Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2368: No explanation

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Yinghua's eyes are full of incomprehensible colors.

How can a warrior who breaks the ground resist the full blow of the extreme warrior in the most holy realm?

"Are there any treasures on his body? It must be so, otherwise he could not resist the punch."

In an instant, a thought of greed appeared in Yinghua's mind.

"Boy, who are you?"

Suddenly, the old Liu of the Dragon Squadron was surprised.

But soon, he calmed down, especially after seeing Fang Chen's ground-breaking cultivation, he even sneered.

"Dare you stop me from slashing the dragon?" Said old Liu wickedly.

"I owe her a favor."

Fang Chen looked blankly and looked at the old Liu Dao.

When Yingxiu left Fang Chen ’s arms, Qiao ’s face was flushed, her head lowered, and her voice sounded like a mosquito: “Thank you for your shot, but the other party is a dragon-cutting team, which is extremely powerful. It is said that there is also a head of Xuantianjing. Let's go. "

Fang Chen gently touched Yingxiu's deft head and said, "I said, I owe you a favor, now is the time to repay it."

"Ignorant guy." Old Liu Chi laughed.

In the distance, the elder Yingshan shouted: "Little friends, take Miss Yingxiu away quickly, my Ying family will have to thank you."

"It's not that easy to go," Scar said.

However, Fang Chen's words shocked everyone.

He waved his hand and said: "No, Miss Yingxiu is kind to me. If anyone dares to do anything with her, it is provoking Fang Chen."

"How about provoking you?" Old Liu said disdainfully.

"Try it?"

Fang Chen's attitude is very arrogant, and he does not put the Dragon Slayer in his eyes at all, which makes the three scars extremely furious.

"Old Liu, solve this kid."

As soon as the scars fell, he fought against the elders of Yingshan again. In another area, Yinghua was defeated by the dragon-cutters.

"Boy, you are dead."


Lao Liu clenched his fists, his breath rose sharply, and an arrow rushed towards Fang Chen.

"too weak."


Fang Chen just blasted Lao Liu's body with one punch.


A loud noise rang and everyone shook.

"How can it be?"

Everyone exclaimed and shouted, a ground-breaking warrior, one punch flew to the extreme holy warrior?

"Is he a young master of a big family?"

Suddenly, everyone secretly guessed.

Even Yingxiu grew his mouth and his heart tremored.

"He is so strong?"

Climbing up from the ground, the old Liu Yangtian screamed, his hair spread, and his breath climbed to the top.

Anyone can see that the old Liu moved to kill.

"Boy, I want you to die." Old Liu walked towards Fang Chen step by step, coldly.

Fang Chen shook his head, "If you take a step forward, I will shatter your head."

"court death."

Old Liu was stimulated by Fang Chen's words and stepped out, preparing to attack Chen Chen.


Suddenly, a huge fist appeared in the void, which just hit the old Liu's head.


Old Liu's body flew backwards, hit the ground, his head shattered, and his skull was directly lifted off.


The screams came out, and blood flowed from his head.

Old Liu's Yuanshen escaped from his body and hurriedly fled.

"Old Liu."

Seeing this scene, Scar and another person gave up their respective opponents and quickly flew to Lao Liu.



Another punch, completely smashing the old Liu's Yuanshen.

"You ... you killed old Liu?"

The scar shouted angrily.

"I said, he took another step forward, and I shattered his head."

Fang Chen said: "He provoked me, **** it."

"You provoke us to slash the dragon, you should be damn."

The scar and the other person looked at each other, and then the two shot together.

"Destroy the dragon fist and destroy the world."

"Cut dragon fist, cut through all falsehood."

Two of the most extreme martial arts fighters exhibited dragon-cutting fist.

In the sky, the sound of a loud dragon chant sounded, and next two golden dragons roared.

"Although it is also the limit of the Holy Land, Canglan Five Tigers dumped you several streets." Fang Chen said softly.

Even the Canglan Five Tigers can be killed, not to mention the two.

A pair of iron fists swept the four sides and looked at the world.

