Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2373: Residence token

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"Unless what?"

After coming to the core area of ​​Xiantian Realm, Fang Chen discovered how small the Canglan District where he was before.

In this land, there are many strong Xuanshen strongmen, and there are many strong Xuan Xingjing strongmen in the Canglan area that are almost extinct.

"Unless, can get a residence token." Yingxiu said.

"Residence token?"

Fang Chen feels more and more that this strong man in the thunder city has a strange temper.

Since his cultivation, Fang Chen has been to countless cities. All the cities and martial arts enter and leave at will.

Unless it is the territory of many great forces.

This strong man is alone, why should he limit the residence time of Leicheng? There must be something hidden in this.

"Axiu, do you know why this is?"

Yingxiu shook his head. "I don't know."

"Then you know how to get the residence token?" Fang Chen continued to ask.

"In the Thunder City, there are places that specifically issue residence tokens, as long as they pass their test, you can get residence tokens." Yingxiu said.

After simply eating something, Fang Chen and Yingxiu came to the central position of the Thunder City.

There is a nine-story pavilion called Juelei Pavilion.

"Is it here?" Fang Chen asked.

He vaguely felt that within the Lei Lei Pavilion, a refiner breath flashed through.

"It seems that it is here, let's go in and see." Yingxiu took Fang Chen's arm and entered the Lei Lei Pavilion.

On the first floor of the Lei Lei Pavilion, people come and go, and countless warriors come here for the first time and are very curious about everything here.

"I heard that the strong man who guarded Leicheng was called Lord Lei."

"The master of the Thunderbolt Pavilion is super powerful, and the Dragon usually sees nowhere. But there are countless warriors who want to live in the Thunder City for a long time."

"Just kidding, there is such a good cultivation resource in the Thunder City, anyone want to come in?"

"Yes, even the members of the Black Thunder family have been sneaking in, but the ending is very miserable, they were interrupted and thrown out."

Everyone heard it and took a deep breath.

"Aren't they afraid of the revenge of the Black Thunder family?"

"Are you new here? Take a good look at the three reasons for the Thunder City. Come here."

Standing on the first floor, Fang Chen heard countless voices of discussion.

"It seems that this Lei Pai Patriarch has a deep hatred with the Hei Lei family." Fang Chen sighed.

At this moment, a voice came.

"Everyone, there are only three residence tokens today. As for who can get it, it depends on your skills."

The speaker is a person in charge of the Lei Lei Pavilion.

I saw that in his words, he held three golden tokens.

"There is nothing strange about it."

Fang Chen's consciousness swept the token and said to himself.

Soon, the person in charge of Lei Ge Pavilion said the rules again.

"A treasure of heaven and earth?"

Fang Chen was a bit stunned. He didn't expect the request for a residence token, which was actually a treasure of wealth.

Refiner Treasure?

"Is this Master Lei Lei a powerful refiner?"

Fang Chen secretly guessed, he felt more and more that his guess was correct.

Master Juelei, in this way, to discover some treasures of refinery for their own use?

This is a good way, but what does he use to attract many warriors?

Is it just because of the title of Master Lei Lei? Obviously impossible.

The world is busy, all of them come from Lilai.

If there is no interest, even in the weak warrior, will not come to this thunder city.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen frowned, thinking inside.

Finally, after some inquiries, Fang Chen knew.

It turned out that in this city of thunderbolt, as long as you get a residence token, you may be summoned by the master of the thunderbolt.

In general, if the Master Lei Lei summoned, it would meet a requirement of the warrior.

Many warriors who came here came from the refinery technique of the Master of Thunder.

Imagine that if you are lucky enough to be summoned by the Lord of Thunderbolt, you will be able to refine powerful weapons.

In the chaotic void, weapons are essential.

Especially in master duels, weapons are often able to decide victory or even death.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen said slightly, Fang Chen couldn't help sighing when he saw that everyone was so crazy.

It is said that this master of Lei Lei summons a group of people every half a month, and every time he summons three people.

Many warriors with weak strength were summoned by the Master of Lei Lei Pavilion.

There are three types of residence tokens.

The first is a one-year period, the second is a 100-year period, and the third is permanent residence.

Most warriors are basically able to obtain the first kind. As for the second kind, they are basically disciples of some powerful forces.

They are specifically waiting here, hoping to be summoned by the Master Lei Lei.

As for the third type, it has not appeared for hundreds of years.

If you want to get the third kind, the Refiner Arcana must be amazing enough.

All of them handed over their treasures of refining to the judges in charge.

After an hour, there were only a few people left in the huge first floor.

The dense crowd was basically eliminated, and only three people successfully obtained the one-year token.

"Hahaha, I finally got the token."

Someone was ecstatic and laughing wildly.

For them, the residence token may change their life's destiny.


It was Fang Chen's turn. He was wearing a black suit and gave Fang Chen a mysterious feeling.

A long hair, covering his back, walked calmly to the person in charge, and took out a piece of black wood the size of a slap.

"this is……"

Upon seeing this, the person's complexion changed instantly and immediately said: "Hundred-year token."

Everyone exclaimed that among the hundreds of people, the only one hundred-year-old token.

"God, he actually got a 100-year token."

"What is that dark broken wood?"

"Absolutely treasure. I haven't seen the person in charge change his face. Why does this guy have such treasure? Why come here?"

Ignoring the voice of everyone's argument, the black figure walked aside and waited quietly.

Finally, it was Fang Chen's turn.

I have thought about it for a long time, cut a piece of sword wood with a big thumb and handed it to the person in charge.

"Sword Wood!"

The face of the person in charge changed again.

He thought about it, and finally hurried upstairs.

"Why, why did the person in charge go?"

"what happened?"

Everyone was puzzled, but soon, the person in charge quickly returned.

His dark eyes stared at Fang Chen, and said, "Forever."

Having said that, he handed a permanent token to Fang Chen.


Everyone was in an uproar again. Even the man who had been in black for a hundred years before raised his head in doubt.

"Permanent token, actually appeared."

"It's too shocking. What did the kid come up with? Can he get a permanent token?"

"There seems to be a kendo breath on the wood, is it legendary?"

Speaking of which, everyone's face was covered with shock.

"Sword Wood!"

For a time, this news, like the wind, spread throughout the city of Thunder.

Many warriors shook, and the treasures of sword wood and other refining treasures actually appeared.


Yingxiu, as Fang Chen's maid, does not need any token at all to accompany Fang Chen.

When many warriors left, the black man glanced at Fang Chen with interest, and then left.

"Mysterious guy."

Fang Chen couldn't see through this guy.

But he didn't think much about it. After all, no one knew anyone, maybe there would be no intersection in the future.

"Brother Fangchen, let's go too."

Yingxiu was very happy with the permanent residence token.

"Do not worry." Fang Chen said.

Sure enough, after a moment, the person in charge walked to Fang Chen and said a few words in his ear.

"Axiu, you are waiting for me here."

"Brother Fang Chen, where are you going?" Yingxiu was worried.

Fang Chen gave Yingxiu a soothing smile and said, "It's okay, I'll be back soon."

"Okay, Axiu is waiting for Brother Fangchen here."

Fang Chen followed the person in charge and boarded the pavilion.

Many staff members were shocked inside.

Is that the one who is calling?

Thinking of this, everyone became stupefied.

It's been a long time since this happened, and it was incredible that the warrior who had just summoned a warrior who had just obtained a residence token.

Along the way, the person in charge was very friendly to Chen Chen.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense when you see my family." The person in charge reminded, "My family has a strange temper, what you say is what you listen to."

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