Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2249: Kendo direction

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Northern ice sheet, bottom of Yinling Spring.

After the king of stone axe left, Fang Chen simply retired here to practice.

The Yinling Spring is very deep, and it is impossible for the strongest holy realm to extend the consciousness here, so there is no need to worry about being disturbed.

During this time in the Magic City, although the strength has improved a lot, it is still limited.

Don't look at the fact that even the sage warriors can't help Fang Chen, but all this is because of Yinling Spring.

Without the help of the Yinling Spring, the powerful digger can suppress Fang Chen.

However, overall, Fang Chen's strength is quite good.

At least, with the unity of realm cultivation, it is easy to fight against the opener.

It's very difficult to fight across a big realm, and all you can do is some amazing people.

The long practice is boring and tasteless.

Fang Chen practiced dragon and demon body-building every day, and he also learned about Shura Kendo.

More and more powerful demon gods are gathered before Yinling Spring.

No matter how they searched, they could not find the trace of Fang Chen.

"Fang Chen fled?"

"He can control Yinling Spring, most likely hidden at the bottom of Yinling Spring."

The warriors who come here are basically the strongest in the most holy realm, those who transcend the most holy realm, disdain.

"If he has been hiding here, can't we wait forever?" Someone said.

The Golden Armor War Devil clenched his fists, his face somber. He had an urge to slash Fang Chen into Yinling Spring, but reason told him that this was not feasible.

In a flash, a month passed.

There are a lot of powerful demon gods who have left impatiently, but there are still some unwillingness, they do not believe that Fang Chen can always insist on the bottom of Yinling Spring.

However, it turned out that their ideas were too naive.

Three months later, only the Golden Armor War Demon was still waiting.

He wanted to be in the top 20 of the Devil's List too much. This is an excellent opportunity to not miss.

However, after waiting again and again, no trace of Fang Chen was seen, and even the Golden Armor War Demon was somewhat impatient over time.

"Damn guy, if you come out, I'm going to crush you."

Golden Armor War Devil said.

In the eyes of these strong men, the weak men are not worth mentioning.

Half a year later, the Golden Armor Warmonger finally stopped waiting.

During this period, he had dived into the Yinling Spring several times and wanted to explore the traces of Fang Chen, but the final result was only one, that was to make himself very embarrassed.

"Fang Chen, I remember you."

Before the Golden Armor War Departed, his eyes were filled with cold killing intentions, and the hatred of the other party in his heart reached the ultimate.

In a forbidden place in the magic city, Moro killed a monster, and then grinned: "My brother is really extraordinary. He has a strong sense of swordsmanship. If he can understand the magic killing swordsmanship, it will reach me. One step is not difficult. "

Moro was shocked for a long time after hearing the story about Fang Chen for the first time.

He dare not imagine that Fang Chen could actually control Yinling Spring.

But later, it was finally relieved.

Fang Chen was bombarded into Yinling Spring by Mugu, and he was bound to have some adventures.

Perhaps it was these adventures that gave it the means to control Yinling Spring.

"The most holy warriors on the Devil's List are helpless to them, hahaha."

Thinking of this, Moro laughed.

Even when he was in the Holy Land, he couldn't do this.

The only eleven superpowers in the Devil's List can do this.


Galaxy universe, Shenxi Palace.


The terrifying atmosphere of breath surrounds the entire Shenxi Palace, but ordinary martial arts can't feel the slightest.

Suddenly, from the depths of Shenxi Palace, a trembling breath came.

At the same time, the strongest of the whole God Realm prostrate directly to the ground, the body trembles, and the heart is terrified.

They were panicking, what the **** happened to God Realm.

"Ah ... I forgot to breathe."

Deep in Shenxi Palace, Fang Chen somewhat helplessly pouted.

The seventh layer of the time and space collapse technique was created. He was excited for a while and released a strong breath, which directly made the entire God Realm like an enemy.

"Master, come to Shenxi Palace quickly." Fang Chen said.

Soon, Guzu came to Shenxi Palace.

