Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2279: Really killed

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Fang Chen's arrogance completely ignited the anger of the people in the Devil's Mansion.

The Dragon Warrior stared at Fang Chen angrily, wishing to tear it all over.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Even Mokai feels too funny.

A little suckling baby, dare to threaten to kill him magically?

On Mokai's face, there was a spooky smile, and he extended his finger and pointed to himself: "A warrior in the early days of Kaitian Realm, saying you want to kill me?"

As if I heard the most ridiculous digestion in the world, Mokai's face was full of disdain.

Fang Chen nodded seriously and said: "It depends on whether you cooperate."

Fang Chen's meaning is very obvious. If you don't take the initiative to admit defeat, he can't take it when he fights, and when he kills, he will kill.

Anyway, the real man of Molong has already spoken, even if he slaughtered Mokai, he could only blame it for his inferior skills.

"Hahaha, Lan Jue, is there no one in your Jue Xu?"

Mokai laughed and mocked: "Send such an unprecedented trash to challenge me. I think you still obediently put your hands of Juxu Yupei. Otherwise, if you do, you will die. "

"At that time, you will not only lose a warrior, but will also lose the jade jade to our magic dragon palace."

It is said that other martial artists in the square shook their heads one after another. They also thought that Fang Chen's words were too arrogant.

"This kid is not calm at all, he is trying to get the favor."

"Poor continuation, pitted by this kid."

"Yeah, Lan Jue is very clever. I didn't expect this kid to challenge Mokai. Does he really think this guy can defeat Mokai?"

The sounds of discussion continued from ear to ear.

Many people are complaining about Fang Chen, and even the many martial arts of the Nether Mansion, the other party is also extremely dissatisfied.

However, Lan Jue is very calm. Since he has made his choice, he must unconditionally support Fang Chen and even believe Fang Chen.

Moreover, he clearly knows how strong Fang Chen is?

"Blood Brothers will be alright?"

Lan Yong's face was covered with anxiety, but the other party was magically open and could not be careless.

Lan definitely smiled slightly, and Lan Yong finally calmed down.

"Brother Blood, come on." Lan Yong shouted loudly.

Suddenly, many people looked at Lan Yong as if they were idiots.

"Lan Jue, you guys in the Xuhui Palace are not only crazy, but also idiot." Mo Kai snorted and said disdainfully.

"You're so much nonsense." Fang Chen said calmly. "No battle, you think I am not your opponent?"

Speaking of this, Fang Chen gently shook his head and said: "I have seen many people like you. Although it is temporarily beautiful, it will not go too far on the way of Wu Da."

After speaking, Fang Chen sighed: "The real strong man will never despise any enemy."

When Fang Chen said this, Mokai felt humiliated.

He stared at Fang Chen angrily, said coldly: "Yes, I did not despise you, I will take you seriously."

In treating the two words, Mokai bites very hard.


Suddenly, Mokai's whole body showed violent and extreme power.

He clenched his fists, and suddenly the void collapsed, and the violent power gathered on his fists.

If this punch hits the martial arts opener, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Everyone knew that Mokai was really angry, so he showed off his unique skills and broken fist as soon as he came up.

"Boy, I hope you will be so calm in a while."

Mokai believes that Fang Chen is calm in his pretense, and in front of his strength to sweep the sky, it is not enough to mention.

In the face of the imposing magical opening, everyone thought that Fang Chen would be stage fright, but who can think of it, Fang Chen is still light and soft.

"Your broken air punch is good, but your strength is weak."

To everyone's expectation, Fang Chen not only did not shoot, but instead criticized the broken open fist opened by the demon.


Mokai scolded in anger.

"If I guess it's good, you should have hurt Shenquan in the process of practicing Crushing Kong Quan. Although it was finally cultivated, when Shenquan evolved into space, it became unstable." Fang Chen ignored the magic open and slowly Dao Lai: "So, although you seem to be tyrannical now, it is actually scaring people."

"To put it bluntly, you are a paper tiger. It is a frightening man with a lot of card power, but it really is nothing but the same."

Fang Chen smiled and said, "For me, there are at least one hundred ways to crack your broken fist."


Mokai's face was fierce, scarlet eyes staring at Fang Chen.

However, in his heart, there was a trace of waves.

"How could he know?"

Demon was shocked by the joy, and the Crushing Fist was a tremendous learning from their Devil's Mansion. It was impossible for outsiders to learn. How did he see his own practice ills?

"Just with your eyes?"

Mokai thought to himself, if this is the case, this child is really serious, is it really a pig and a tiger?

Not only the magic is open, but even the self-confident real dragon has a glimpse of surprise in his eyes.

As the boxing technique of Demon Dragon Mansion, Shuangkongquan knows best.

What Fang Chen just said is indeed true.

When Mokai practiced the empty fist, there was a gap, and he thought of a way to do it, but he couldn't help.


The real dragon thought secretly and thoughtlessly.

On the square, Fang Chen continued: "Despite your strength, you dare to claim to sweep away the sky and feel ashamed?"

Fang Chen's words completely angered Mokai, who screamed in the sky and burst out with a punch.


Fang Chen's figure flashed, and he instantly disappeared into the void.

Although there are hundreds of ways to crack the broken fist, it is a bit exaggerated, but there are still a few.

Nothing else, just the time and space collapse technique can be easily cracked.

There will be a one-second dwell time when Smashing Kongquan is exhibited.

Most people will not notice this at all, but Fang Chen fully uses this second.

When the smashing punch came, he had already moved to the back of the smashing punch.


Wan Jian's body urged, the power of terror, invaded, directly hit the broken fist.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

Mokai's fist broke, and Fang Chen stood quietly on the Yanwu platform.

"How can it be?"

Mokai cried out in silence.

The many warriors below are also in an uproar.

"He actually resisted?"

"Is it true that he said? Is there really a flaw in Mokai's broken fist?"

"God, when did such a wicked genius appear in Jue Xu Mansion?"

Hearing everyone's words, Mokai felt very embarrassed. He was full of anger in his heart and forcibly cast the broken fist to the extreme.


A series of terrifying fists encapsulated Fang Chen's whole body.

"Humph, how do you resist?"

Seeing this, Mokai sneered.

However, his voice just fell, and suddenly there was a leisurely voice in the horror fist.

"I said, there are at least one hundred ways to crack your broken fist."

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, the colors of the world suddenly changed.

A huge axe, which cut through the sky, appeared over the top of Mokai's head with an extremely strange running route.

"Do not……"

Mokai was shocked to find that his body was imprisoned and unable to move.

He made a miserable cry and turned to look at the real dragon, asking for help.


The real dragon said with a deep voice, and immediately flaunted a burst of light.

It's a pity that Fang Chen prepared long ago. When the axe fell down, he had smashed the horror fist and appeared behind Mokai.


Exhausting all his strength, he punched through the demon's body with one punch.


Mokai's eyes widened, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

His pupils began to spread and his body was extremely weak.


When the light emitted by the real dragon hit the axe, the body of Mokai collapsed to the ground.


The whole square was in an uproar.

The strongest man in Kailong Realm, Kaikai, is so dead?

"I let you stop, didn't you hear?"

The furious voice of the real dragon passed into Fang Chen's ear.

"Can't the Dragon House lose?"

Lan Jue's voice sounded.

He did not expect that Fang Chen could actually kill Mokai.

At this moment, joy floods the brain, and such peerless geniuses have to take shelter anyway.

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