Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2310: Yuhua Fairy

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Without entering Canglan Castle, you can never imagine that a castle would be so large.

At the moment Fang Chen was standing on a square, his eyes widened and he looked at the empty surroundings.

There are some buildings in that distance, this is the legendary Canglan castle.

"It's too big, bigger than the ancient sword continent."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, his heart admired Canglan Venerable even more.

"The power of the source in the castle seems to be a little thin." Fang Chen frowned, thinking secretly.

After rushing into the castle, Fang Chen found that he and Bai Wen had been lost. After the shuttle gate, they scattered.

This is probably the meaning of Venerable Canglan. If they come together, those strong men will definitely deal with these weak people first.

And dispersing the crowd can also give the weaker people a certain chance.


Fang Chen felt that the broken sword in the Xumi ring was shaking, and there seemed to be something calling them.

"Heir of Sword Sovereign?"

This must be the case, how can the broken sword tremble.

"Help me look around." Fang Chen ordered Qi Lingdao.

His Yuanshen cultivation is only seven Yuan realm, far from being comparable to those of the most holy realm.

Therefore, Qi Ling is needed to help him check the wind and grass around him.

If not, the strong players of the Holy Command cannot be found in close proximity.

"Relax, master, within a thousand miles, there is no one." Qi Ling said with a smile.

Fang Chen nodded, flashed immediately, and quickly moved forward in accordance with the guidance of the broken sword.

In front of a small building, Bai Wen looked around, looking around.

"***, actually sent me here."

Bai Wen was helpless. The small building in front of him, if he guessed well, should be the place where the legendary Demon Sword detained prisoners.

Years have wiped out youth, but it has not worn away the marks of the prison.

This building seemed to be a courtyard from the outside. After Bai Wen approached, his palm gently waved and patted in the void.

Suddenly, a golden net-like breath appeared in the void, with a thick flame flashing above it, completely sealing off the entire cage.

"Damn, fortunately I got some information in advance, otherwise I would say it." Bai Wen couldn't help cursing.

However, just the moment he turned his head, suddenly a fiery red light radiated from the sea of ​​fire.

Before Bai Wen responded, he was wrapped in fiery red light, and then sucked into the prison.

"No." Bai Wen cried from the prison.


Along the way, Fang Chen met many warriors, most of them were open-world warriors.

For them, the periphery of Canglan Castle is considered to be the safest zone. They dare not go deeper and wait until they are inherited to improve their strength.

Some people seem to want to rob Fang Chen after realizing the breath of Fang Chen

"Boy, stop."

At a certain moment, the two guys in the early stage of the ground blocked Fang Chen's path with a smile.

"Is there anything?" Fang Chen asked.

"Hand over the Xu Mi ring on you, we can spare you forever." Said the bald man.

"Oh? Forgive me not to die?"

Fang Chen chuckled and said, "What if I am looking for death?"

"Then I will fulfill you."

The bald man's eyes flashed a cold killing intent, and his body immediately flashed, and the other party launched a strong attack.


Fang Chen snorted, clenched his fists, and just wanted to shoot.

However, at this moment, a pink horse train burst into the air and struck the bald man.

"Tough bullying, what is it?"

In the void, an elegant voice came.

Fang Chen was also stunned. He immediately released his fist, condensed his breath, and turned to look.

"Fairy Flower Fairy?"

After seeing the person coming, Fang Chen was stunned.

I didn't expect to meet Yuhua Fairy here, who actually helped him out.

Fairy Yuhua, dressed in a pink robe, has a beautiful body, and shows her fullness.

There was a touch of indifferent color on her face of Qingguoqingcheng. Lianbu moved slightly and walked to Fang Chen.

Her beautiful eyes blinked, looking at the bald man, and then said: "What if I also let you surrender the Xuma ring?"

"Yuhua Fairy atoned for the sins, the boy **** it."

"Yuhua Fairy, please let us go, this is our Xuya ring, all for you."

The two arrogant warriors who had just been arrogant just knelt on the ground, shaking their bodies and terrified.

"Come on, what kind of character Yu Hua Hua Zi will be worthy of both of you."

Behind Yuhua Fairy, the maid scolded.

Suddenly, two martial arts fighters fled here without any choice.

"Thanks to Yuhua Fairy for helping out."

Fang Chen thanked, although he could handle it, but after all, the latter shot.

Fairy Yuhua is a strong player in the Holy List, and she ranks high in the rankings. Such a strong man can make a shot, enough to see that her nature is kind.

Fairy Yuhua nodded to Chen Chen, and said, "I passed by here, just happened."

After talking, Yuhua Fairy turned and left.

"In any case, we Fang Chen inherited your love for being a flower fairy, and if there is a place for me in the future, the fairy will speak," Fang Chen said.

However, Yuhua Fairy has disappeared.

The maid beside her shook her head gently.

What a strong man, Yuhua Fairy, if she encounters difficulties that even she can't solve, what can a martial arts warrior help?

However, what they do not know is how important Fang Chen's promise is in the near future.

"Go ahead."

As he continued to move forward, Fang Chen could feel that the vibration of the broken sword became stronger and stronger, and it seemed that he would soon reach his destination.

In the following time, Fang Chen did not encounter any difficulties, and came to the eastern area of ​​Canglan Castle easily.


Stepping on the soft soil, Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and his dark eyes looked at the sand in the distance, and a ripple formed in his heart.

"There is a strong sword spirit hidden in this sand."

Fang Chen muttered to himself, his heart moved, and two broken swords appeared in his palm.


As soon as Broken Sword appeared, he was suspended in midair uncontrollably.

When the two broken swords reached a certain height, they looked at each other and quickly rotated, and the scent of kendo smelt out of it, gradually blending with the scent of kendo in the sand.

"Is it really the inheritance of the Sword Sovereign?" Fang Chen's face showed an excited smile.

In his body, Shura's sword gas ran uncontrollably.

At this moment, in a certain area thousands of miles away.

"King of Montenegro, what are you looking for?"

Several warriors who broke the ground met the King of Montenegro and asked with a laugh.

Although they are all in the same realm, in the face of the King of Montenegro, they dare not have the slightest care.

The latter is the guard of Qin Yifeng, the 97-word sword of the Holy List, with high strength, but a popular figure beside Qin Yifeng.

If you can make friends with it, you might really get Qin Yifeng's favor.

"Someone offended my son, I was looking around." The King of Montenegro said without concealment.

"Who dares to offend Master Qin Yifeng?"

"Yeah, doesn't he want to live?"

Several people's faces changed slightly, exclaimed.


As soon as the King of Montenegro moved, the soul road breathed, and an illusory portrait was condensed in the void.

"This is the person, if you see it, notify me immediately, and your benefits will be indispensable afterwards." King of Montenegro.

Several people stared at the Unreal Portrait carefully. One of the short warriors frowned slightly, not knowing what was going on. When he saw this Unreal Portrait, he felt very familiar and seemed to have seen it somewhere.


The portrait collapsed, and the King of Montenegro was about to leave.

At this moment, the short warrior slammed his head violently, and then said: "I said how familiar it is, it turned out to be him."

Hearing his exclamation, the King of Montenegro also stopped.

"Do you know this person?" King Montenegro asked hurriedly.

"King of Montenegro, I have seen this person with my elder brother before, and even had conflicts with him. The elder brother had already shot, but who knows that Yuhua Fairy, Yumanlou, just happened to pass by and saved the guy." Said the warrior.

"Where is he?" Shen Shan asked, grabbing his leader.

"He ... seems to be heading over there."

The short warrior pointed to the front.

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