Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2371: British shock

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Yingxiu broke away from Fang Chen's palm and stepped a few steps, her beautiful eyes stared at Elder Yingshan and Yinghua.

"Elder Yingshan, Brother Yinghua, I Yingxiu have never done anything that I'm sorry about the British family, but you have repeatedly pressed." Yingxiu said.

"Fart, you collude with this miscellaneous, plotting my British family's things." Yinghua cursed directly.

"If it wasn't Brother Fang Chen, could you kill the three of them with the two of you alone?" Yingxiu said bluntly: "Without Brother Fang Chen, you died at the beginning, and it is impossible to go to the present. . "

"Brother Fang Chen never knew us. Even if I didn't save him, he could quickly repair the injury with his ability." Yingxiu continued: "After being ridiculed and ridiculed by you, Brother Fang Chen did not look forward to it. Shooting, risking the offense of Xuantian Realm's strongman, beheaded three people with scars, and saved our British family. However, you don't know how to report it. Instead, you are talking about Brother Fang Chen colluding with the Dragon Slayer. "

Speaking of which, Yingxiu's pretty face showed a look of disdain.

"Under the coercion of the leader of the Dragon Slayer, did you abandon the life-saving benefactor and put the face of my Ying family?" Yingxiu asked: "Brother Fang Chen finally forced the leader of the Dragon Slayer, but you said it was A conspiracy. "

"Isn't it possible, with his strength, can force the head of the dragon to be cut back?"

Yinghua sneered: "You can't explain it at all. How did the two of you retreat from the hands of the head of Dragon Slayer? It's ridiculous to want to use such ridiculous words to confuse us.

Hearing Yinghua's words, Yingxiu didn't want to say much.

"Since this is the case, then I Yingxiu made it clear that after today, I will have nothing to do with the British family."

Yingxiu's words are tantamount to quitting the British family.

Even Fang Chen was somewhat stunned. He underestimated the woman's determination.

However, in her heart, she has a great affection for Yingxiu, and at least this woman is not as mean and shameless as the British family.

"Yingxiu, you ..." Yinghua was furious.

Elder Yingshan narrowed his eyes and looked at Yingxiu, saying, "So, do you admit it?"

Yingxiu spread his hand, "Why do you want to add to the crime?"

After she finished speaking, she turned to Fang Chen. After today, she is no longer the pearl of Ying's family, nor the first big beauty in Jingyun District, but a little homeless woman.

"Yingxiu, since you admit it, so sorry, please follow us to the Black Thunder family." Yingshan elder said.

"Dangyingying family, actually doing such things really makes people all sneer, Yingxiu, let's go."

Fang Chen took Yingxiu's little hand and retreated from everyone's eyes.


The elder Yingshan shouted loudly, and Yinghua ordered many British people to besiege Fang Chen.

"They are the enemies of the British family, take them down for me."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen stopped and looked at Yingxiu.

Yingxiu shook his head. "I have nothing to do with Yingjia."

"Okay, wait for me here."

Fang Chen rushed to Yinghua in one arrow.

"What do you want to do? I'm British ..."

Before Yinghua's words were finished, Fang Chen broke his neck and smashed the Yuanshen directly.


Elder Yingshan was shocked, while the scarlet eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"Boy, you harmed my British family, and I will break you to pieces."

Fang Chen's whole body exudes a violent breath, "Don't you always want to know, how did I and Yingxiu leave from the head of Dragon Slayer?"

"I will tell you now that the two of us left with a big swing."


With a punch, the world was shocked.

"not good."

Elder Yingshan was shocked and his body kept receding.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong his strength is, there can be no Canglan five tigers.

With a bang, the fist hit the body of Elder Yingshan, who stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Even the head of the Dragon Slayer can't help me, what is the British family?"

Fang Chen said disdainfully, turned and left.


The elder Yingshan vomited blood, and his vitality faded instantly.

Until death, Elder Yingshan knew how terrible Fang Chen was.

He hated himself, but it was too late.

