Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2357: Sword cut five tigers

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With a cry, Fang Chen's figure came to Canggu in an instant.

"not good."

The bones that are being used to kill the dead, he suddenly finds that his back is cold, he has no hesitation, his body flashes, and he wants to avoid the unknown crisis.

However, he was shocked to find that countless gold-colored branches wrapped him around.

His body couldn't move anymore.

"what is this?"

Canggu looked horrified and shouted silently.


The mist spread out and Fang Chen appeared in front of him.


Seeing that, Canggu struggled desperately, even shouting the boss and the second son, but it was too late.

The top-grade Lingyin-level Xingyin sword is as hard as the flesh of the strong mystic god.

After engulfing the stalker, the reappearing special attribute trapped **** lock, once trapped, it is impossible to break apart unless the mysterious **** is strong.


Feeling the depression brought by Xingyin sword, Canggu shouted wildly.



Fang Chen whispered that Xingyin sword pierced the sky, and a burst of blood spewed out from the throat of Canggu.

When Xingyin Jian returned to Fang Chen's hand, Canggu's head fell to the ground.

His Yuanshen also annihilated accordingly.

This is the power of the best Lingtian level weapons.

Can annihilate the Yuanshen at the moment of attacking the warrior.

After slashing the bones, Fang Chen's goal was aimed at the green crane.


Fang Chen jumped, approaching the crane.

The latter noticed at once, without any hesitation, increased the speed to the extreme, avoiding Fang Chen's pursuit.

"The second one, how are you?"

In the distance, Cang Qing's shouting came, but unfortunately Cang He was running away with all his heart, and he had no time to answer him.

"The second child."

Cang Qing also felt something was wrong, he yelled, and he was about to rub the sword in his hand, and showed his despair again.


"I don't believe it, I can't break your way."

Cang Qing roared angrily, with a terrible look.

A knife of despair, continued to show, one knife after another, in a blink of an eye, it swung dozens of knives.

After the Tiantianjiu formation, there was a trace of instability after all.

Upon seeing this, Cang Qing licked his dry lips, grinning, and continued to increase his strength, attacking the formation.

"Want to go?"

Fang Chen sneered when he saw the blue crane running away.

Compare speed with yourself? It's ridiculous.

As a warrior in time and space, he studied time and space to a very high level. One thought can travel through time and space, and there is also a time-and-space practice of a supreme book of time and space collapse.

Although Fang Chen cultivated in the mid-term, he was invincible among the gods.

Even some of the mysterious gods at the level of Xuantian Realm may not be able to catch up to the top.

Competing with Fang Chen for speed, isn't this a trick?

"The boss is about to break through the formation, as long as he persists for a while, it will do."

There was a flash of thought in the fleeing crane.


Just when he had just finished his body and mind and was about to continue sprinting, he suddenly felt that he had hit a hard object, slammed, flew out, and fell to the ground.

He hurriedly got up from the ground, and was about to continue to flee, suddenly found Fang Chen strolling.

Canghe suddenly froze, and he looked at Fang Chen in disbelief.


Fang Chen looked at the crane with a smirk, the star hidden sword in his hand, flashing a stream of streamer, very terrifying.

Seeing that, the crane showed a complex look on his face, struggling inside.

After a long time, a fierce color flashed in his eyes, and he immediately said: "Fang Chen, you kill my brother, my celestial crane and you will never die."

As soon as the voice fell, the Canghe went forward and rushed towards Fang Chen.

"Boss, run away."

At the same time, Cang He roared loudly, he was fighting for the boss.

Among the five brothers, the boss is the strongest and most hopeful to heal the injury and step into the level of the Profound God.

As long as the boss runs away, their brother ’s revenge will have a chance to repay.

"No chance."

The Xingyin sword crossed, and the crane fell.

"The second child."

Hearing the second child's voice, Cang Qing shouted in anger, filled with sadness.

However, he couldn't care about that much anymore. He used a high-strength shot of despair, and Fangtianjiu's formation has already seen some flaws.


