Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2276: cover

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Devil kills the sky, Qiu family.

The huge devil kills the sky, and the Qiu family is completely occupied, where the Qiu family is the absolute overlord.

The Qiu family has many branches, and the branch where Qiu Longtan is located is called the Lingxu branch.

It is so called because the most outstanding genius in the history of this branch is also the ancestor of the branch, known as the Spiritual Veteran.

Unfortunately, later fell due to fierce struggle with Shura Kendo.

The branch of Lingxu has always been proud of Lingxu Venerable.

However, since the endless years, since the fall of the Spiritual Venerable, there has never been a decent strongman in this branch.

This also led to the gradual marginalization of the spiritual and virtual branch from Qiu's important position.

Up to now, the spiritual and virtual branch has been dispatched to the border area, leaving the Qiu family's political rights center.

This also means that the Qiu family has actually given up on the branch of the spirit.

However, the appearance of Qiu Longtan seems to give the Lingxu branch some hope.

However, Qiu Longtan did not disappoint them. He quickly broke into the ground with his talents, and even got the approval of the headquarters, and promised that he could enter the headquarters to practice.

This makes the whole branch of spirit virtual very ecstatic.

However, today's spiritual and virtual branch territory, in a luxurious mansion, is dead.

Almost all high-level branches of the Spiritual Deficiency Branch came together, their faces somber, as if something very important had happened.

"Homeowner, what happened, why did we call us here urgently?"

Asked one of the elders.

"Yes, what is more important than Longtan joining the headquarters?"

A few elders, you glance at me, are guessing the purpose of the house owner's urgent call to them.

The middle-aged man in Jinyi Huafu sitting at the top looked around, and then said in a deep voice: "Longtan is dead."


As soon as this remark came, many elders were dumbfounded, and they shouted in silence.

"Homeowner, what's going on?"

Under the attention of many elders, the owner continued: "Not long ago, Longtan's life was fragmented. I couldn't believe it at the time, and then launched an investigation into Longtan's whereabouts. Finally, it was found that Longtan was indeed dead and died In the hands of an asura kendo warrior. "

"What? Shura Kendo?"

"Is the Shura Kendo hidden in Devil Slayer?"

The owner shook his head and informed the elders of the ins and outs of the matter.

Suddenly, bursts of angry roar came from the entire conference hall.

"Longtan is the hope of the rise of our spiritual and virtual branches. The **** Promise Sword Sect, dare to kill Longtan, they are looking for death."

"Yes, especially the warrior of Shura Kendo must die."

"The Qiu family can't be humiliated. Even if our spiritual and virtual branch has fallen, it is not comparable to the small Promise Sword Sect."

"Immediately kill the virtual star sky and destroy the Promise Sword Sect."

Many elders, filled with anger, threatened to kill the starry sky.

However, it was stopped by the family owner waving his hand.

"Behind the virtual star sky, there are strong men such as the galaxy ancestors. If the headquarters is willing to take action, naturally there is no problem. But Longtan may not be enough to let the headquarters and the virtual star sky completely tear the face. We report it ourselves. "

"What are you waiting for? It's also a matter of minutes to destroy the Promise Sword Sect with the strength of our spiritual and virtual branches." A certain elder said loudly.

"Yeah, be sure to avenge Longtan."

"Destroy our spiritual branch of hope, this hatred must be reported."

The owner waved his hand and beckoned everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Our spiritual and imaginary branch is naturally fearless, but if it goes hurriedly, it will inevitably attract the attention of the powerful ancestors such as Xinghe Patriarch. . "

"What about then?"

In the owner's dark eyes, there was a cold light, and Shen said, "Naturally, I tried hard."


Ethereal sky, a fringe town in Dongxuantian.

On this day, many young generations of warriors appeared.

Most of these young generations are sword repairers, and almost all of them are martial arts openers. Kaitian Realm is in Dongxuantian, already a strong player.

"How do you practice this kind of place where birds don't shit?"

Said a warrior in a black shirt.

