Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2307: Lu Yu Shen Bang

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On the night when the moon is dark and windy, Fang Chen's figure flickered and ran on the wilderness outside Lianglong City.

Behind him, he could clearly feel several powerful breaths.

However, he didn't care. With his attainments in time and space, he played the eleventh level of time and space collapse, even if he is a strong player in the Holy Scriptures, I am afraid he can't catch up with him.

Sure enough, after a while, Fang Chen shook off the person behind him and came to a deep forest.


Put the stall owner on the ground, and then said: "I have thrown them away, you go."

"Brother, thank you."

After finishing talking, the stall owner turned and left, sinking into the darkness.

Fang Chen turned his head to look behind him, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Outside Lianglong City, a vast expanse of wilderness covered the wilderness with darkness and no fingers were reached.

However, for the Heavenly God, this is nothing at all, their consciousness can sense everything.

"what happened?"

The burly big man looked around and found no trace of Fang Chen.

After a long time, he said decadently: "I lost it."


Several broken sounds came from a distance, and soon a black-robed warrior appeared in front of the burly man.

"What about people?"

The sharp eyes of the black-robed warrior looked at the burly man.

"Master, I'm sorry, I lost it," the burly man said with his head down.

"Lost with you? You can't even catch up with a martial arts opener?" The young master was a little angry and said coldly.

"Master, that guy's speed is very fast, and his body is very peculiar, can break the void, disturb my tracking." The burly man explained.

The black robe warrior shook his sleeves and his face was covered with frost.

At this moment, Fang Chen, who is hidden in secret, sees everything on the wasteland clearly.

"The two broken swords are most likely related to the Demon Sword Sovereign who once dominated the side. If you can get the broken sword and enter the Canglan Castle, you will definitely get something."

The cooked duck flew in sight.

"Master, I said that long ago, it was the direct hard grab." The burly Dahan said.

"What do you know? There is a mysterious **** sitting in Fang City of Lianglong City. Who dares to mess up?" The black-robed warrior glared at the burly man and said.

In the dark, a smile appeared on Fang Chen's face.

"Is it related to Demon Sword Venerable? No wonder it will cause the shock of Xiuluo Jianqi." Fang Chen said to himself.

At the same time, he also recognized the black-robed warrior, he was the sword of the Holy Commander Ninety-seven Tan Qin Yifeng.


Without thinking about it, Fang Chen turned around and left, disappearing into the darkness.


The next time, the people in Lianglong City came and went, and their breath was extremely suppressed.

Finally, half a month later, Blue Brother brought the news.

Someone saw the Canglan Five Tigers heading towards the northern part of the Canglan District. They seem to have received some information and are already in action.

Moreover, he said that a lot of people already knew the news and flew in the direction of the Canglan Five Tigers.

"Boss, the speed of rotation of the Canglan Castle has been weakening, and it is likely to be in the northern part of the Canglan District." Blue Brother said: "Many of the heavenly gods have already gone, do you want to act?"

Fang Chen nodded, took out some source stones, and handed it to Blue Brother, "This is for your reward."

"Thank you boss."

"Do you know Qin Yifeng, the one-word sword of the Holy List?" Fang Chen asked.

"Sword Qin Yifeng?"

Hearing this, Brother Blue was slightly surprised and immediately said: "Of course I understand that this person is an outstanding disciple of the Holy Sword Gate, and he has already been included in the Holy List at a young age. There is boundless future. And I have heard that Qin Yifeng's sword sword repair seems to A kendo dedicated to killing. "

"How is his strength?" Fang Chen asked.

"I don't know exactly how, but someone has seen it with one's own eyes. Qin Yifeng killed three martial warriors with a sword. Since then, Qin Yifeng has been on the holy list and made a name for himself."

After all, Blue Brother's strength is too weak, and he can't reach the strong players of the Holy List, so he can't ask anything.

However, Fang Chen was somewhat curious about Qin Yifeng's swordsmanship.

There is only one kind of kendo specializing in killing, that is the magic killing kendo.

