Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2299: frighten

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In three years, Shadow Moon Immortal has gradually grown up.

After all, it was once powerful, so there are still some details.

However, only Master Ziyue knows that all this is because of the inheritance of the ancestor Shadowmoon Saint.

His inheritance is in line with the blood of the Immortal Sect of Shadow Moon, and cultivation is more effective.

After stepping into the level of the Profound God, his strength is steadily increasing, and at the same time it is also deterring many second-rate forces.

Otherwise, the strength of their Shadow Moon Immortal Sect has long been spotted.

Fang Chen's words made Master Ziyue's heart also quite excited.

If he could recapture the mountain gate, he would disintegrate the secrets hidden in it. He bet that, within three years, Shadowmoon Xianzong could become a first-class force.

By then, in the entire Canglan District, it will be able to hold water.

Thinking of this, Master Ziyue's face showed an excited smile.

This is an opportunity. The Shadow Moon Immortal Sect has fallen to the point of being irretrievable. However, Fang Chen's bring miraculously brought the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect back from the cliff.

Although Fang Chen is an elder and a young patriarch of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, Ziyue Master's attitude towards Fang Chen is very sincere.

Fang Chen's decision can basically represent the entire Shadow Moon Sect.

"Yes, it's time to recapture the mountain gate." Master Ziyue heard the words and nodded gently.

Over the past three years, not only is the strength of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect increasing, but his disciples have gradually increased.

There are many disciples who cannot join other sects. They can only join the Shadow Moon Sect in order to get some cultivation divine skills.

"However, the strength of the Dragon Black Gate cannot be underestimated. There are two Profound Gods under the door, and they have good relations with the Tianzi Gate. If we act rashly, we will definitely be caught by the two great gates."

Elder Zipao and others also nodded.

Longheimen is also very good among the second-rate forces, at least not much worse than Tianzimen.

Just as everyone was discussing, suddenly a disciple hurried in to report the news.


The face of Master Ziyue changed, and the elder Zipao hurriedly asked.

"Sect Master, what happened?"

"Tianzimen Lord came with a demon, to visit my Shadow Moon Immortal Sect."

"Tianzimen? I'm afraid they have no good intentions?"

"It must have been seen that our Shadow Moon Immortal Sect was rising too fast and wanted to explore the reality."

"Sovereign, what are you going to do?"

Asked the elders aloud.

The current Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, barely gaining a foothold in second-rate forces, is unable to confront Tianzimen.

Master Ziyue thought for a moment, and said immediately: "Since the noble guest is at the door, if our Yingyue Xianzong does not receive it, wouldn't it be a joke to say it. Bring them to the parlor."

After all, the eyes of Master Ziyue fell on Fang Chen and said, "Elder Fang, please come with me."

Seeing the eyes of Master Ziyue, Fang Chen nodded slightly.

living room.

Lord Tianzimen and Demon sat on the Taishi chair.

"The door owner, Shadow Moon Immortal Sect was so dismal at the beginning, and it has developed to this point in only three years. There is absolutely a problem." Li Mo said in a deep voice: "I suspect they are most likely to get Treasure. "

Hearing the words, Tianzimen nodded and looked deep outside the door.

The legend about Shadowmoon Valley has been circulating in Canglan District forever.

Ever since he became the master of Tianzimen, this legend has been lingering in his ears.

"There is no wind in the hole."

Although many people believe that the legend about Shadowmoon Valley is false, the Master Tianzimen believes that it may be true.

The ancestor of Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, Shadow Moon Saint is most likely to fall there.

The more I thought, the more curious my heart was. When I was about to speak, Master Ziyue and Fang Chen came in.

"Hahaha, the Lord Tianzimen is here, and my shadow moon Xianzong will flourish."

After all, Master Ziyue is also a mysterious **** today, so the Master Tianzimen's attitude is not cold.


The bloated fat man next to the main body of Tianzimen disengaged himself, and after seeing Fang Chen, his eyes widened and his anger was skyrocketing.

"Master Ziyue, your Shadow Moon Immortal Sect has been advancing by leaps and bounds in just three years. I am curious, what is the reason for this change."

