Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 2301: Frightened

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Fang Chen was worried when Hei San wanted to break through.

Once Black Three broke through, the consequences would be disastrous, especially the master who had alarmed the limit of Xuantian Realm, and the plan was probably to be overwhelmed.

However, Qi Ling was very calm, and vowed that there was no problem with the blockade he had arranged.

"Are you sure?"

Fang Chen still asked some uneasy.

"Master, don't worry, there is no problem at all."

Qi Ling was so calm, Fang Chen gradually relaxed.

Sure enough, the next time, no matter how Black III broke through, he could not break the blockade.

This made Fang Chen sigh. This kind of ban means is too shocking.

Even if his formation reaches Kaitian level, I'm afraid it won't be able to trap the Profound God.

"It seems that it is necessary to study the formation method more." Fang Chen said secretly.

Half an hour later, the blocked space vibrated, and Fang Chen looked up and found out that Hei San had already died, and Master Ziyue's hands were resting on Hei San's body, absorbing the power in his body.

"What are you doing?"

Fang Chen walked suspiciously to Master Ziyue.

"Every sage warrior can take the inner universe out of the body and form a miniature universe when taking the last step. But there are also some people who, in pursuit of strength, simply disperse the inner universe and all the power. Absorb. "Mr. Ziyue explained.

"Hei San is the case. Although he is dead, the power remaining in his body is of great benefit to me."

In his speech, Master Ziyue completely absorbed the power of the Black Body.

"Elder Fang, your means of blocking the space is really serious."

Master Ziyue couldn't help complimenting that he had just been busy fighting. Now he calmed down and felt more and more that Elder Fang was unfathomable.

"How? If I use the same ban to ban the Dragon Lord, will you be able to kill it?" Fang Chen asked.

Master Ziyue pondered: "The strength of the Dragon Black Gate Master is comparable to mine. It is too difficult to behead it. But ..."

"But what?" Fang Chen asked.

"In fact, it is not necessary to beheaded, is it better if it can be succumbed?" Ziyue Shangren said.

However, this is also a problem.

Fang Chen's eyes flickered, and secretly communicated with Qi Ling a little, and then said: "I have a way to try it."


After hearing this, Master Ziyue's eyes lit up and excitedly said: "Let's act directly."


Late at night, darkness covered the earth.

The dragon black gate was brightly lit, and many patrols were walking around.

Fang Chen and Master Ziyue quietly came to the Dragon Gate, and then found the retreat of the Dragon Gate Master.


Fang Chen secretly said, in an instant the device spirit blocked this place.

Immediately, Master Ziyue got into it, and a moment later came the sound of vibration.

Fang Chen stood quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

After a while, Master Ziyue sent a message to Fang Chen, and the time was ripe.


He entered the secret room, and there was a mess in his eyes.

The entire Chamber of Secrets is already dilapidated. If it were not forbidden by blocking means, the fighting fluctuated here, and the Dragon Black Gate had been destroyed long ago.

"Dragon Black Gate Master."

Fang Chen said.

"Who are you?" Long Heimen's face was black, and he said in a deep voice.

"This is Elder Fang of my Shadow Moon Immortal Sect and the creator of this ban."

The elders of the area of ​​the Moon Moon Immortal Sect couldn't get into the eyes of the Dragon Lord, but the creator of the ban means attracted the latter's attention.

"You banned it?"

The Dragon Black Gate Master did not believe that the other party was obviously a warrior of the Celestial Realm.

"Yes, you can think of it this way." Fang Chen said with a smile: "How is it? How about joining my Shadow Moon Immortal Sect?"

Fang Chen said in a straightforward way, the Dragon Black Gate Master cursed directly: "Dream go, although Master Ziyue is equivalent to me, but he can't help me."

All this is within Fang Chen's expectations.

"Dragon Black Gate Master, I'm afraid you don't know yet. Hei San colluded with external forces to prepare to **** your Dragon Black Gate?" Fang Chen laughed.

"You bullshit."