Fang Chen stood quietly on the ground, his body imbued with the momentum of the world.


The first punch smashed two golden dragons, and then smashed on the body of the dragon-slayer martial arts and blasted it away.

The second punch hits the scar with a thunder.


In a thunderous pose, defeated to the holy realm!

On the Avenue of Clouds, there was a cold wind, and there was silence.

In front of the dragon-cutting platform, two dragons crawled on the ground and their bodies tremble.

They spit blood and pale, and looked at Fang Chen with horror in their eyes.

"How could he be so strong?"

Not only the two of them, but also Elder Yingshan and Yinghua were completely shocked.

There is such a strong genius in the world?

Is he a top family from congenital realm?

A series of speculations came to mind.

Elder Yingshan rejoiced that he did not oppose Yingxiu at the time and let him save the child.

And Yinghua, the pride in his heart, was completely broken up. He looked at Fang Chen's eyes, full of jealousy.

"Dare to take action against my British caravan and kill no amnesty."

The three most holy places are dead, and other robbers are not afraid.


Under the leadership of the elder Yingshan, killing the Quartet in a blink of an eye, all the beasts of the Dragon Regiment will be beheaded.

"Quickly leave this place."

The most terrifying thing about the Dragon Slayer is the leader. If he appears, it will be over.

"let's go."

Yinghua flashed a cold color in his eyes and turned to leave.


The mighty team continues to move forward.

About half an hour later, he has come to the edge of the dragon-cutting platform and is about to leave this devil area.

"Elder Yingshan."

Suddenly, Yinghua said.

"Is there a problem?"

"As soon as our Ying family came to the Dragon-cutting platform, they were surrounded by the Dragon-cutting regiment. They seemed to have ambushed here in advance. How could such a coincidence?"

Wen Yan, the elder Yingshan frowned, saying: "Are you doubting Fang Chen?"

"He left before us, why is he safe and sound, and the Dragon Squad just encircled us?" Yinghua said.

"He killed three martial warriors in the Holy Realm." Elder Yingshan said.

"Elder Yingshan, our Ying family is also a big family in the Jingyun District. Many people are skeptical and want to join the Ying family. Perhaps this is the way that this guy grabs the unpopular, and then gradually penetrates into our Ying family Take over the entire British family. "Yinghua Road.

"Okay, stop talking." Elder Yingshan scolded.

Yinghua was unwilling, and came to Yingxiu by horseback.

"Boy, what the **** are you doing?" Yinghua asked.

"Brother Yinghua, what are you talking about?" Ying Xiu asked in doubt: "He just saved our Ying family."

"Huh, the world is hot and cool, and the people are cunning. Yingxiu, you are too kind and do not understand the brutality of martial arts. I suspect that this person is colluding with the dragon." : "Boy, tell me your identity quickly, otherwise, I don't mind suppressing you."

Fang Chen looked indifferent and sneered: "Do you have that strength?"


Yinghua was anxious and turned her head: "Elder Yingshan, you have also seen that there is no one in this subheading, and it is very likely that it is the spy who cuts the dragon."

"Well, Yinghua, don't mess around." Elder Yingshan frowned, a little unhappy.


Just when the British team just left the dragon-cutting platform, the abrupt storm began, and the void was twisted, blocking everyone and unable to move forward.

"No good, mysterious breath." Elder Yingshan whispered badly, repeatedly urging the team to move forward quickly.


However, the next moment he felt the arrival of death.

"Head of Dragon Slash ... can't walk away." Elder Yingshan said dejectedly on his horse's decadent ride.

"Head Dragon Slayer, how could he appear?"

Yinghua was also anxious, and hated Fang Chen even more.

"I said that this person is the spy of the Dragon Slayer. You just don't listen. Now, he secretly notified the leader of the Dragon Slayer. We can't live anymore.

It is said that many people of the British family also had a bit of prejudice against the other party.

Only Yingxiu tried his best to explain.

"not like this……"

"Yingxiu, you don't need to explain. We act in Fangchen, so why don't you need someone to point your fingers."

Invincible in the Heavenly God, Fang Chen has proud capital.

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