Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2281: Four dead and one injured

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Seeing the expression of Black Snake Sword, Zhou Zhen and Wang Fu froze for a moment.

"Black Snake Sword, won't it really be said by this kid?" Zhou Zhen asked.

"Is this kid involved in Kendo slightly?" Wang Fu thought.

The black snake sword's heart quickly recovered after a short period of fluctuation.

"Huh, the guy with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, it is ridiculous to want to use this to mess up my mind."

Black Snake sneered, raising his arms, and the black giant sword pointed directly at Fang Chendao: "You said that I don't understand Kendo, then I will let you know what a real Kendo is."

Black Snake Sword just wanted to start, and was stopped by Fang Chen again.

"Four of you, let's shoot together." Fang Chen said with a sneer. "I want to be on the battle list quickly, and I don't want to waste time."

After that, Fang Chen added a sentence.

This sentence angered all four people at once, and even the silent peak of the silence frowned slightly, expressing the dissatisfaction of the other party.

"To deal with you, I am all alone." Black Snake said.

Fang Chen shook his head and said, "I don't accept your challenge. I want you to shoot. Let the four of you go together."

Lan Jue wanted to dissuade, but after seeing Fang Chen's determination, he stopped talking.

The Tianqing relics are very belligerent. Although they are of the same race, they are often seen in life and death battles.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that Fang Chen wants to kill several of them.

Obviously, by beheading their top five celestial beings, not only can they be famous, but they can also get on the battle list and get training resources. Why not do it?

"Do you really want the four of us to shoot together?"

The silent peak broke open.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhou Zhen and other people's faces were full of gloating expressions.

You look dead.

Fang Chen nodded, looking at the broken peak and said: "Of the four of you, only you can give me some sense of oppression, but it is only a sense of oppression."

"Okay, I accept your challenge." Po Feng heard, and said in a deep voice.

Fang Chen shook his finger and corrected, "It's not you but the four of you."

Everyone on the square who was about to leave, came back again.

They were also stunned by Fang Chen's arrogant words. The four of them joined forces, but it was not comparable to Mokai.

"Blood Brothers will be okay?" Lan Yong asked anxiously.

"Blood Brother is not a reckless person, he may be really sure to do so." Lan Jue.

In fact, before challenging the four, Fang Chen secretly asked Lan Jue.

If you kill them all, will there be any trouble?

Lan Jue's response reassured him.

"Not much nonsense, just go ahead."

The black snake sword said in a deep voice, his figure flashed, and his body seemed to fit into the black giant sword.


Zhou Zhen opened his palms, and suddenly a violent open-level formation appeared.

Wang Fu's hands are constantly binding with the seal of Fa, condensing one after another powerful Fulu.

Only the peak was broken and no action was taken.

Everyone looked at Yanwutai fiercely. It has been a long time since such a fierce battle that made the blood blow.

Fang Chen stood quietly, responding constantly to the same.

Looking at the Kaitian-level formation that enveloped him, he grinned and said: "This arrangement is really simple enough."

At this time, Fang Chen remembered what Xinghe Patriarch said to himself.

The Tianqing survivors' sense of Tao is extremely weak, and their strength is completely compensated by powerful cultivation practices.

Fang Chen didn't quite believe it, but after beheading Mokai and playing against the top four, he believed it.

An array master, who is at the top of the sky and is good at arraying together, has actually arranged such a loophole formation, which is really shameful.

Then he looked up at Fu Luo in the sky.

Shaking his head with a sneer, although his attainments on the runes of the masters are not as good as those of the formations, they are considered to be proficient.

He saw the shortcomings of these symbols at a glance.

Among the four, he could not see through the peak.

The latter motionless, staring at Fang Chen.


The first was the Black Snake Sword. He held a black giant sword in his hand and cast a lore. He wanted to cut Chen Chen's head in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the futian skyrocket exploded in an instant, and the power of terror swept Fang Chen's body.

Zhou Zhen is in the distance, controlling the formation, imprisoning Fang Chen's body.

