Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2360: Freesia Butterfly Cloud Hand

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Freesia Castle.

Since the endless years, this is the only time that Canglan Castle has been born.

And Fang Chen became the lucky one, able to accept the inheritance of Venerable Canglan.

It was dark all around, looking up, endless starry sky.

Fang Chen sat cross-legged in the void, his heart concussed, with vast and powerful information in his mind.

"Sovereign Canglan."

Fang Chen's eyes are hot, and he is devoted to observing the information in his mind.

Sovereign Canglan is the strong man in the world. The Canglan butterfly cloud hand he created has super attack power and deterred the starry sky.

Because of the level of Profound God, there are many strong ones.

Therefore, this level is different from the heavenly god.

The Huntian God has three realms, and as everyone knows, the Profound God has six realms.

Xuantian Realm, Xuanqi Realm, Xuanxing Realm, Xuanguang Realm, Xuanzhen Realm, Xuanshen Realm.

It can be called the powerful of the Venerable, but that is the most powerful in the legendary level of the Profound God.

Yes, Venerable Canglan is an out-and-out strong player of Profound God Realm.

His strength, looking at the stars, is also extremely powerful.

The Promise of Promise Sword Sect, Promise of Promise, is a strong person with profound energy.

At first, it was so high in Fang Chen's eyes, and now it feels like that.

As for the creator of the dragon demon body refining technique, the dragon demon sage is a strong player in the Profound Star Realm.

The ancestor of the galaxy is also a mysterious star realm, but it is slightly better than the dragon demon sage.

The celestial deity of the magic city falling, is a strong mysterious light realm, much stronger than the ancestor of the galaxy.

The creator of Shura Kendo, the Venerable Sword Sovereign who is famous for thirty-three days, is a strong man in the mysterious realm.

Sovereign soldiers and soldiers are invincible existence in the Profound God Realm. Some even say that he can resist the existence beyond the level of Profound God.

According to the records in Clan Lan Venerable Inheritance, his strength should be inferior to that of Bingwu Venerable.

After all, Venerable Martial Emperor's way of imperial guarding is extremely powerful, and Venerable Canglan is slightly inferior.

However, even so, it is considered a respecter.

The initial information was basically an introduction to the life of Venerable Canglan.

After reading for a few minutes, the next step is to introduce the Canglan Butterfly Cloud Hand.


Fang Chen whispered, how is this Canglan Dieyun hand so familiar?

Suddenly, Fang Chen recalled the shocking scene he saw when he touched the pair of footprints on Canglan Mountain.

"When Sovereign Canglan confronted the Lich Staff, it was Canglan Butterfly Cloud Hand."

In Fang Chen's mind, he recalled the previous battle again.

Especially the whole process of the Canglan Venerable Casting Canglan Butterfly Cloud Hand.

After a long time, a smile appeared on his face.


He moved his mind, closed his eyes, and began to practice Canglan Dieyun hands.

The memories in my mind point to Fang Chen at all times, and soon he has initially mastered some basic skills of Canglan Butterfly Cloud Hand.

In the Canglan palace, countless warriors are frantically looking for opportunities.

A **** storm came and came.

Half a year later, the warrior who could walk out of the Canglan Palace alive was ecstatic.

For the past six months, the Canglan Palace where they are located is like a devil's hell. They are unwilling to look back at the unbearable past.


Even Heshan, now the second largest in the Holy List, had a smile on his face.

Even if he is stronger, he can't resist the joint attack of many strong players in the Holy List. He has been seriously injured several times in the past six months, but he finally survived.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Fang."

He knows Fang Chen's strength very well. Even the three-eyed bear king in the early days of Xuan Tianjing is not his opponent, let alone others.

Even Heshan had a strong hunch that perhaps when Fang Chen walked out of the Canglan Palace, he already had the fighting power to compete with the strong of the Profound God.

In half a year, Fang Chen has basically mastered Canglan Dieyun.

In the dark sky, his heart moved, and his hands had a complex seal of law.


Throughout the dark void, there were overwhelming handprints, directly smashing the void.

"Canglan Dieyun hands, focusing on the moment of shooting."

Fang Chen secretly said.

There are three layers in the Canglan Butterfly Cloud Hand, but I just made it to the first layer.