"I have created the seventh layer of time and space collapse." Fang Chen said straight away.


Gu Zu is excited, he knows better than anyone, what does it mean to create the seventh layer of space-time fragmentation?

They have been stuck on the sixth floor for a long time, and the seventh floor directly raises the time and space collapse technique to a new level.

Creating the seventh layer means that the following layers can be easily created.


Fang Chen flexed his fingers, and a mark fell into Guzu's eyebrows.

Suddenly, the ancestor of Gu Gu was filled with a strong atmosphere of time.

"Hit iron while hot."

The mentor and the disciple sat cross-legged and started to create several layers after the time and space collapse.

It took only three days to create the eleventh floor together.

"Eleventh floor."

Guzu couldn't help laughing.

Fang Chen just wanted to speak, and suddenly the dark eyes looked at the blue sky.

"Huh ... The deity seems to have encountered some difficulties."


The bottom of Yinling Spring.

After this period of insight, Fang Chen's perception of Asura Kendo has reached a whole new level.

Now, he is worrying about the sixth stroke of Swordless.

"The sixth move should be combined with the time and space collapse technique to form a combination of offense and defense."

There are countless fantasies in Fang Chen's mind.

However, he has not yet determined the ultimate direction of invisible swordsmanship.

"Are you going to attack, or both offensive and defensive?" Fang Chen hesitated.

There are three development directions for invisible swordsmanship. The first is attack, the second is both offensive and defensive, and the third is defense.

Without thinking about it, Fang Chen directly denied the direction of the defense.

The fourth-level body of Wanjian has sufficient defense, and the field of Wanjian is gradually strengthening. Few people in the universe **** can hurt his body.

"If you choose both offensive and defensive, you can attack and retreat. If the opponent is too strong, invisible swordsmanship forms a circular defense. When combined with the body of Wanjian and the field of Wanjian, it will definitely play an unimaginable role."

Fang Chen pondered secretly, "However, if this is the case, the attack power will be greatly reduced."

Thinking about it, I can't make a decision.

What made Fang Chen unexpected was that when he was inadvertently, a sentence suddenly flashed in his mind.

Sword master destruction, there must be the power to destroy the world!

Suddenly, there was a great shock in his mind.

The blood in the body began to boil, and the whole body was full of sword gas, and it became extremely fierce.

In his eyes, he shot a terrifying sword.

"The years almost flattened my sharpness."

With a grin, Fang Chen has made a decision.

Jianxiu should have a sharp breath.

Both offense and defense? No need!

In the face of absolute attack power, all defenses are useless.

"Defense is not enough, let the attack make up for it, Jianxiu should have a heart that moves forward bravely, pull the sword and vow to see the blood."

Having figured this out, the sharp light reappeared on Fang Chen's body.

In his mind, the inexhaustible swordsmanship maneuver worked.


Fingers squeezed out a tactic, quickly formed a strange sword light in the sky.

He moved his mind and controlled the sword light, dancing in the sky.

Jianguang's trajectory is exactly what Fang Chen thought.

"This is the sixth stroke of innocent swordsmanship."

Fang Chen is very excited, this is the perfect seamless sword.

The previous troubles disappeared.


When the sword light in the sky stopped fluttering, it suddenly collapsed.

Fang Chen's whole body breath instantly converged.

The sixth move of invisible swordsmanship is successful.

"The power of the sixth move has been increased by a factor of ten, and a simple power attack can threaten the warrior who is at the top of the sky. If there is the cooperation of the Yinling Spring, even the warrior at the most holy level, I No fear. "

Fang Chen's heart is full of confidence.

Calculating the time, this retreat is almost a year away.

"It's time to go out."

Fang Chen jumped forward and came out from the bottom of Yinling Spring.

Standing above the Yinling Spring, looking down at the earth, his eyes were full of hot colors.

at the same time.

Somewhere in the magic city, the Golden Armor War Demon is cultivating, and it suddenly feels that his mark left on the Yinling Spring is shaking.

"Is it finally out?"

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