Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2236: Northern Ice Sheet

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"Yinling Spring is a kind of extreme cold spring water. It is located on the northern ice field of the magic city. It is cold all year round. Even if it is a warrior in a unified state, it will be frozen by the primordial spirit after a long time." Said: "So, in general, few people are willing to go there."

"The extremely cold spring water? How about destroying heavy water?" Fang Chen asked.

"Destroy the heavy water?"

Stone Axe's eyes widened, looking at Fang Chen, said: "You actually compare the destruction of heavy water with Yinling spring water? You are really talented."

"I tell you, these two are not at the same level, just like a newborn baby, and the other is a strong man who has been practicing for hundreds of millions of years. Tell me, how do you compare?"

Hearing the words of King Stone Axe, Fang Chen trembles inwardly.

No wonder this Yinling spring water can freeze the primordial spirit of the martial arts, which is too scary.

"Is the Lingquan milk inside the Yinling Spring?" Fang Chen asked.

"Although no one has ever confirmed it before, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it." Stone Axe said: "If there is the most likely spring milk in the magic city, it is none other than Yinling Spring. Only the special environment of Yinling Spring So that Lingquan milk can grow. "

"No matter what, I have to check it out." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

The body of the old **** stick is badly damaged and dying. If there is no Lingquan milk, he is very likely to die.

"The northern ice sheet is not a good place. With your current strength, you can't enter the Yinling Spring when you go," the stone axe king reminded.

"But, I want to save my brother."

Stone Axe stared at Fang Chen, and said after a long time: "It is not impossible to enter the northern ice sheet. Every other month, there will be a sign of melting in the northern ice sheet. At that time, the northern ice sheet is at its highest temperature. You can take advantage of As the northern ice sheet melts, enter it, and then look for the Yinling Spring. "

"Thank you."


After some deliberation, Fang Chen decided to go alone to the northern ice sheet.

Although the stone axe king is very optimistic about Fang Chen, it is impossible to take risks with him because of this.

The northern ice field is almost a forbidden place in the magic city. Unless the top ten most holy land on the demon **** list exists, they will enter and leave the northern ice field at will.

After getting the map of the northern ice field, Fang Chen immediately took action.

Walking in the desolate magic city space, Fang Chen could feel that the temperature in the air gradually decreased as he went northward.

"Northern Ice Sheet."

After half a month, Fang Chen finally came to the edge of the northern ice sheet.

At a glance, he suddenly found that there was an endless glacier in front.

"It's so cold."

His whole body was shrouded in flames, but even so, Yuan Shen could feel cold in the depths.

Looking up at the sky, the scorching sun has not yet appeared.


According to Stone Axe, you can only enter the ice field when the ice field that appears every month melts.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Chen sat cross-legged.

Taking advantage of this time, he continued to enlighten Shura Kendo.


There was a roaring cold wind around, and the power of the source continued to emerge.

Fang Chen's mind is full of majestic kendo.

I have practiced phantom kendo before, but then gradually focused on the attack.

A scarlet sword light flashed in my mind, killing the cutting breath.

"Sura Kendo, known as the killing kendo, really deserves its reputation."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh. The last time he realized a trace of Shura Kendo, Wu Dao's sentiment rose instantly, and he stepped out and stepped into a unified state.

At this time, once again, I realized that Shura Kendo felt much simpler than before.

Time passed, and half a month passed in an instant.

Fang Chen could feel the temperature in the air rising as the ice sheet melted indefinitely.

His heart was quite sighed. This northern ice field is really magical. I don't know if it was artificially created or whether it was born naturally.


Slowly opened his eyes, two magnificent sword lights were shot in his eyes, and suddenly hit the ice field.


The thick ice on the ice field was stabbed by the sword light and exploded directly, and countless pieces of ice scattered on the ground.

Seeing this, Fang Chen stood up and nodded in satisfaction.

"Sura Kendo is finally an entry."

