Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2260: The death of Qiu Longying

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Hearing the words, Fang Chen was also quite shocked in his heart. Unexpectedly, these two sword swords, there is such a reason?

But it's not right, why does Moro killing regard his Shura Kendo as killing Kendo?

However, Qiu Longying's next words made the doubts in Fang Chen's heart completely relieved.

"The Shura Kendo is good at disguising, unless it is a very strong person, otherwise, it will only be regarded as a devil killing Kendo. For this reason, my Qiu family has also lost a lot of young generations of arrogance over the years, all of which are those that remain The Shura Kendo who came down secretly attacked. "

Qiu Longying said, "You are Jianxiu, and I can feel that your breath is very similar to that of the demon killing kendo. At first, I was still doubting, but then after you broke my talent, I was sure Now. "

Oneness can break one's own talents and magical powers, which is an incredible thing in itself.

However, if the Shura Kendo warrior, then there is no problem.

Everything is logical.

Fang Chen nodded, so it turned out.

At the same time, my heart is also fortunate. Fortunately, I realized a trace of Shura Kendo, otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with Qiu Longying's natural talent.


At this time, a name appeared in Fang Chen's mind.

Venerable Demon Sword, founder of Shura Kendo.

Was he the leader of the Shura faction, one of the two factions that once killed the sky?

For a long time, Venerable Demon Sword is very mysterious to Fang Chen, and now his identity has finally surfaced.

Although it is still not clear, Fang Chen knows that he must be related to Demon Killing Heaven.

"What about the old man riding a **** dog? He said he is a good friend with Venerable Sword Sword, is he a Shura Kendo warrior?"

Fang Chen thought to himself.

Shake his head vigorously, throwing away the clutter of thoughts in his mind.

His eyes fell on Qiu Longying. When he saw him, he looked at Fang Chen with caution, saying, "I have passed the news here back to the clan. If you dare to kill me, they will avenge me." "


Fang Chen was shocked all around, and he imprisoned Qiu Longying's body, but he did not expect that the latter had a special means of communication.

"Are you threatening me?" Fang Chen said angrily.

The Qiu family always wanted to destroy the Shura Kendo martial arts warriors. If they knew of his existence and sent the strong men to come, even the Promise Sword Sect might not be able to save themselves.


Fang Chen clenched his fists and creaked, and his anger rose to the extreme.

"I advise you to still let me go, otherwise, when my army of Qiu family is on the horizon, you will definitely die." Qiu Longying said.

The reason for explaining the history of Xiuluo Kendo and Demon Killing Kendo to Fang Chen is only to paralyze Fang Chen and to buy time for himself.


Fang Chen stared at Qiu Longying and said, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"


One punch hit Qiu Longying's body on the ground.


Qiu Longying shouted in anger and his eyes were scarlet, but there was no way.

His only reliance now is that Fang Chen was afraid of the Qiu family and let him leave.


However, when Fang Chen's mouth spit out the word, Qiu Longying turned pale and fled wildly.


Asura Kendo showed off, and the sixth move of Invisible Sword Art burst into the air.

Under Shura Kendo, Qiu Longying didn't even have the courage to release his talent.

He could only escape from here as much as possible, but it was too late, a cold light sank into his body, and his body exploded directly.


Fang Chen's palms spread out and immediately included Qiu Longying's Xu Mi ring in his pocket.

"Is it okay?"

At this time, Princess Xin came hurriedly.

She also heard the conversation between the two of them. Princess Xin was still very anxious about Qiu Longying's threat.

Her heart is very self-blaming. All of this is due to her. If Qiu Jiaqiang arrives, Fang Chen is in great danger.

"You are Tianjiao, the younger generation of the Promise Sword Sect. The Sect Master values ​​you very much. You tell him what is happening here and see what he can do." Princess Xin said anxiously.

"Relax, if I guess good, then Qiu Longying's status in the Qiu family is very low. Even if the summons go back, it may not necessarily be believed." Fang Chen said comfortably.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go back to the Promise Sword Sect first."


