Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2239: Lingquan milk

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At this moment, Fang Chen finally understood.

Why did you enter the Yinling Spring as a martial warrior in one unity?

In fact, he should have thought of it for a long time, Shenquan protects his physical body from being damaged, and the core of Shenquan is the power of the natural pattern of the natural order.

In front of this blue phantom, I was waiting for myself.

Could it be that his purpose is the natural pattern of natural order?

The power of the natural pattern of God's Order appeared in front of the blue phantom. He slowly raised his palm and suddenly the power of the natural pattern of God's Order lay in his palm.

In this scene, Fang Chen's heart tremors.

"He, can he so skillfully control the power of the natural pattern of the natural order?"

"Familiar taste."

A blue smile appeared in the eyes of the blue phantom, staring at the power of the natural order **** pattern in his palm as if he had met his brother who had been lost for many years.

After a long time, the blue phantom looked up and stared at Fang Chen.

"You must be very strange, why can I control this power?"

Fang Chen nodded, and the blue phantom continued: "Because ... I used to be the owner of the natural pattern of God."


Fang Chen's eyes widened, staring at the blue phantom violently.

He is also the owner of the God Mark of the natural order? If this is the case, then everything in front of you can already be fully explained.

"You must be wondering why I appear in this form?"

Blue Virtual Shadow smiled at Fang Chen with a gentle attitude.

Next, Blue Virtual Shadow talked a lot to Fang Chen.

He was originally a strong man in the world. The reason why he entered the magic city was because he had to fight the heavenly deity.

It is a pity that Heavenly Demon Lord's strength is too strong, and defeat him with a strong attitude.

Moreover, the power of the natural order **** pattern in his body was drawn away, causing his cultivation to plummet.

However, this is nothing.

The saddest thing is that when he regained his confidence, he was about to leave the magic city and continue to practice. When he came to challenge the heavenly demon sage again in the future, he was attacked by the people of Tianqing's survivors.

Xiuwei fell sharply, causing him to be attacked by Tianqing's survivors, and the final result was both defeats.

Although he did not die on the spot, he was hit hard and knew he was not far away from death. So I came to the northern ice sheet and smelted my body into this Yinling Spring.


Fang Chen dare not imagine that such a powerful Yinling Spring is just the melting of the blue phantom's body, so how strong is his strength during his lifetime?

"Yes, where can the weakest one who dares to compete with Heavenly Demon Lord be weak?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen took a deep breath, his dark eyes staring at the blue phantom.

Fortunately, he also possessed a natural pattern of natural order, otherwise, he would have died in this Yinling Spring.

"I was specializing in yin and cold during my lifetime, and the body stored a majestic scent of coldness. Before dying, my body was transformed into a yinling spring, and my remnant soul was deposited in this yinling spring, and Gou Yan survived. Over the years, I have been expecting that the owner of the natural pattern of the gods will appear. "

"Today, I finally waited."

Speaking of which, there is a touch of joy in the blue phantom's voice.

"Senior, do you want to use the natural pattern of God to help you resurrect?" Fang Chen asked.

He vaguely guessed a little, but the details are unclear.

He felt that Blue Virtual Shadow should not be malicious to him, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

"Yes, not right."

Blue phantom nodded and said, "You only guessed a little."

"Please also tell seniors." Fang Chen said.

"The endless years are killing my residual soul power, leading to my current control of Yinling Spring, which is also much weaker. I need the natural pattern of order to reawaken my control of Yinling Spring, and at the same time give it strength. , Patch up my remnant soul that is about to collapse. "Blue phantom said. "but……"

"But what?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"I need your cooperation." Blue phantom said: "If you can help me, I can use Yinling Spring to exchange with you."

Upon hearing this, Fang Chen was excited.

"Senior, is there any Lingquan milk in Yinling Spring?"

"Of course."

"Okay, then I promise senior."

In fact, Fang Chen agreed to blue phantom, there are two considerations.

The latter answer should use Yinling Spring to exchange with yourself. Does this mean that you can control Yinling Spring in the future.

Yinling Spring is a big killer. If it can be used properly, it will play a big role in the future.

At one point, Lingquan milk, he needs to use the spring milk to save the old **** stick, can not delay the time.

"What do I need to do?" Fang Chen asked.

"You control the Divine Spring and release the power of the natural pattern of God's Order to invade my remnant soul. Then I will use the power of the natural pattern of God's Order to repair the residual soul." Blue phantom said.


"I know what you are wondering about. I can control the power of the gods of the natural order, but I ca n’t use it to repair the remnant soul. Otherwise, the residual soul will shatter. Only when the gods of the natural order control. Can help me. "

Blue phantom road.

Fang Chen nodded gently, and then his heart moved, the fountain of God surging, and the endless energy suddenly appeared.


Fang Chen waved his palm, and the force of the violent natural order **** pattern immediately condensed into a thick cylindrical shape, and suddenly wrapped the remnant soul of the blue phantom.

"Continuous output."

In the cylindrical energy, the blue phantom sound came out.

At this moment, the Yinling Spring could not have any effect on the other party, and the latter could unscrupulously output the energy of the natural order **** pattern.

Time is passing, about a month later.

Inside the Yinling Spring, there was a deafening movement, but unfortunately there was no one in the northern ice field, and no one found it.

At the moment, the blue phantom is much stronger than a month ago.

His face was full of smiles.

"Yes, you can apply the power of the natural pattern of God to this level, and your future achievements will no longer be below me." Blue Vague praised.

Immediately, with a wave of his palm, a horrible vortex appeared in Yinling Spring.

His illusory palm reached into the vortex and took out a thumb-sized crystal ball from it.

"This crystal ball is the control hub of Yinling Spring, you refine it." Blue phantom said.

call out!

Frightened, the crystal ball fell on Fang Chen's palm.

"Despite your refinement, I will help you at the critical moment." Blue phantom said.

Fang Chen nodded, sat cross-legged, and began to refine.


With the help of the blue phantom, Fang Chen soon refined the crystal ball.

Suddenly, strange waves appeared in his mind, and he felt that he could control the Yinling Spring as he wanted.


Fang Chen was overjoyed and excited.

Would n’t it be cool if there were any major enemies in the magic city that would lead him here and use the Yinling Spring to deal with it?

"Lingquan milk."

Fang Chen hurriedly searched for Lingquan milk. A thought found Lingling milk growing in Yinling spring.

"Bring it."

Fang Chen took a sip, and Lingquan milk was instantly moved to him.

A milky white stone occasionally drips out of a milky white liquid, this is Lingquan milk.

Fang Chen picked up a drop of Lingquan milk at random, felt it carefully, and felt a cool breath.

"Is this the Lingquan milk?" Fang Chen said secretly.

His consciousness swept through the groove under the stone, and there were about three hundred drops of spiritual spring milk here.

"Originally, there were a lot of Lingquan milk, but I recently used some of them." Blue phantom explained.

"Enough." Fang Chen waved his palm and put the three hundred drops of Lingquan milk into his pocket, and then sent the stone back to the distance to let it continue to produce Lingquan milk.

"Now you have been able to fully control the Yinling Spring. You can choose to dive here or go to the magic city." Blue phantom said: "As for me, the remnant soul has just been nourished. I will fall asleep and wait for the next time I wake up, I do n’t know when. "

"Senior, how can you be resurrected?" Fang Chen asked.

Blue phantom shook his head, why was it difficult to resurrect him?

The power of the natural pattern of God's pattern only allowed his remnant to be repaired a little, at most to allow him to support it for more time.

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