Fang Chen and Yingxiu left, leaving everyone looking at each other.

Congenital area, in a certain city.

"Miss Yingxiu, do you hate me?" Fang Chen asked.

"Brother Fang Chen, just call me Axiu." Yingxiu said with a smile: "I won't hate you. Blame me for being born in Ying's family. Anyway, since my mother died, my father regarded me as Ying's Rising chips only. "

Yingxiu's status in the British family is high, but he is not living well.

This incident was a fuse, which directly ignited the hidden emotions in his heart.

"I don't regret leaving the British family." Yingxiu said: "I vaguely heard that my father wanted to marry me to a son of the Black Lei family, hoping to get asylum from the Black Lei family."

Fang Chen nodded, this is the case of the big family, one after another.

"Brother Fang Chen, I'm homeless now. You can't leave me behind." Yingxiu said with a tongue out, playful.

"Do not worry."


Congenital area, a wasteland.

A man in white walked around, waiting anxiously.

"What's the matter, according to the time, it should have arrived." The man in white said secretly.

On his clothes, there is a thunder symbol, he is a member of the Black Thunder family.


At this moment, he saw a group of warriors in the distance.

Soon, these martial artists approached. He looked around, and found no such things as Yingxiu and Yingshan Elder.

"Elder Yingshan? Didn't he come with you? And Yinghuaxian's nephew and Yingxiu little girl." Bai Yi middle-aged asked several questions in a row.

Some of the martial artists who survived the Ying family survived.

"Say, what the **** happened?" Bai Yi middle-aged scolded.


The British family kneeled directly on the ground.

"Sir, I met a dragon-cutting team on the road, and the ore ... was lost."

"What? The ore is lost?"

Bai Yi's middle-aged face was cold and cold. "So, Elder Yingshan, Yingxiu and Yinghua have all died in the hands of the head of Dragon Slayer?"

"grown ups……"

Everyone supported us, but under the pressure of the middle-aged man in white clothes, he finally revealed the truth of the matter.

"What? A ground-breaking warrior, beheaded the three extreme warriors of the Sacred Realm, and still retired under the command of the head of the dragon." Bai Yi's middle-aged heart shook.

"That kid remembers that my Ying family ignored his life and death, caught up with us, forcibly killed Elder Yingshan and Young Master Yinghua, and left Miss Yingxiu."

The middle-aged white man clenched his fists, his face cold.

When the ore was lost, Yingxiu withdrew from the British house and left with a strange man.

"A good English family, a good show."

For the middle-aged in white, he didn't care about the life and death of Elder Yingshan and Yinghua.

He cares most about the ore and Yingxiu. The reason why the Ying family sent Yingxiu together to **** the ore is also to let the young master of the Black Lei family look at her.

"Adult, we ..."

"Come on, this matter my Black Thunder family will personally talk to your British head." Bai Yi middle-aged upset, scolded.


The news was sent back to Ying Family in Jingyun District, which immediately caused great waves.

Many high-level strongmen of the British family, including the head of the family, gathered together to discuss the matter.

"Homeowner, the Black Thunder family attaches great importance to the Black Absolute Ore, but we have lost it. The Black Thunder family must have been furious." An elder said: "We must find a way to calm the Black Thunder family's anger as soon as possible."

"Damn shit, if you let me know, you must break his head."

The speaker is Yinghua ’s father and the younger brother of the head of the family.

"Things are clear at a glance, Yingxiu colluded with outsiders, robbed the black ore, and also beheaded the elder Yingshan and Yinghua. This is to provoke our British family, and we must take measures, otherwise our British family will not be able to fight The cloud zone is mixed up. "

Many elders, you say it to me.

After a long time, the master said: "Okay."

"The most urgent task is to blame the Hei Lei family. As for Yingxiu and the strange man, if they want to come to the Hei Lei family, they will deal with it." Ying family head, Shen said.

"Yes, although the black ore is precious, it is related to the survival of my Ying family. Take out the rest and give it to the Black Lei family for free, in order to be forgiven."

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