"Void Star itself is a barbarous land. Our goal this time is to secretly kill the disciples of Wuji Sect. After completing the mission, we will naturally leave."

"The idiot Qiu Longtan actually died in such a projectile land."

"I heard that the root cause of this incident seems to be the idiot Qiu Longying. He came out to experience and saw the beautiful woman, and he became tempted. Who knows that behind the latter, there is a Shura Kendo warrior who beheaded him. Passed the news to Qiu Longyu. "

"Huh, if it weren't for Qiu Longyu to take exclusive credit, would he die here? He wouldn't make Qiu Longtan furious and come to avenge his younger brother."

These disciples are outstanding disciples of the spiritual and virtual branch.

Deep down, they hate Qiu Longying and Qiu Longyu very much.

These two idiots killed Qiu Longtan, but that is the hope of the rise of the spiritual and virtual branch.

"What's the use of all this now, hurry up."


In a fringe town, disciples of Lingxu branch suddenly came.

"Kill me."

They disguised their breath, and opened a killing ring against the disciples in the town.


With their strength, the warriors in the town are simply unable to resist.

In a blink of an eye, the town was already bleeding into rivers, and the corpses piled up like mountains.

When they retreated, they disguised it as the scene of the crime of the Tianqing's survivors.

A few days later, Wuji Sect went out to the elders and discovered the situation here.

"what happened?"

Soon, after reviewing the elder, he was shocked to find that there were more than 35,000 people in the town, most of them ordinary soldiers, but none of them lived and died.

"Too cruel."

After inspecting the scene, he concluded that it was the crazy act of Tianqing's survivors in retaliation for the Promise Sword Sect.

"Report now."

At the same time, in the Promise Sword Sect, Jian Wuji received many similar messages.

They are all fringe cities, far away from Promise Sword Sect, and the rescue cannot arrive in time.

"Can't the Tianqing survivors hold back?"

Jian Wuji muttered to himself.

Behind him, the sword master walked quickly.

"Sect Master, fifteen towns have been washed by blood." The Sword Master said expressionlessly, "I request the Sect Master to send the elders to the Holy Realm to suppress the survivors of Tianqing."

Sword Promise shook his head, what did the Tianqing survivors blatantly slaughter the city of the Promise Sword Sect's territory?

"Sect Master, don't you just watch Tian Qing's remnants in our Wuji Sect's territory, unscrupulous murder? Are you afraid of the cold of the many warriors?"

The sword master's eyes were scarlet, his heart was furious, and his voice said hoarsely.

Sword Wuji turned around and gently patted the shoulder of the sword master, saying: "This matter is not as simple as you think. Don't act lightly, let's get things clear."

"By the way, did Fang Chen come back?" Jian Wuji asked suddenly.

"Not yet." Sword master said.

At this moment, Jian Wuji's body trembled, and the news of Yu Pei sounded.

After he heard the content of Yu Pei, he showed a cold killing intention on his face.

"Sword Master, I appointed you as the chief commander of this operation, and met the people of Tianqing's survivors, killing without pardon." Jian Wuji said.

The Sect Master suddenly changed his attention, and the Sword Master was stunned for a while, but soon he became ecstatic.

"The Sect Master is assured that I will kill all the dogs."

Soon, the sword master led the army to leave.

On this day, there was a great shock throughout the entire virtual sky.

All the ancestors of Si Xuan Tian are sending troops madly, attacking Tian Qing's survivors.

However, all this is just to cover Fang Chen and others, and be able to smoothly mix into the secret base of Tianqing's survivors.

At the top of Promise Sword Mountain, on the sky pillar.

Jian Wuji and Xinghe Patriarch looked at each other.

"Ancestor, is this safe?" Jian Wuji asked, "Is it too urgent?"

The ancestor of Xinghe shook his head and said, "This decision was also made after careful consideration. After my comprehensive analysis, I think Fang Chen may complete the task."

Jian Wuji nodded and stopped talking. Since the ancestor made the decision, he could not change it.

He only hopes that Fang Chen can come back alive.

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