Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2363: Explain

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"Huh, it's a real situation. If you can't even clean up, how can my Jin family get a foothold in Canglan."

The Jin family's anger was completely irritated.

The strongest one of Jin's parents set foot on the performance stage and played against Fang Chen.

"Don't give up yet?"

Fang Chen sneered, still punching out.


Without any suspense, a horrible fist was crossed in the sky, directly flying the old parents of Jin.


On the square, there was silence.

Only the breeze in the air rustled.


The head of the Jin family stood up, and if the two had lost before, he could think of it.

But this is the eldest of their Jin family except Jin Shaoyang.

"Is this child's physical strength so strong?"

The eyes of the head of the Jin family flashed, and a gloomy color appeared on his face.

He glanced at each other and then said with a smile: "Hahaha, worthy of the Shadow Moon Immortal Sect, actually cultivated such a powerful elder. Since this elder looks down on our three great sects, then you As I said, the remaining twenty-four sage warriors shot together. I want to see how you can resist. "

"I hope your strength is as hard as your mouth." The Black Sect Master said.

"Unfortunately, Shadow Moon Immortal Sect wants one less elder." Sect Master Heiya also smiled.

On Yanwutai, Fang Chen grinned and said, "Can't you finally bear it?"

The meaning of the three strong men is obvious, that is to see that he has too much potential and wants to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy it.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

Master Ziyue is a little anxious. Fang Chen is stronger. After all, he is also a ground warrior. How can he resist the attack of the 24 most holy warriors?

"How to do?"

Lord Ziyue is in a hurry.

"Sovereign, the trip to Canglan Castle, Elder Fang should have received some strong inheritance, otherwise, it cannot be so strong." One punch, maybe Elder Fang is really sure. "

Speaking of which, Elder Zipao couldn't help laughing.

If Elder Fang really can suppress the three Sect Gates to the Holy Realm Warriors, then in this battle, they will most likely win the game.

"Hahaha, my chance of the rise of Yingyue Xianzong is here." Elder Zipao secretly secretly rejoiced.

On the performance stage, Fang Chen was besieged by 24 elders from the Holy Land.

"Boy, blame you for being too arrogant."

"Do it yourself."

The mighty breath filled up in an instant. Twenty-four of the most holy warriors, Thunder shot.


The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

The most holy realm shot, super attack power, not to mention 24 people?


Fang Chen snorted, his figure flashed, and walked among the twenty-four people.

Every time a punch is made, one person will fly.

In a blink of an eye, five people were blown away.

On the rostrum, the heads of the Jin family were extremely gloomy, and they underestimated Fang Chen's strength.

"This guy's body is very weird." The Jinjia master said coldly.

"Strength and body style are so weird, it must have been inherited by Shadow Moon's ancestors." The Black Sect Master said, "This time, we must get it at all costs."

Only the Black Cliff Sect Master was silent.


When Fang Chen burst out his tenth punch, he finally felt a trace of pressure.

At this time, there were only 14 people left on the performance stage.

"Everyone goes together, don't give him any chance."

The leader led a sip, and others followed, launching the most violent attack.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen put his fists away, opened his palms, and suddenly the Xingyin sword appeared in his hands.

"Sura swordsmanship."

Fang Chen sipped lightly, and suddenly a bright sword light suddenly shot out.

The closest warrior to Fang Chen was too late to dodge and was directly penetrated.


After Jianguang pierced through this person's body, he stabbed several sage warriors continuously before breaking up in the void.

This sword shocked everyone.

"How can it be?"

The head of the Jin family, the head of the black world, the head of the black cliff, suddenly stood up, and the dark eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"What swordsmanship is this? So fierce?"

"Damn, why is this guy so perverted?"

"Even if we are in the same state, we can't exert such power."

The three thought secretly.

Among the electro-optical firestones, Fang Chen has successively exhibited six tricks of Shura sword.

One move is stronger than the other, and sword qi waves rise to the sky.


The remaining ten or so people did not attack themselves.


A deafening voice resounded through the sky.

On the performance stage, sword spirit surrounded, and silhouettes of people flew out of it.


Shadow Moon Sect, shaking up and down.

One man, one sword, defeated the 24 strongest holy realms?

Moreover, is this person a groundbreaker? How did he do it?

Genius, this is a word that comes to everyone's mind.

Even the three family heads of the Jin family have to admit that Fang Chen's potential exceeds all of them.

Even if you look at the Canglan District, these talents of evil spirits are enough to rank at the top of the holy list.

"With the fighting power he showed, even the top five Canglan five tigers in the holy list are probably not their opponents."

"Damn, Master Ziyue is really lucky."


The three powerful men sat back in their seats again, and in the dark eyes flashed an astonishing killing intent.

"Three people, the level of the heavenly gods, my Yingyue Xianzong was lucky to win." Master Ziyue said with a smile.

"You Yingyue Xianzong is lucky, out of such a genius, our three ancestors admitted."

"This is just the beginning, Xuan Tian Jing is the highlight."

It was on the podium when the four powerful men spoke.

Suddenly, a roar sounded.

"Dare to hurt me, you are going to die."


The violent force swept the entire performance stage.

The Xuantian Realm Warrior of the Jin Family, furiously shot, avenged his son who was hit hard by Fang Chen.

"not good."

Upon seeing this, Master Ziyue screamed badly, and at the same time his body flickered and wanted to stop.


Master Ziyue shouted in anger, but he was one step late.

He did not expect that the Jin family would force the opponent Chen to take such a disregard of his face.

That's how strong the mysterious **** is, how strong Fang Chen is, after all, it's just the level of the heavenly god, not a concept at all.

"Be careful."

Master Ziyue shouted loudly, hoping Fang Chen could avoid it.


Say it sooner or later.

In a blink of an eye, the Jin Family Xuantian Realm Warrior had already come to Fang Chen, and he gathered all his strength and bombarded Fang Chen with a punch.


Furious force rushed to Fang Chen.

Wan Jian realm was urged to the extreme, slightly weakening the speed of Jinjia Xuantian Realm Warrior. However, the opponent's strength is too strong, or was broken through the blockade.


Fang Chen's body flew out.

Pedal Pedal!

Under the Yanwutai, Fang Chen tried to stabilize his body, and his foot directly smashed the ground slate. One can imagine how powerful this blow is?

A light of blood escaped from the corner of his mouth, and the dark eyes stared at the Jinjia Xuantian Realm Martial Artist.


One blow didn't succeed, Jinjia Xuantian Realm Warrior had no chance.

Master Ziyue appeared, forcibly suppressing it.


Master Ziyue blasted him with one palm, and then said angrily: "The dazzling Jin Family, did such a shameless thing?"

The owner of the Jin family stood up and spread his hands: "Master Ziyue, elder Jin ’s son was hit hard by your shadow moon elder Zongzong. He avenged his son in anxiety. Irrelevant. "

"Elder Jin, please go back quickly."

He said this on the surface, but in fact, he felt a bit regretful.

The kid's flesh was so powerful that he could resist the elder Xuan Tianjing's blow.

"Jin Family is not going to give me an explanation of Shadow Moon Immortal Zong?"

"Master Ziyue, that kid is all right, don't go too far."

"This is the end. The discussion at the level of Xuantian Realm has not begun yet."

Upon hearing this, Master Ziyue laughed angrily.

Are they bullying their shadow moon Xianzong nobody?

If it was changed to another person, it would have been killed by Jin parents' old blow.

And now the big three are actually looking at this face, and Master Ziyue looks around the big three, and then says: "Today, you must give Elder Fang a statement."

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