All the guards brought by Qiu Longying fell, and even he took his life into it.

And all this is because of his lust.

Devil Killing Heaven, Qiu family branch.

In a luxurious mansion, a young man in black was sitting in the garden, quietly playing with the message Yu Pei in his hand.

"Qiu Longying that idiot."

Cursed while playing.

This person, Qiu Longyu, is the cousin of Qiu Longying and a disciple of the Qiu family, but his potential is much stronger than that of Qiu Longying, and he has a high position in the Qiu family.

"The Warrior in One Realm, possessing Shura Kendo, broke his talents and beheaded him?"

Qiu Longyu pondered the message from Qiu Longying and secretly said.

"There are barbarians in Xiulian Sky and other barbarous places?"

Speaking of the four characters of Shura Kendo, Qiu Longyu's eyes glowed with greed.

If he can kill the Shura Kendo warrior back, the family will definitely reward him, and even the branch young master may give him.

This is a great temptation.

"Whether it is true or not, I have to go to the virtual star sky." Qiu Longyu grinned.

The death of Qiu Longying is an iron fact. However, if the Qiu family branch is too lazy to pay attention to it at ordinary times, it will not investigate at all.

Qiu Longying branched in Qiu's family, at best he was just a dude.

However, it is different now. In order to cultivate swordsmanship, Qiu Longyu also has to avenge himself for his incompetent brother.

"This news, temporarily can not let other people in the family know."

Qiu Longyu secretly made a decision, he wanted to win this award.

If it is known to other people in the clan, it will definitely send a strong man to go, and he will not get any benefits at that time.

But he wants to compete with the next branch of the head of the arrogance, this matter may be able to play a role. If it is operated properly, it is very likely to make the branch owners happy, value themselves, and overpower other competitors.

Although it is only a branch, if you become the head of the family, you can talk to the Qiu family headquarters and you will be able to reach a higher level of the warrior circle.

Demon killing Kendo can also get a more perfect cultivation method.

"Qiu Longying, Qiu Longying, you have been stupid all your life. Before death, it was considered a good thing for my brother."

After all, Qiu Longyu turned and left the mansion.


Void sky, Promise Sword Sect.

After bringing Princess Xin back to the Promise Sword Sect, it was arranged in the outer ancestor galaxy.

Princess Xin's cultivation practice has reached the critical point of the **** pattern realm, and it only takes an opportunity to break through to the unity realm.

To this end, Fang Chen gave Princess Xin a lot of cultivation resources, most of which came from the Xu Mi ring of the demon **** warrior beheaded by him.

Anyway, some of them were no longer available, and they were all put in Xinghe Mansion.

Princess Xin worried that Fang Chen was in danger and closed her door, seeking a breakthrough, and then helping Fang Chen.

After that, Fang Chen found Jian Wuji.

"Sovereign." Fang Chen said.

"Is there anything?" Jian Wuji asked.

"I went to Panshi Town this time to find an old man, and there was a conflict with the people of the Qiu family." Fang Chendao said.

"Qiu family? Which Qiu family?" Jian Wuji's complexion changed, said.

"Devil kills the Qiu family." Fang Chen said: "Qiu Longying, the son of the Qiu family branch, wanted to bully my friend and was beheaded by me."

Fang Chen told Jian Wuji that he was going to kill Qiu Longying.

Jian Wuji widened his eyes and looked at Fang Chen.

"How do you ... get Shura Kendo?"

Compared to the beheading of Qiu Longying, Jian Wuji was more shocked to Shura Kendo.

"Inadvertently obtained." Fang Chen said briefly, did not say the old man riding a **** dog.

"This is troublesome."

After a little shock, Jian Wuji said: "The Qiu family's research on demon killing kendo has reached a very strong point. They will never allow Shura Kendo to recover, so if they find Shura Kendo warrior, they will definitely kill them.

"Sect Master, is the Qiu family very strong?" Fang Chen asked. So far, the strength of the Qiu family has been confused.

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