Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2230: Stone devil

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Hengji and Shimo Wang looked at Fang Chen coldly, as if they didn't take the latter into consideration at all.

If it is won, they may be afraid, but they should not be afraid.

An unknown **** of Dongxuan Tian Wuji Jianzong, who dared to speak bluntly, made Hengji and Shimo Wang very unhappy.

Especially the Demon King of the Demon Sect, the character of the Dao Practitioner is extremely violent, and he strikes out if he does not agree with each other.

The stone devil is very strong, and has reached the limit of unity.

If he went violently and entered into a fighting state, even Hangji would be a little scared.

"I once honed in Xixuantian, and had the luck to fight with the Qianlong of the Qianshen Zong. In the end, I lost to the Qianlong by one stroke." The stone demon king waved his hand: "No matter the potential or strength, the Qianlong It is comparable to me. Such a warrior is split in half by a sword? Do you say I will believe it? "

The demon king's body was filled with the devil's breath, and his dark eyes exuded a dark breath, directly locking Fang Chen's body.

As for Jianzong's Hengji, he kept silent and stared at Fang Chen.

"Boy, spiritual practice is not easy, and we don't want to kill you, as long as you open the Xumi ring, let's check it." Hengji dissuaded: "Compared to losing your life, is it better to check the Xumi ring?"

However, Fang Chen is still shaking his head.

However, only Han Won knew that Brother Fang was angry, and the consequences were very serious.

At the moment, Won, standing quietly aside, was too lazy to say anything.

"Korean won, are you watching your brother die in the hands of the stone demon king like this?" Hengji said to Han Yuan when Fang Chen was indifferent.

"As long as you can kill my younger brother, I don't care." Han Yuan, like an outsider, spread his hands and looked helpless.

Seeing this, the stone demon king said angrily: "Since this, there is nothing to say, remember my name, stone demon king."

The stone demon king's voice has just fallen, his palms are spread out, and the terror to the ultimate devil's breath gathers together and is very rich.

"The magic dragon ascended to heaven."

With the roar of the stone demon king, his hands flew abruptly, a terrifying devil's breath quickly suspended in mid-air, and under his control, a sound of dragon chant spread out from the devil's breath.

At the next moment, the rich devil's breath turned into a black dragon.

The eyes of the black dragon exude a breath of death. I saw that its tail swayed, its claws pulled, and it directly smashed the void.

"Brother Fang, this is the magic master of the stone demon ascended to heaven, and the mouth of the black dragon can exhale a very corrosive devil atmosphere." Han Yuan said slightly.

Seeing this, Hengji sneered. By this time, still pretending to be calm?

When the stone demon beheads your brother, how do you calm down?

Hengji's cynicism and irony directly ignored Han Won. He just told Fang Chen that the characteristics of the magic dragon ascended to heaven, and did not worry about Fang Chen's safety.

"Weak earthworms, who dare to call themselves dragons, are ridiculous."

Fang Chen stood quietly, the body of Wan Jian quietly urged, Wan Jian's field surrounded the whole body, his dark eyes, looked up at the black dragon in the air, sneered.

"you wanna die."

The Stone Demon King was completely angry, and no one dared to speak to him like this, Fang Chen was the first.

"Let's see how the so-called weak earthworm in your mouth killed you."

The stone demon snorted, his foot stomped, and his whole body stepped directly on the back of the black dragon, controlling the black dragon and swooping down towards Fang Chen.


As the black dragon swooped, a black devilish breath spurted from the large mouth of the blood basin.

However, Fang Chen stood quietly, motionless, and didn't seem to be looking directly at these highly corrosive devil's breath.


The extremely corrosive Devil's breath breathed in front of Fang Chen in a thunderous manner. However, as they approached Fang Chen's body, they were suddenly blocked by the invisible power in the void.


Seeing this scene, the stone demon on the back of the black dragon frowned slightly.

"break through."

