Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2351: Blame

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Indeed, with Fang Chen's current strength, he really disdains to kill these ordinary saints.

In his eyes, Canglan Wuhu is his opponent.

As for Yashan, his feet were scrapped, which basically amounted to total scrap, and there was no threat.

"You just ask Fang Daoyou, as long as we know it, we will definitely tell you." One of the elders was relieved in his heart and said quickly.

"Who asked you to kill me?" Fang Chen asked.

"He Xiao, who is the fifteenth in the Holy List, has a deal with our Black Cliff Sect. We will help him find your trace." Elder Black Cliff said.

"He Xiao?"

Fang Chen frowned slightly, a flash of murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

He and He Xiao have never had any intersections before, just because he was outstanding in the palace, and then he was jealous.

Such a person is too narrow-minded.

"Fang Daoyou, there is a saying, I don't know what to say or not." Elder Hei Yazong whispered.


"Now you are already the figure of the entire Canglan Castle. Not only He Xiao is looking for you, but even the Canglan Five Tigers are looking for you."

"Huh?" Fang Chen frowned, and his dark eyes shot a cold light.

"You broke the Great Black Front three years ago and became famous in World War I. Many of the strong players in the Holy Seekers came to you just to get the Great Black Front. And ..."

"And what?"

Elder Heiyazong organized the language and continued: "It is said that the Canglan Five Tigers have already turned over the entire Canglan Castle, and they did not find the inheritance left by the Imperial Beast Master, so they guessed that you got The inheritance of the Beastmaster. "

Fang Chen heard the words, killing in mind.

He could imagine how many people would regard it as a great enemy when the news came out.

He clenched his fists and said coldly, "Since you are going to die, then I will fulfill you."

"Fang Daoyou, Canglan Wuhu is super powerful, you must not be careless." Elder Hei Yazong reminded.

Fang Chen nodded gently, his body's anger gradually converged.

Then, he looked at the people of Heiya Sect, and his eyes fell on Yashan.

"Go away, I don't want to see you."

"Thank you Fang Daoyou for your kindness."

Elder Heiya Zong took Yashan and quickly left Canglan Mountain.

After walking down Canglan Mountain, the decadent Yashan raised his head violently and asked in a frantic manner: "Why should I compromise with that guy? We have lost all of our faces in Heiyazong."


An elder directly yelled and said, "Yashan, do you know what you did today? You almost explained all the heritage of our Black Cliff Sect here."

In order to get the inheritance of Sovereign Canglan, and assist Yashan to practice.

Heiyazong sent all the elders of the Most Holy Realm here.

If Fang Chen was angry today, these people could not resist his attack, and in the end there was only one way to die.

And all this is because Fang Chen was provoke by Yashan.

"But no matter how powerful he is, can he be more powerful than the suzerain?" Yashan refused.

Hearing the words, Elder Heiya Zong sneered and said, "Can the patriarch enter the Canglan Castle? As long as we are here, we have no chance of winning.

"When I leave Canglan Castle, I will give this matter to Sect Master." In the heart of several elders, I was a little dissatisfied with Yashan.

"But as long as we wait for He Xiao to arrive, Fang Chen will die."


Elder Heiyazong slammed into Yashan's face with a slap.

"Don't you understand now?"

After he finished speaking, he left Canglan Mountain angrily.

"Damn Fang Chen."

In Yashan's heart, the other party was full of anger and looked at his feet. His eyes were full of killing.

"He Xiao will avenge me."

Heiyazong and others, before they left the plain, met He Xiao and others who came to arrest Fangchen.

"Huh? Isn't that the cliff mountain of the Black Cliff Sect?"

"How was he supported by several elders."

For a moment, He Xiao and others came to the front of the Black Cliff Sect.

"Yashan." He Xiao said: "What's wrong with you?"

"Brother He Xiao, you are going to avenge me, it was Fang Chen's thief. He abolished my feet and humiliated me." Seeing He Xiao, as if he had caught the life-saving straw, Yashan said loudly.