"I just saw it with the patriarch, he secretly reported things to a black-robed warrior in the western forest." Fang Chen said.

He also does not need the Dragon Lord to believe, as long as it disturbs his mind.


Long Heimen's heart was in disorder and he secretly said.

At this time, Fang Chen continued: "Long Heimen, how are we betting?"


"You and I fight, if I win, we will leave immediately, if you lose, how about joining Shadow Moon Immortal Sect?" Fang Chen said.

"Huh, just because you want to win me? It's ridiculous."

If you put it in peacetime, a **** who dared to say such things to herself, has already slapped to death.

But now, the Dragon Black Gate Master dare not act rashly.

He also tried the power of the ban.

It's simply not what the average person can do, he can't see Fang Chen.

"Don't you dare to agree?"

Fang Chen spread his hands and said: "You can't defeat Master Ziyue, and it's meaningless to keep fighting. It's better to fight like this. Moreover, if you join Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, you have a high status and you can get Shadow Moon The background of Xianzong. "

The main eyes of the Dragon Black Gate flicker, and the reason for occupying the Shadow Moon Immortal Mountain Gate is for the legendary heritage.

But for many years, it has not been found.

He once believed that the legend was deceptive.

But now Fang Chen said this, there was really a wave in his heart.

"Does there really exist in this mountain gate?" Said the Dragon Black Gate Master secretly.

He looked up at Fang Chen and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I promised you the challenge, but I want to modify it. If you lose, you will stay in the Dragon Gate forever, how?"

"no problem."

"Elder Fang." Master Ziyue exclaimed worriedly.

But after seeing Fang Chen's confident look, Master Ziyue stopped talking.


Xuan Tian Realm's extreme breath, violently spewing out, instantly squeezing Fang Chen's body.

"I want to see, what are you fighting me for?"

As soon as the words fell, the master of the Dragon Gate stepped out and rushed towards Fang Chen.

However, after a breathing time, the eyes of the main dragon dragon door were full of panic, and stepped back step by step.

"How can it be?"

The Dragon Gate Master exclaimed, his eyes filled with unbelievable looks.

At this moment, there was a palpitation force in the secret room, hovering above Fang Chen's head.

That kind of power seems to exist forever.

"too strong."

Even Master Ziyue aside, his body trembles involuntarily.

Even the strong Xuanxing Realm cannot have such a breath.

"Could it be that there is really a strong man beyond the level of the Profound God behind him?"

The Lord Longheimen was completely stunned by this powerful force. There was no trace of fighting in his heart.

Too strong, desperately powerful.


Fang Chen stepped out, approaching the Dragon Lord.

The violent momentum, the oppressed Dragon Black Gate Master could not move, he looked at Fang Chen in horror.


Fang Chen was unmoved and moved on.

"Shut up, I admit defeat."

The Lord Longhei shouted loudly, and at this moment, he couldn't care about his face anymore.

"Make the pledge of martial arts." Fang Chen's cold voice exploded in the mind of the Lord Dragon Gate.

The Long Heimen didn't want to think about it, and took the martial pledge directly.

"I, Lord Dragon Black Gate, joined Shadowmoon Immortal Sect and never betrayed."

After the Budo pledge was taken, the horror breath above Fang Chen's head dissipated in an instant, and the chamber returned to calm.

The Longhei gatekeeper gasped, and his forehead was covered with sweat beads.

"In the future, you will be the Dragon Black Elder of My Shadow Moon Xianzong." Fang Chen said with a smile.

On the side, Master Ziyue also extended his palm and said, "Elder Dragon Black."

The main face of the Dragon Black Gate is pale, and his heart is still throbbing.

"Fortunately, it is the Dragon Black Gate Master. If you change to a person with a firm mind, I am afraid that you will desperately fight with yourself at all costs, and then you will be exposed." Fang Chen said secretly.

In fact, the aura of horror just released by Xuan Tiancong deliberately frightened the Dragon Lord.

Unexpectedly, it was really successful. Anyway, this mission was successfully completed.

Not only took back the mountain gate, but also included the dragon black gate.

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