On the night of the same day, Fang Chen performed space-time fragmentation and left Lianglong City for the north.


A few days later, on a mountain peak.

Fang Chen and a white robe warrior sat side by side on the top of the mountain. The two looked at each other, their faces full of bitter smiles.

"Brother Fang, I really don't see it. You, a martial arts opener, have such strength." The white robe warrior said with a smile.

"Brother Bai is also good, admire."

Bai Wen, a guy Fang Chen met on the road, was very funny and very close to Fang Chen, so the two went together.

Bai Wen has always said that he is a strong leader, but Fang Chen did not believe it.

Because, in his view, Bai Wen is just a warrior who breaks the ground.

If you exert yourself, you can instantly defeat Bai Wen. However, Fang Chen did not reveal his true strength.

Just now, while traveling through a mountain range, the two met a monster in the most holy realm. After a fierce battle, they finally escaped from the danger.

"I told you that Bai Wen is a strong leader, but you don't believe it." Bai Wen said proudly, as if he was really a strong leader.

"I have heard of the strong men of the Holy List, but there is no name of Bai Wen." Fang Chen looked at Bai Wen playfully.

He believed that Bai Wen was lying and deliberately deceived himself.

Of course, he did not care too much.

"I'm too popular, there will be a lot of crowds everywhere, so I chose to hide my name, of course you can't see me on the list," Bai Wen explained.

Fang Chen smiled and stopped discussing such meaningless topics.

"Brother Bai, how far is it from the landing place of Canglan Castle?" Fang Chen asked.

During the conversation with Bai Wen along the way, Fang Chen found that this guy was like a hundred Xiaosheng in the rivers and lakes and knew nothing about it.

"I'll pinch my fingers, and I will be there in another thousand miles."

At this time, Bai Wen, like an old **** stick, pinched his fingers and said with a smile.

Fang Chen rolled his eyes directly and was speechless about this treasure.

"Brother Fang, don't believe it. I really have some understanding of metaphysics."

"Ah, don't go, I said everything is true."

Fang Chen walked down the mountain and Bai Wen's shout came from behind.

"Then you calculate it for me. What will I do with this trip to Canglan Castle?" Fang Chen turned around and asked.

Bai Wen smiled and said: "Fang brothers are flamboyant, at first glance they are promising people. Although their strength is a little worse, this is not important. It can be compensated with potential. When Fang brother comes out of Canglan Castle, he will Shake the whole Canglan area. "

Fang Chen turned his head and ignored Bai Wen directly.

Finally, Bai Wen chased breathlessly, and suddenly, in the mountains far away, the towering big tree made a moving sound.

"There is movement."

Fang Chen's face changed slightly, and if the animal was chased out, it would be troublesome.

"Not a monster, but a human being." Bai Wen whispered.

As soon as his words fell, a group of people came out of the mountains.

A group of people divided into two rows, walking on both sides, guarding a warrior in the middle.

"Jinjia Jinlongyang." Bai Wen muttered in a low voice.

"Don't you see Master Longyang traveling? Go away."

Suddenly, a guard shouted loudly and punched at the same time, slamming into Fang Chen and Bai Wen.

The figure of the two flashed, avoiding the guard's attack, and his face changed suddenly.

Jin Longyang, who was moving forward, suddenly stopped and turned to look at the two.

"Two obnoxious guys, kill me." Jin Longyang said coldly.

"Huh, isn't it the young master of the Jin family? What's so great? Lao Tzu is still a strong leader." Bai Wen said disdainfully.

It was heard that the guards laughed, "If you are a strong leader, our young master will be the leader in the leaderboard."


With the roar of one guard, other guards suddenly shot.


The sound of battle was endless, Fang Chen and Bai Wen glanced at each other, and then Thunder shot.

Along the way, the two have cooperated countless times and formed a tacit understanding.

As soon as he shot, he immediately flew a guard and forced the other guards back.

Jin Longyang narrowed his eyes and stared at the two of them. "You two have good skills. Let me protect you."

This is an order, not a negotiation.

"How about you being my servant?" Bai Wen said in a deep voice.

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