Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2347: Heritage

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Solve problems that have plagued you for a long time.

"Hahaha, so it turned out, no wonder I felt something wrong before."

Fang Chen laughed happily in his heart. After discovering this hidden information, he felt happier than refining it into a top-notch heaven-level weapon.


At the same time, the information hidden in the inheritance of the refiner gradually poured into Fang Chen's Yuanshen.

In an instant, Fang Chen felt that his state of mind had been elevated.

The refining device was beyond his imagination.


In my mind, suddenly a violent refiner breath exploded, forming colorful fireworks.

In the end, these fireworks gathered in Fang Chen's gaze to form a handwriting.


The first word is the imperial character of the imperial beast. Fang Chen doesn't know exactly what it means.

After the word was condensed, Fang Chen felt that there were some complicated and profound information in his mind.

Before he could react, the second word came out.


Weapon of weapons, Fang Chen can understand the meaning of the word, should it be the way of refining weapons?

Next, the third word and the fourth word also appeared one after another.

The way of imperial guards!

"What is this? A way of refinery?"

Staring at the four characters in his mind, Fang Chen was lost in contemplation.

These four words, as if they were spiritual, seem to be conveying some kind of complicated and obscure message to Fang Chen.


Suddenly, Fang Chen felt his head hurt, as if about to explode. He held his head in both hands, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.


A miserable cry came from his mouth.

The butler was alarmed, and his phantom appeared, looking down at Fang Chen, his face full of excited smiles.

"Has it finally succeeded?"

The butler glanced at the half-finished weapon, and then looked at Fang Chen.


Immediately, the housekeeper stretched out his fingers and gently flicked a beam of light into Fang Chen's body.

Fang Chen's body finally got better, and the pain gradually disappeared.

"Continue to refine."

Just as Fang Chen was about to take a break, the voice of the housekeeper came from his mind.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen froze for a moment, yes, he is still refining weapons.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen continued to refine weapons.

However, what surprised him was that after the episode just now, his perception of the refiner reached a higher level.

Refining this difficult weapon in your hand is like playing.


In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen successfully refined his weapon.

Alchemy grass and Ronghuo paste, after passing through his hands, perfectly blend together to make up for each other, which is called perfection.

"Is it superb?"

Fang Chen murmured in his arms.

After thinking of the four big characters in his mind, Fang Chen's face, there was no joy.

Because, compared to those four words, what is the best quality open weapon?


The figure of the housekeeper appeared out of thin air, looking at Fang Chen with a smile, and said, "How do you feel?"

Fang Chen nodded, then shook his head.

The butler froze for a moment, then said with a smile: "It was like this at the beginning. After you accept it, it will slowly improve."

Immediately, the steward pointed at the weapon in Fang Chen's hands and said, "Congratulations, you have refined the ultimate Kaitian weapon. Although this is just the beginning, you have walked through the initial stage perfectly and are qualified to be our royal soldier The inheritor of the Tao. "

The way of imperial guards!

The steward also knows the way of imperial guards, what kind of way is this?

Fang Chen's eyes stared straight at the housekeeper, his face full of doubts.

"Do you know who my master is?" The butler asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, expressing ignorance.

"Do you know Venerable Bingwu?" The butler continued to ask.

"Sovereign Bingwu? Was the world-famous strongman who used to be famous?"

Fang Chen asked, the name of Venerable Soldier Wu, but he was so thunderous.

At the beginning, the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect was so dismal, but there are still records of soldiers and soldiers in the classics.

"It's the strong man who can command thousands of soldiers?"

The steward nodded and said, "Yes, that's the strong man, but Venerable Wuwu is much stronger than you think. This thing I want to tell you today is related to Venerable Wuwu."

Fang Chen's heart beat, is it related to the soldiers? Is it the way of imperial guards?

By the way, are n’t they soldiers?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's eyes became even hotter, and intuition told him that this so-called imperial guard's way is by no means idle.

"The strongest martial art of the Bingwu Venerable is the Way of the Royal Soldier. According to legend, the way of the Royal Soldier is practiced to the extreme. In one thought, he can control all weapons in the chaotic void, and he can destroy a world of heaven." Road.

Fang Chen's inner vibration, the way of imperial soldiers is so strong?

"And my master is one of the descendants of the royal way. Unfortunately, the master did not go far in the royal way." The steward sighed: "The master's master's way is only the most basic. , He left it in the palace and waited for someone who was destined. And you successfully opened the way of imperial guards. I believe you have just seen the four big characters in your mind? "

Fang Chen nodded tremblingly.

"The four big characters contain a simple way of guarding soldiers. From today on, you can also be regarded as the successor of the guarding soldiers. If you can practice to a very high level in the future, you can go to find soldiers Wu Zun, ask for the follow-up part of the way of imperial guards. "Butler said.

In fact, the inheritance of the refining vessel left by the master of the palace is not the point at all.

The focus is on the soldier's way of guarding soldiers. Of course, he has only mastered the most basic part.

In the process of refining, Fang Chen touched the organ and inherited the royal way.

"I ... got the inheritance of the royal way?"

Fang Chen was a little dazed, as if dreaming.

That kind of powerful martial arts, was so easily obtained by myself?

"Don't think too much. Although you get the most basic way of imperial guards, it does not mean that you can really practice." Butler said: "The imperial guards' requirements on the warriors are too strict. One of them You're already stuck to death. "

If you want to practice the way of imperial soldiers, at least you must have the power of the Profound God.

Fang Chen is still too far away.

"However, don't be discouraged, at least you are already qualified to practice the way of imperial guards. From this point of view, you don't know how many times better than the strong people of the same level." The housekeeper is afraid to attack Fang Chen's self-confidence and comfort Tao: "Take advantage of the opportunity."

The housekeeper left, leaving Fang Chen, let him digest everything he experienced today.

Until night, the housekeeper appeared again.

Fang Chen has regained his peace, and he has completely accepted all that happened during the day.


The butler nodded in satisfaction, "You have got the news of the imperial guards, don't tell anyone, once the world is known, you are ready to escape."

Speaking of this, the housekeeper suddenly thought of the Canglan Five Tigers and immediately urged: "Three guys came here three years ago and attacked the palace, and I shot them down. Some of them recognized the way of imperial guards, you If you have a chance, kill them all. "

In order not to leak information, we can only cut the grass.

"Canglan Five Tigers?"

According to the description of the housekeeper, Fang Chen suddenly thought of the Canglan Five Tigers.

"Senior, have you practiced the way of imperial soldiers?" Fang Chen secretly recorded this matter in his heart and asked immediately.

The butler nodded, "Can you show me something?"

In the heavens of the stars, there are too many legends about Venerable Soldiers.

Fang Chen was naturally excited when he had the opportunity to practice the imperial guard, and he ca n’t wait to see something.

"Okay, let me show you."

The steward chuckled, and a strong breath emerged all around him, and then he was amazed.

Suddenly, behind him, dense weapons appeared, even with the mountains of weapons on the square, they were constantly shaking.

Fang Chen saw this and felt numb scalp.

It is conservatively estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of weapons. If you attack one person at the same time, how powerful is it? I dare not think about it.

"too strong."

Fang Chen shuddered inside, exclaimed.

"I'm just a disillusioned deity, so I have limited use of the imperial soldier's way, and can only control some open-level weapons." Butler said: "True imperial soldier's way, that can control any class weapons. , Hundreds of millions of miles away, taking enemies and keeping discipline is like digging for things.

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