No matter what anyone thinks, this is a deadly situation.

However, Fang Chen's face did not have any worry.

When the black giant sword of the Black Snake Sword was about to touch his body, his palm suddenly lifted up, gently.


Kaitian-level array suddenly appeared a crack, the power of imprisonment disappeared, and Fang Chen's figure also disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chen slammed into the majestic power of Fu Luo, destroying the operation of Fu Lu with skill.


The sky is full of symbols, lost control, and turned into nothingness.

"How can it be?"

Wang Fu and Zhou Zhen shouted at the same time.

However, just as they were ready to continue their hands, the body of the Black Snake Sword has been blown away by the battle axe in Fang Chen's hands.


The deafening vibration sound resounded through the sky.

Everyone looked at Fang Chen dumbfounded, rubbing his eyes vigorously, thinking that all this was an illusion.


There was a roar in Fang Chen's throat.

Immediately, his big axe, containing Xiuluo sword qi, chopped directly towards the Zhou formation.

He specializes in array formation, and the defense is relatively weak.

call out!

At this moment, Breaking Peak finally started.

His body, like a wild horse that had been retired, came to Fang Chen in the blink of an eye.


A roar sounded, and a roaring golden lion appeared over the top of the broken peak.

This lion exudes shocking power.

Breaking the peak controls the lion, the other party Chen launched a fierce attack.

"Is this your dependence?"

For a long time, Fang Chen couldn't see through the peak, but after he showed his talent, Fang Chen finally knew the peak card.

"You can't stop it."

Before the peak-breaking attack came, Fang Chen's big axe directly chopped on Zhou Zhen's head.


His head shattered and his body died.

At the same time, the peak-breaking attack roared.

It is a pity that Fang Chen possesses the time and space collapse technique, and the latter's attack cannot touch himself at all.


After Fang Chen's words fell, he suddenly appeared behind Wang Fu.


An axe hacked Wang Fu to death.


Breaking the peak for the first time, his attack, he could not touch the latter's body.

"Death to death."

Broken peak roaring madly, the golden lion above his head, blood basin big mouth, swooping down.

"the second."

Fang Chen at this moment, like killing God, is unattainable.

"He really did it?"

On the square, not only Lan Jue and others, but also the heads of the governments were completely shocked.

The warrior of the open world can actually be so powerful.

"Oh my god."

Everyone shuddered inwardly.

The third!

After Fang Chen beheaded the Black Snake Sword, the masters of the governments finally realized that something was wrong.

"Stop it, you can't kill it."

Several masters shouted, wanting to stop Fang Chen.

However, Fang Chen has already killed his red eyes, regardless of these.


He struggled hard with Po Feng.

The golden lion above the latter's head was torn by it.


Po Feng's body flew out directly.


Just when Fang Chen jumped up and was about to slash and break the peak, the strongest in the Holy Realm finally came and hurriedly stopped Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, enough." One of them said humanely.

"Masters, am I wrong?" Fang Chen calmed down gradually and asked away the battle axe.

Several masters looked at each other, then shook their heads and smiled bitterly. "Blood Sword Saint, logically speaking, duel between you, we as the Lord of the House, should not intervene. However, a few of them are outstanding geniuses of our Tianqing survivors, and the loss of one is all loss. Four is enough. "

"Broken Peak has been defeated by you. You have proved to everyone that you are the first person in the world to be deserved."

"Be forgiving and forgiving."

The strong is respected.

Prior to this, the masters of the governments did not care about Fang Chen.

But now, he has shown the potential and strength to surpass the five major arrogances, and the masters of various governments immediately changed their attitudes.

Although Fang Chen killed the four Tianjiao, but they did not blame the slightest.

"Blood Sword Saint, you are already on the battle list, there is no need to continue killing?"

Fang Chen glanced at the broken peak, the latter was downcast, sitting on the ground and not getting up.

The arrogance in his heart has been completely defeated by Fang Chen.

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