Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2233: Green energy

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Without the ties of Brother Han Yuan, Fang Chen can finally fight Chen Fan with fairness.

At the moment, Chen Fan's face was gloomy and his heart was full of anger.

He did not expect, how could Fang Chen have so many helpers? Although these helpers are not worth mentioning in their own eyes, they eventually saved the won.


Chen Fan cursed, and his whole body was agitated, staring at Fang Chen.

After seeing the five brothers being injured to varying degrees, Fang Chen's heart was filled with anger.

"Help me take care of them."

Fang Chen did not turn his head and said to the noon of Nangong and others.

The people in shock were nodding hurriedly, and then they took the little mouse to a safe area.

Five of them, little mice, turned into humanoids, and they were seriously injured.

Fortunately, Xiaohai didn't hurt the root cause. As for the little mice and Xiaohuang, they were hard against Chen Fan's attack, and their internal organs and organs were all shattered and their breath was weak.

The pangolin and the won are directly in a coma, but fortunately, there is no danger to life.

As for the old **** stick, it is the most injured one.

Forcibly grab the Shenquan Pearl, and then stimulate the strongest power in his body, forcibly control the nearby towering trees to stop Chen Fan's attack, causing the body to fragment and turn into a stump.

If not treated in time, it is very likely to be life-threatening.

However, before the coma, the old **** stick spit out the Shenquan beads in his mouth and said to Fang Chen: "Boss ..."

After sending the Shenquanzhu into the boss's hand, the old **** stick instantly fell into a coma.


Shenquanzhu exudes a bright light in the hands, countless green lines, directly drilled into Fang Chen's body, and immediately lifted the strength of his body to the extreme.

"Last time let you run away, this time I will use your dog's head to make up for the injuries of some of my brothers." After a short and terrible, Fang Chen gradually calmed down.

"Do you think you can beat me with Shenquan Pearl?" Chen Fan sneered. "After absorbing the power of those idiots, my strength has reached the peak of unity, and it is no longer the Chen Fan you can bully at will."

During the speech, Chen Fan's breath rose to the extreme.

"How about strength improvement? In my eyes, you are still not worth mentioning." Fang Chen sneered.

After no stumbling, deal with Chen Fan, just get what you have.

But Chen Fan does not think so, he thinks that his strength has surpassed Fang Chen.

"Then let me see if your strength is as sharp as your mouth."

Chen Fan's words just fell, his palms spread out violently, and suddenly a violent black mist emerged from his body.


The two fists are slammed together. The first layer of Dragon Demon Physical Exercise is fully urged, supplemented by the body of Wanjian at the fourth level. Broken Chen Fan's attack.

"Now, do you still think so?"

Fang Chen stared at Chen Fan with arrogance and said coldly.


With a cold snort, Chen Fanshi exhibited his unique skills. With the palm of his hand, a small line appeared in front of him. These lines finally blended together to form a thick line.


Chen Fan stomped the soles of his feet, controlling the thick lines and shooting at Fang Chen.


The void collapsed, and the thick lines passed, and the air escaped everywhere.

However, in Fang Chen's eyes, there is no dignified color, on the contrary, there is a trace of sarcasm.


The crisp sound rang, and the fingers of Fang Chen I saw stiffly clamped the thick lines.

"Is this your dependence?"

Fang Chen asked.


Seeing this, Chen Fan's heart moved, controlling the thick lines, and exploded directly.

The power of the horrible explosion swept Fang Chen.

However, after the dust had dispersed, Fang Chen stood quietly, as if nothing was wrong.

"Your means is not worth mentioning in my eyes." Fang Chen said.

Chen Fan stared at Fang Chen angrily, falling into a frenzy.

"Damn, I'm going to kill you."

Chen Fan communicated with the evil voice in his body and said, "Leverage my strength."

"it is good."

At the same time when the evil voice came out, green power poured into Chen Fan's whole body.

"Sure enough."

Fang Chen had long suspected that Chen Fan's body had an evil force that did not belong to him, and now he finally appeared.


