me catch my hand and dream."

Han Won was embarrassed.

After entering the magic city, he was attacked by several forces successively, but even he was able to turn into danger every time.

However, this time, he was trapped in this city by several people in the Heavenly Eye Palace and could not escape at all.

Using his martial arts sentiments, Han Won barely survived the attacks of several people.

But he knew that after a long time, he would definitely die.

"Damn, is it going to fall just after entering the magic city?"

South Korean won is not reconciled, he does not want to fall.

Retreating while fighting, thinking of countermeasures in my mind.

At this moment, Thunder King and Fang Chen who were moving towards the direction of Tianyan Palace suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Asked Thunder King in surprise.

Fang Chen closed his eyes, the consciousness spread instantly, and he instantly felt a familiar breath.

"Brother Han Yuan's breath?"

Suddenly, Fang Chen opened his eyes, his face showing a hint of joy.

The five people who entered the magic city this time, Wuji Sect occupied two places, and besides him, it was won.

I did not expect to be able to meet the won here.

"The breath fluctuates very disorderly, and Brother Han Yuan seems to be in danger."

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