Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2313: Sword Severe Realm

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Shura swordsmanship is by far Fang Chen's most powerful swordsmanship, and at the same time he is a completely self-created swordsmanship.

He created it based on the inexhaustible swordsmanship of the Promise Sword Sect, and there is also a large part of the shadow of the inexhaustible swordsmanship.

But at this stage, Fang Chen's control of Shura swordsmanship has reached an unbelievable level.

As his attainment of Shura Kendo became deeper, Shura swordsmanship must also reach a certain height.

After looking at the shocking sword marks on the wall, Fang Chen's face was full of smiles.

The sixth stroke of Shura swordsmanship is completely in line with his inner thoughts.

This move perfectly combined Cun Jin and Xiuluo Jianqi to form a powerful move.

"Now, am I qualified to challenge the Holy Leaders?"

Fang Chen murmured.

Theoretically speaking, with his cultivation practice of opening the limit of heaven, coupled with the perverted Shura swordsmanship, it is not impossible to challenge the strong players of the Holy Rank.

However, be aware that being able to rank among the holy lists is itself a manifestation of potential and strength.

As Fang Chen improved, so did the top players.

Therefore, even Fang Chen did not dare to play head-to-head, and he would be able to win the strong players of the Holy Rank.

However, if it is a match between life and death, he is not afraid of any strong leader.

Because, his dependence is Xuantiancone.

"It's time to leave."

Fang Chen thanked the dark cave with a fist, "Thank you."

By understanding Shura Kendo, Fang Chen also has a certain understanding of Jingqi Jianxian.

Knowing that he was killed by an adulterer led to hatred here.

"If there is a chance, I will avenge you."

After all, Fang Chen turned and left.


Stepping on the sand, Fang Chen's heart has complex emotions.

After gaining insights from Xiu Jianxian's Shura Kendo, his attainments in Shura Kendo have reached a very high level.

He looked up, and in his dark eyes, an amazing light appeared.

"Is it time to find the sword wood?"

I learned detailed information about Jianzhimu from Jinlongyang's mouth. Although I don't know the true or false, it is necessary to go and see.

"According to Jin Longyang, the wood where the sword is located seems to be in flames."

Fang Chen murmured, he inspired Xuantian cone device, whether there is a sea of ​​fire around.

"Master, within a thousand miles, there is no sea of ​​fire." Qi Ling said: "You can choose a direction and continue to move forward, I will feel for you at any time."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded, glanced at the north, and intuitively told him that there seemed to be fire in the north.

After a few days.

Qi Ling's words made Fang Chen's heart very happy.

"Master, there is a small sea of ​​fire ahead, I don't know if it's what you are looking for." Qi Lingdao said.


Fang Chen asked excitedly.

Qi Ling portrayed the map in Fang Chen's mind, and the latter moved quickly under the guidance of Qi Ling.

In a blink of an eye, I came to a sea of ​​flames.

"this is……"

Fang Chen gazed at the front. The blazing flames were not large, and the majestic flames skyrocketed, giving a rather shocking feeling.

Within the sea of ​​fire, there were blazing fires burning.

"What about the sword wood?"

Fang Chen frowned, and his consciousness shrouded the flames of fire, thinking secretly.

At the same time, a group of people came out not far away.

"Is it there?"

The leader is Jin Longyang stepped on by Bai Wen.

Behind him, several martial arts sages followed, all of them from the Jin family.

"According to the information we got, the sword wood should be near here." One of the most holy warriors whispered.

"Go, look over."

Jin Longyang's face was full of excitement, striding towards the sea of ​​fire stride.

However, just after he saw the figure in front of the sea of ​​fire, a trace of terror appeared in his heart.

Stopped and wanted to go back.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Several Martial Martial Artists asked in a puzzled way.

At this time, Jin Longyang only discovered that behind him, there were several warriors in the most holy state, afraid of anything.


Thinking of the last hatred humiliated by Bai Wen, Jin Longyang's dark eyes shot a cold color, and immediately swaggered away to Fang Chen.