Fang Chen murmured.

The more you perceive Shura Kendo, the more you can feel that Venerable Sword Master's perception of Kendo is too powerful.

Asura Kendo itself is a killing kendo, and its attack power is super strong.

After the introduction of Shura Kendo, Fang Chen felt something inside. He began to try to create the fifth trick of invisible swordsmanship.

Not to mention, the fifth move thought in my heart was almost perfectly displayed in one breath.

call out!

The fifth move is more gorgeous and more tyrannical.

This trick, perfectly combined with Shura Kendo, the attack power reached an incredible level.


Asura sword gas condensed into a sword light, which hit the ice field fiercely, and the ice field vibrated immediately.


Convergence breath, Fang Chen's heart, very excited.

"The power of this fifth move is more powerful than the previous four combined."

Fang Chen said excitedly, "It is indeed Shura Kendo, if I can fully understand, how much can the attack power increase?"

I ca n’t imagine how much Master Sword Master ’s control of Shura ’s Kendo has reached.

Fang Chen's mood is particularly comfortable.

In the northern ice field practice, he actually created the fifth trick of invisible swordsmanship, and at the same time, he started to learn the sword. For him, it was a big surprise.

His state has quietly reached the mid-term of unity.


There was a sigh of breath in his mouth, and the smile on his face was still gone, and he felt that the ice sheet had changed.

"Is the ice field melting?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, staring at the ice field carefully.

At the same time, on the ground not far from the northern ice sheet, the two martial artists in the middle of the Heavenly Realm in Tianyan Palace are walking towards here.

"Huh? The ice field melts away, go away."

The two were themselves running towards the northern ice sheet, and they happened to be thrilled to encounter the melting of the ice sheet.


Almost in a blink of an eye, the two came to the edge of the ice field.

"Huh? Why is this kid so familiar?"

"It was him, who had previously rejected the invitation of the palace master and joined the giant axe gang."

The two recognized Fang Chen, a flash of cold killing in his eyes.

"Huh, dare not put my heavenly palace in your eyes, he is looking for death."

"If we kill this person, the palace owner will definitely reward us."

The two smiled and quickly approached Fang Chen.

Suddenly felt a sharp breath approaching, Fang Chen turned to look.

"Boy, remember us?"

Fang Chen shook his head and said indifferently: "I don't remember."

"At the beginning, our palace owner invited you to join the Tianyan Palace. You actually refused in front of so many people. Do you know the consequences of this?"

"Do you think that after joining the giant axe gang, the stone axe king will protect you? You are wrong, this is the magic city, no force can be as united as the five forces. The stone axe king is willing to take you, just because you are valuable Only, once you die, the stone axe king will immediately draw a line with you. "

Facing the ridicule of the two, Fang Chen seemed to look like an idiot and asked, "Is this related to you?"


Fang Chen's words immediately angered them.

"Boy, I originally planned to let you take the initiative to catch your hand. We can spare you, but now it seems that this is completely unnecessary."

"Yes, you are dead."

Fang Chen shook his head and said lightly: "Originally, the two of you had a chance to escape, but you gave up. It's a pity."

Seeing Fang Chen's arrogant appearance, the two of Tianyan Palace were very furious and directly shot Thunder.

Although the realm will be suppressed in the magic city, the level of martial arts perception will not be suppressed.

Moreover, the various means of opening the martial arts are not imaginable at all.

However, they met Fang Chen.


Shenquan spins, and the power of terror surrounds Fang Chen's body.

call out!

The fifth trick of invisible swordsmanship was instantly displayed. The dazzling sword light traversed the strange track in the sky and pierced the two fiercely.

At the same time, Fang Chen stood quietly, letting the two attack and hit him.


The Shenquan skyrocketed instantly, absorbing the power of the two crazy.


In an instant, the attacking power of the two was absorbed, and was immediately flew away by Shenquan.

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