The stone demon king angered, continuing to control the black dragon, spurting the devil's breath.

"The field of Wanjian has changed."

Fang Chen carefully observed Wan Jian's field, with a touch of joy on his face.

Since he broke into the unity state, he hasn't exerted much in the field of Wanjian. Today, it turns out that great changes have taken place.

Originally, the Wanjian field could only target nearby sword weapons.

But now it is different. The field of Wanjian is filled with invisible kendo breath, which can isolate all breaths near Fang Chen.

The magical breath of the black dragon, although extremely corrosive, cannot penetrate the blockade of the Wanjian field at all.


Fang Chen whispered that the area of ​​Wanjian continued to shrink, and finally directly bound the breath of the devil.


At this moment, the black dragon also swooped in.

The black dragon opened his mouth of the blood basin and bit towards Fang Chen's head.

"Little earthworms."

Fang Chenfeng said lightly and lightly, and then punched lightly, and the black dragon didn't escape, and his head was hit.


Deafening screams came out of the mouth of the black dragon. His head was instantly smashed and his body slammed into a devilish breath, breaking into the void.

The stone demon king did not expect that such a shocking change would occur.

He jumped from the back of the black dragon, an iron hammer suddenly appeared in his hand, urged the whole body strength, and slammed the iron hammer towards Fang Chen.


In the shock of Hengji, Fang Chen held the hammer with one hand.


The Stone Demon tried his best, but he could not move the hammer half a step. He widened his eyes and stared at Fang Chen.

"Do you believe what I said now?"

Fang Chen smiled brightly at the stone demon king, and immediately released his palm, and then kicked the stone demon king on his foot.


The stone demon king's body, like a shell, hit the ground heavily. In his heart, he set off a stormy wave and his face was extremely pale.

"Stone Demon, how are you?"

Hengji came to the stone demon king in one arrow step, and his inner shock could not be added.

He could not have imagined that such a young warrior could actually explode that powerful force.

"Even if I am, I can't be so casual?"

Recalling the battle just now, Hengji's heart was afraid for a while.

How can he defeat the stone demon king in such a breeze, one can imagine how strong he is?

If he wanted to kill the stone demon king, the latter would have died long ago.

"I'm fine."

The stone devil said hoarsely.

Fang Chen put his hands on his back and looked at them.

"This brother, who has offended many people before, can it be revealed by the members of Arrow Sect?"

What a joke? He doesn't think he is much better than the stone demon king.

The guy in front of him was a humanoid monster, so powerful.

No wonder Han Won didn't worry about his brother at all before, because people already knew it.

"Are you convinced?"

Fang Chen looked at Hengji and asked.

"Convinced orally." Hengji said.

"How about you?" Fang Chen continued to ask.

"Thank you Xiongtai for showing mercy, this stone demon king memorized."

The stone demon king stood up hard and clenched his fists at Fang Chen.

"I want to kill you, it's easy."

Fang Chen nodded and said, "But you and I have no deep hatred, so I did not kill."

Of course, there is another very important reason for Fang Chen to leave them, that is, to look for the inheritance of the Divine Spring Pearl and the Lord of the Spring.

He alone, how to find in this huge maze?

"Next, as long as you help me do one thing, our grudges will be cancelled out," Fang Chen said.

"no problem."

Hengji and Stone Demon hurriedly agreed.

"The purpose of my trip is the inheritance of the God of the Spring and the Pearl of the Spring. If you help me find it, I will owe you a favor." Fang Chen said.

Hearing the words, Hengji and the Stone Demon moved, but soon the two nodded in agreement.

After being defeated by Fang Chen, they no longer have the qualification to compete for Shenquanzhu.

Rather than doing this, it might as well help him.

"Well, you can leave now." Fang Chen said.

Stone Demon King and Hengji turned and left, but at this moment, Stone Demon King turned his head and asked, "Are you really killing the lance dragon?"

Fang Chen grinned, the stone demon king trembles, turned and left.

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