Chen Fan controlled the green power and fought with Fang Chen.

"Flawless swordsmanship."

Xingyin Jian shot a sword violently and pierced Chen Fan.

However, when the transparent sword light approached Chen Fan, it was actually directly eroded by green energy.


Fang Chen was surprised. What is this green energy?

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chenshi exhibited the innate soul rebellion technique, the vast soul power, condensed into a long sword, penetrated Chen Fan's head.


A miserable cry came from his mouth.

His Yuanshen was hit hard.


Evil voices came out, his power can only protect Chen Fan's body, but not his Yuanshen.

Therefore, Chen Fan's Yuanshen is the most vulnerable.


Fang Chen also seems to have discovered this scene, constantly exerting the innate anti-soul technique, attacking Chen Fan's Yuanshen.

"Go away."

A moment later, when Fang Chen took out the Shenquanzhu and wanted to use the power of the Shenquanzhu to enhance the power of the innate soul rebellion, the evil voice said a little hurriedly.

Without waiting for Chen Fan to react, he controlled Chen Fan's mind and fled quickly.

"Want to go?"

Seeing this, Fang Chen laughed and blocked.

"Boy, if I want to escape, how can you resist?"

Suddenly, above the sky above Chen Fan's head, a black grim phantom appeared instantly, and evil voices came out of it.

Inside the vicious phantom, a trembling green light burst out and shot directly at Fang Chen.

"not good."

Perceiving the power of the green light, Fang Chen screamed badly and quickly evaded.

In the process of his avoidance, Chen Fan has long disappeared.


The green light hit the ground and overturned the entire maze.


The huge maze became extremely clear in a flash, and the mist was thick and quickly collapsed.

"What a weird power."

Fang Chen marveled at the bottom of his heart. What kind of existence is the black and vague shadow in Chen Fan's body? Why is there such a powerful force?

call out!

On the edge of the distant labyrinth, Chen Fan's figure flashed over and disappeared.

"Exhibiting such means, will you be hit hard if you want to come?"

Fang Chen murmured to himself, but he didn't pursue it.

He was very worried about his brother's injury and quickly came to them.

After a simple inspection, I found that the mice, Xiaohuang, and Xiaohai were not seriously injured.

As for the pangolin, there is no danger to life, but the armor is shattered, and the body is greatly injured.

Fang Chen took out the soul rejuvenation pill from his arms and swallowed it to Brother Han Yuan.

Suddenly, the Yuanshen of the Korean won suddenly returned to its original state, and its spirit was a hundredfold.

"This is ..." Korean won shook inwardly.

The noon of Nangong and others on the side also widened their eyes.

"Is it the soul rejuvenation?"

"It's really a soul rejuvenation pill, which can completely restore the atrophied Yuanshen all at once, which is too powerful." Even the stone demon sighed.

"Brother Han Yuan, please heal yourself."

Fang Chen nodded.

"Brother Fang, please hurry to see them." Han Yuan said anxiously.

Fang Chen walked heavily in front of the old **** stick, his palm resting on his pulse.

"The fragmentation of the body is a fatal blow to the old **** stick."

After a long time, Fang Chen shook his head and sighed.

"Fang Chen, if I read correctly, your brother's body is a plant. In the battle just now, his body shattered and his wounds were extremely severe."

Suddenly, the stone devil said.

"However, it is not without treatment."

"Do you have a way?" Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

The Stone Demon pondered for a moment, and then said: "In the Demon Sect, there is a kind of heavenly milk that can cure your brother."

Celestial milk is a rare treasure cherished in the world, especially for the role of botanical martial arts.

Upon hearing the words, Fang Chen shook his head.

"It's a pity." Nangong said at noon.

"Stone Demon King, don't you mean you didn't say that? Heavenly Soul is in Heavenly Demon Sect, how can we get it? Hengji said.

"Although there is no celestial milk, I know a thing that can replace celestial milk and cure your brother. And, there is this thing in the magic city."

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