The eyes of the Master Tianzimen swept over Fang Chen's body, and then said slightly.

After hearing this, Master Ziyue laughed and said meaningfully: "If I say, all this is because of the strong man behind Elder Fang, can you believe it?"

Tian Zimen heard the words, his face changed, his dark eyes stared at Fang Chen.

At this time, the side of the Devil, shouted silently.

"How are you?"

On that day, Li Mo remembered clearly that Fang Chen was sentenced to death by the two great mysterious gods. His meridians were broken, and there was a crack in his body space.

"How can it be?"

Li Mo looked at Fang Chen in disbelief.

The abandoned man was standing in front of him now.

It seems that in order to increase the credibility, Master Ziyue continued: "Otherwise, how do you think that the open space warrior with the meridian and the internal space foundation is unstable, how can he achieve this step within three years?"

The Master of Tianzimen is the Profound God. At this level, his perception of the microcosm has reached another level.

He knows better than anyone what it means to have cracks in the body space.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

The Master Tianzimen shook his head violently and said in a deep voice: "Even if it is the Profound God, it is impossible to repair the space inside the warrior."

The internal space involves the most fundamental strength of the warrior. Even the strong at the level of the Profound God cannot be repaired.

"Don't ..."

Thinking of this, Lord Tianzimen's complexion changed greatly. He looked into Fang Chen's eyes, and a dignified color appeared.

If what the Master Ziyue said is true, then behind this Elder Fang, there must be a strong man who can't be aroused by the Tianzimen.


Tianzimen Lord looked away from Demon and said in a low voice.

"Master, I can be sure that this son was broken three years ago and the meridian was broken, and there was a crack in the body space, but there were two great mysterious gods present." Li Modao.

At this time, after the inner struggle of the Lord Tianzimen, he finally made a decision.

"Master Ziyue, I made this trip to congratulate you, Yingyue Xianzong, and return to the second-rate forces."

Master Tian Zimen clenched his fists: "Now, I should go back, there will be a period in the future."

Having said that, the Lord Tianzimen took away the Demon and quickly left the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect.

"Sect Master, don't you just give up like this?" Li Mo asked unwillingly.


The Master Tianzimen directly gave the Devil a bunch of heads.

"Do you want to kill Tianzimen?"

The strong who surpassed the level of the Profound God didn't dare to think about it. One finger can destroy the Master Tianzimen.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, it cannot easily provoke Yingyue Xianzong.

"Let those old guys try it out," said the monstrous master of the Tianzimen.

Yingyue Xianzong, stay in the living room.

"Sect Master, did you say that Master Zimen would believe that day?" Fang Chen asked.

Master Ziyue's mood is quite good, hey he smiled and said: "Whether he believes it or not, there will be doubts in his heart, and he will certainly not dare to shoot our shadow moon fairy in a short time.

Fang Chen nodded and said no more.

Master Ziyue looked at Fang Chen's back and secretly said, "You can't understand how terrifying it is beyond the existence of the Profound God."


A few days later, Fang Chen and Master Ziyue discussed a countermeasure.

Longheimen has two strong level of mysterious **** level. Master Ziyue can deal with one person, and the remaining one, Fang Chen will lead him away.

Elder Zipao and others led the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect and attacked the Dragon Gate.

The most critical part of this plan is Fang Chen. He is just a warrior who opens the sky realm. If he wants to lead the mysterious god, it is very dangerous. If he is not careful, he will die.

"Elder Fang, are you sure you can do it?" Master Ziyue asked worriedly.

"Relax, I already have a plan to deal with the mysterious god." Fang Chen said confidently.

Of course, it can't be tough, and it can only be outsmarted against the mysterious god.

However, the reason why Fang Chen dared to do so also had his own cards.

At the level of the sky, he can use the Xuantian cone once. If it is really the critical moment of life and death, he can use the Xuantian cone to save his life.

"Elder Fang, you must be careful." Master Ziyue said in a deep voice.

This action has a great impact on Shadowmoon Xianzong.

Success is soaring, and defeat is falling into hell.

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