At a certain moment, Cang Qing slashed with a sharp knife, and suddenly a formation of the Fentianjiu formation was destroyed, and a gap appeared in the formation.

"Go out."

Without any hesitation, Cang Qing stomped his feet sharply and rushed towards the gap.

In the formation, he was too restricted to play a perfect fight, so he had to leave as soon as possible.


Just as Cang Qing stepped out with one foot, a sword light came down from the sky.


Cang Qing's body was directly cut in two.

His upper body fell out of formation, and blood mist spewed.

Under the Canglan Mountain, a number of strong players in the Holy Celebrities are discussing when the battle will end.

Suddenly, when he saw that the formation was shaking, even a gap appeared and exclaimed.

"There is a gap in the formation, it should be broken by the Canglan Five Tigers."

"I don't know what happened to Fang Chen."

However, as soon as their words fell, they saw a half body and flew out of the formation gap.

"That is……"

He Shan, the sixth in the Shengbang, rubbed his eyes vigorously and looked at the top of Canglan Mountain in disbelief.

Impressed by the eyes, it was a half body of Cang Qing.

"Cang Qing, actually Cang Qing."

"God, Fang Chen is too evil, and a sword cut off Cang Qing's half body."

"Since then, there is no enemy in the gods."

Many people were exclaiming, only He Shan found that Cang Qing's Yuanshen was collapsing, and after only a moment of persistence, it completely disappeared.

In the limelight, Fang Chen stepped out of the Fen Tian Jiu formation.


When the formation method converged, Fang Chen included the formation method model into the Xuya commandment.

Holding Xingyin sword in hand, standing on the top of Canglan Mountain.

Above the plain, there was an uproar.

Who would have thought that a warrior who broke the ground in the middle of the earth would kill all the five tigers in Canglan.

This is simply a miracle. Even those geniuses who are peerless geniuses thousands of years ago cannot reach this level.

A strong mythical **** once said that although the Canglan Five Tigers could not enter the level of the profound **** forever, their strength has been infinitely close to the level of the profound god.

In this way, the five powerful fighters against the Profound God were so beheaded.

Kill one person with one sword, don't stay for thousands of miles!

It was too shocking. After this battle, there were no more Canglan Five Tigers on the Holy List!

"Fang Chen!"

Suddenly, there was a deafening voice below, and everyone was shouting Fang Chen's name.

Fang Chen has already conquered them with actions.

Everyone respects Fang Chen and thinks that he is the strongest deserved god.

After this battle, the honor on Fang Chen's head was too much.

The first in the holy list, the strongest of the heavenly gods, fights against the mysterious god.

Each honor represents a passionate legend.

Put away the Chibi Lanxu's Xu Mijie, take out the Cang Yuanzhu, and the inheritance tokens of the other two kings.

Seeing that, above the plain, there was silence, and everyone's eyes fell on Fang Chen.

"The strength of Canglan Wuhu is very strong, and the five people have joined forces to fight the mysterious god. Unfortunately, they met me." Fang Chen said to himself.

If it were not for the reliance on the Burning Sky Nine formation and the Star Hidden Sword at the top-grade Lingtian level, it would be absolutely impossible to kill the Canglan Five Tigers.

"This saves me a lot of time. Both Cang Yuanzhu and Dharma Inheritance Token are here."

Fang Chen smiled, his cold breath, gradually converging.

Immediately, Fang Chen looked up and looked down, saying: "All of you entered Canglan Castle for the inheritance of Clan Sovereign. However, the inheritance of the strong has always been obtained by the capable."

"Now, the Twelve Cangyuan Pearls and the Three ** King Heritage Tokens are in my hands. I will personally open the inheritance place of the Clan Lord. Anyone can enter the inheritance place. It ’s up to you to inherit it. ”

Hearing Fang Chen's voice, everyone was very excited.

It was thought that Fang Chenhui would monopolize the inheritance of Sovereign Canglan, who could have thought that he would disclose it.

In fact, this is a thought after careful consideration.

If all the people here are beheaded, after going out, he will bear the full siege of the eleventh-party first-class forces.

He is naturally fearless, but the Profound God is still a great threat to him.

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