"Yashan, shut up."

Elder Heiya Zong shouted loudly.

Immediately, he clenched his fists in front of He Xiao: "Fang Chen is too strong, and our Black Cliff Sect cannot afford to provoke, so he will leave.

After all, a few of their elders took Yashan to leave.


At this moment, a strong leader beside He Xiao shot.

I saw that his whole body was agitated, his palm waved, and suddenly a cold blade of light fell into the body of one of the elders in the Holy Land.


The elder in the most holy realm fell to the ground.

"What do you mean?"

An elder walking in the forefront shouted angrily.

"The person who killed Elder Hei Yazong is Fang Chen." He Xiao said with a smile.

Finally, there was a good opportunity to weaken the power of the Black Cliff Sect, and they missed it.

Moreover, the most important thing is to blame Fang Chen.

"you guys."

Headed by Elder Heiyazong, his teeth are cracking. Even Yashan was stunned.

"Brother He Xiao, what are you doing?"

"No one stays." He Xiao ordered.

Suddenly, a miserable cry came out.


The elders, headed by the danger of injury, quickly escaped.

"Hurry up, I'm behind you."

Despair was born in the hearts of the other elders. They were ready to die, but they were not reconciled.

Be sure to let one of the elders escape and take the news out.


How can the elders of the Black Cliff Sect withstand the Holy Commanders.

This was a massacre. In a blink of an eye, all the elders of the Black Cliff Sect fell.

Seeing someone running away, one of the strong men of the Holy Command said: "I'll chase him."

Yashan sat on the ground and kept shaking his head.

All this is due to him, he is the sinner of the Black Cliff Sect.

"How could this be?"

In Yashan's mouth, he kept muttering, he couldn't believe it, He Xiao would actually start against them.

"Brother He Xiao ... you."

Before Xiaoshan finished speaking, He Xiao was beheaded with one finger.

"What is the difference between you without feet?"

Such a person is not qualified to be a brother to He Xiao.

"Come on, we will meet Fangchen."

After killing the Black Cliff Sect, He Xiao's dark eyes looked at Canglan Mountain.

At the same time, the top of Canglan Mountain, Fang Chen's eyes, also looked at He Xiao, and looked at it.

"Are you finally here?"

Fang Chen murmured.

He witnessed the scene of He Xiao slaughtering the Black Cliff Sect. Although he was unhappy, he did not shoot.

Heiya Zong had nothing to do with him. He had spared their lives before, and he could only say that he had fallen to the present end. Everything was taken for Yashan's blame.


Soon, the strong man of the Holy Command who chased the elder Hei Yazong returned.

His face was a little unhappy, saying: "Let him run away."

"I'm not afraid. The overall situation is fixed. He can't escape."

As long as he is still in Canglan Castle, he is not afraid of what he can pull out.

Under He Xiao's leadership, everyone walked up the Canglan Mountain.

Somewhere in an extremely hidden place, the warrior with his clothes ragged and covered in blood was sitting on the ground, panting.

"Damn He Xiao."

At this moment, Elder Hei Yazong, the most hated is He Xiao, the other party Chen does not have any hatred.

"Stupid Yashan, it was He who harmed Heiya Zong." Elder Hei Yazong regretted: "No, I can't die. I want to take this news out. I'm not so bully.

He is the only one of the Black Cliff Sect in Canglan Castle. If even he is dead, then He Xiao and others are destined to go unpunished.

"The next time, I will try my best to hide and see no one."

After the incident of He Xiao, Elder Heiyazong no longer believed anyone.

After a short break, Elder Heiyazong sank into the mountains.

Above the Canglan Mountain, the momentum is staggered, and He Xiao and others, carrying the shocking momentum, are ascending to the top of the mountain.

"We meet again." He Xiao grinned.

"Yeah, meet again."

Fang Chen is also very emotional, "Three years ago, I did not expect that after three years, I will kill you with my own hands."

"Oh? So, are you confident in yourself?"

After hearing this, He Xiao sneered and laughed at him.

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