Fang Chen, who was contemplating, was awakened by the footsteps.

He turned his head to look and found that he was Jin Longyang, then he looked at each other with a smile.

"Boy, what about the guy with you?" Jin Longyang said fiercely.

With the saintly warrior by his side, he was much more courageous.

"Are you saying Bai Wen?"

Fang Chen said slightly: "If he is here, would you dare to show off his power like this?"

"You ... just like you, and want to get the sword wood, dream it."

Jin Longyang's voice was just dropped, and his finger suddenly pointed to Fang Chen, immediately said: "Kill me."

Wen Yan, one of the most powerful in the most holy realm, looked at Fang Chen with a cold eye, saying: "Boy, offend our young master, you deserve to die."

"Unfortunately, you can't kill me."

Fang Chen shook his head lightly, and didn't even take the eyes of the most holy warriors in front of him.

"It's a big talk."

This sacred warrior snorted, released a violent breath around his body, squeezing Fang Chen.

At the same time, he stomped his feet, his body leaped into the sky, and came to the sky above Fang Chen's head, and punched Fang Chen's head.

"It's making you arrogant."

Seeing Fang Chen about to die, Jin Longyang's face showed a cold color.

"Exactly test my strength."

Fang Chen looked up and looked at the violent fist, when he was about to touch his head, he suddenly punched.


The two fists collided, and the deafening voice exploded instantly.

"not good."

The former self-confident Wushu Realm Warrior suddenly changed his face and shouted in silence.

He felt a strange breath, through his fist, penetrated into his body, destroying his internal organs.

Pedal Pedal!

After stabilizing his body, this sacred warrior used powerful power to refine Fang Chen's strange power.

"How can it be?"

He did not dare to imagine that a warrior who opened the sky could explode such a powerful force.

"Waste, you are in a holy realm, and you can't kill a realm of openness."

Jin Longyang on the side shouted angrily, stomping his feet anxiously.

"Master, don't worry, I will kill him."

Despite some doubts in his heart, his heart regained his confidence instantly.

"Boy, no matter what crooked way you use, you will die today."

The saint warrior sipped and shot again.

The violent force swept across the earth and launched a fierce and aggressive attack on Fang Chen.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen shook his head gently, and then sighed, he did not want to kill, but the other party wanted to put him to death everywhere. Such a person must die.


Xingyin sword appeared in the palm of the hand, the sword appeared like a dragon, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Asura swordsmanship was performed, and the strange sword light suddenly burst out, directly piercing the attack of the saint warrior, and then fell on him.

"I block."

The strongest in the most holy realm urges the whole body to form the strongest defense against Fang Chen's attack.

However, Fang Chen exhibited the innate anti-soul technique.

Reached the third level of congenital rebellion, super attack power.

The terrifying soul breath breathed out in an instant, and above Fang Chen's head, quickly condensed into a terrifying long sword, stab directly into the mind of the saint warrior.


The miserable cry came, and the primal spirit of the most holy warrior was stabbed and was greatly impacted. The mind was disordered and the defense was penetrated directly.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shura Jianguang pierced straight into his chest and instantly pierced his body.


Fang Chen's wrist trembles, and Xingyin Sword turns around in his body, directly detonating his body, and at the same time his Yuanshen did not escape this disaster.


The dust, the most holy warrior, died in Fang Chen's hands.

This scene made everyone including Jin Longyang feel extremely shocked.


"Will the warrior of the open realm actually be able to kill the warrior of the holy realm? Absolutely impossible."

Everyone didn't believe it, but the facts in front of them told them that all this is true.


Jin Longyang's eyes were scarlet, and his big hand waved wildly, saying: "You go together and round me up to kill him. I don't believe that he has three heads and six arms."

At this time, Jin Longyang also fell into a state of madness.

Several other sage warriors glanced at each other, exuding a strong breath around the body, stepped out in one step, and surrounded Fang Chen in the middle.

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