Whenever he thought of Sovereign Canglan fighting against the Lich Staff, his trembling palms shook his heart.


"While practicing Canglan Butterfly Cloud Hand, I didn't expect Cultivation to break through."

Fang Chen grinned, and Xiu Wei had reached the late stage of the breakthrough.

He stretched his body for a moment, then moved his mind, and the Royal Beast Tower appeared in his palm.

"I don't know if I can control the Beast Tower now?"

Fang Chen said slightly, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.


Fang Chen's palm is full of vast power, and the big hand holds the Yu Beast Tower, and the violent power is injected into the Yu Beast Tower.

Boom Boom Boom!

In the Beast Tower, Lang Lang's voice came out, which was shocking.

After a long time, Fang Chen sighed and gave up.

"Master, in fact, with your current strength, it is not impossible to control the Beast Tower." Suddenly, Qi Ling said.

"Oh? Is there anything you can do?"

Fang Chen asked hurriedly, he killed a lot of first-class sect disciples in Canglan District in Canglan Castle. If he left Canglan Castle, he would definitely be threatened by the Profound God Strong.

If you can control the Royal Beast Tower, with the strength of the three-eyed bear king, you will certainly be able to protect yourself.

"You can't control the Imperial Beast Tower now, it's nothing more than the Yuanshen Realm is not enough." Qi Lingdao said: "The fundamental of the Imperial Beast Tower is the Soul Dao power. If there is enough Soul Dao power support, it is still very easy to control.

"Soul power?"

Fang Chen stunned, his primordial spirit has reached the seven yuan realm, it is too difficult to improve.

"There is something in your Xuya commandment that can promote Yuanshen."

Qi Lingdao.


"Lavender petals." Qi Ling said.

Fang Chen's heart moved, and lilac petals appeared in his palm.

"Do you know it?"

"This lilac petal has an extraordinary origin. Even the alchemist at the Lingtian level will be jealous when he sees it. People call it the Purple Flame Delicate Flower." Qi Lingdao said.

"What? Is it the Purple Flame Delicate Flower?"

Fang Chen's heart shook, but he never dreamed that he had purple flames in his Xuya ring.

This was obtained from the Xu Mi ring of the ancestor of Puxin, but I didn't recognize it at the time, but I felt that this lilac petal was extraordinary. I didn't expect it to be an elixir of alchemy and treasure.

As an alchemy master, Fang Chen naturally knows that the magical effect of Ziyan's exquisite flowers.

It is comparable to the existence of Hei Zhenjin.

If you let the outsiders know, you will definitely come to **** it.

"Everyone thinks that this Purple Flame Delicate Flower is the treasure of refining the Elixir, but everyone knows that it can enhance the strength of the Yuanshen." Qi Ling is well-known and knows some of the secrets of Purple Flame Delicate Flower.

"This purple flame exquisite flower has not yet fully matured, so there are only seven-petal flowers. Master, you only need three-petal flowers to be able to upgrade the cultivation base to the level of eight yuan." Qi Ling continued.

"What should I do?" Fang Chen asked.

"Swallow the petals of the Purple Flame Delicate Flower directly." Qi Ling said: "The owner's flesh is very strong, comparable to that of the Mystic God, so there is no need to worry about the domineering flame of the Purple Flame Delicate Flower."

"it is good."

Fang Chen nodded immediately, sat cross-legged, gently picked three petals, and swallowed it into his mouth.


The petals had just entered the mouth, and the ardent flames roared.

"So hot."

Fang Chen exclaimed and devoted himself to cultivation.


Just when Fang Chen exclaimed, when the purple flame destroyed his own body, a magical scene happened.

The three petals came into my mind spontaneously and wrapped the seven little golden men.


Seeing this scene, Fang Chen was completely indifferent.

Purple flame exquisite flower, so magical?


Soon, Ziyan Linglong petals have been on the right track and are increasing Fang Chen's spirit strength.

The seven little golden men are constantly moving, releasing a powerful soul road breath. These soul road breathes are condensing the eighth little gold man.

After three hours.

The eighth little golden man condensed successfully, and Fang Chen's Yuanshen reached the eight yuan state.

"Is this the Eight Yuan Realm?"

Fang Chen murmured to himself, he felt the breath of soul in his mind.

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