Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2382: Xiaowuliangshan

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On the fifteenth day of the wild beast mountain beast tide, Fang Chen led the men of the Thunder City and finally arrived.

"It's terrifying."

Standing in front of the wild mountains, at a glance, the wild mountains towering high into the clouds have become black and crushed, occupied by countless monsters.

"This is just the early stage of the beast tide. The more and more late the monster monsters appear." Qianjue said slightly.

This time he and Fang Chen led the team together. Although the latter's cultivation was only to open up the ground, he did not dare to be slighted.

In his mind, there was faintly echoing what the Master Lei Lei said to him.

Fang Chen's strength is not under him.

If someone else said it, he would absolutely ignore it. But the Master of Lei Lei is different. His strength is so strong that Qian Jishou looks up.

Moreover, Qian Jue Shou can break through the bottleneck and achieve the Profound God, also because the Master of Lei Lei's shot.

"Every time the beast tide opens, our disciples of the congenital realm will come to experience." Qian Jue explained: "The closer to the top of the wild mountain, the stronger the monster is. The monsters are also out of nowhere. If they are not extinct before the outbreak of the beast tide, there will most likely be monsters in the Profound God Realm. "

After hearing this, Fang Chen's eyes clearly flashed a strange color.

"But Brother Fang doesn't have to worry, we just have to practice at the foot of a wild mountain, don't go deep, it's fine in general."

When the two were chatting, Wang Yi, dressed in black, with no expression on his face, quickly shot from a distance.

When he came to Fang Chen, his voice was low: "It has been clear that the younger generations of the major schools have gathered on the Xiaowuliang Mountain to discuss together to deal with the animal tide."

"Little Wuliangshan?"

Wen Yan said, a strange look appeared on the face of Qian Jue's hand, and immediately looked at Fang Chen Road: "Xiao Wuliang Mountain is in the Ancestral Realm, and it is also a famous mountain. Thousand years ago, Hei Lei Ancestor Lord Lei was dueling on this mountain. "Qian Jue slowly said.

Fang Chen nodded without speaking.

"Brother Fang, I think we should also go to Xiao Wuliang Mountain to converge with the ancestors of Tianzongmen." Qian Jue suddenly said.

Fang Chen was a little puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Beast tide is imminent, they are just vanguards, slashing out monsters and beasts, and sharpening their own strength.

There is no need to discuss any major issues against the beast tide.

"Oh, to say that it is a matter of discussing and dealing with the beast tide together. In fact, it is just a stage for the younger generations of the major schools to show themselves." Qian Jue said.

Every once in a while, many forces of the Congenital Realm, Tianjiao, will gather together in Xiaowuliang Mountain to discuss and discuss with each other.

However, only they know that they are actually dissatisfied with each other and want to step on each other.

Gather together, fight each other, come to rank and so on.

The younger generation, full of enthusiasm, no matter what, always want to fight for the first.

Over time, the Xiaowuliang Mountain Summit gained the recognition of the congenital powers and gradually became a scale.

"I just didn't expect that they would actually hold a summit at this time." Qian Jue said rightly: "We are absolutely in the congenital realm, and we can be considered a major force. Although they are not as strong as those top powers, we are standing behind us. Master Lei Lei. If we don't go, we will be gossiped. "

Fang Chen understood the meaning of Qianjue.

"Will the people of the Black Thunder family go?" Fang Chen asked.

"Of course I will go. The Xiaowuliang Mountain Summit was first proposed by the people of the Black Thunder family. They are the hosts." Qian Jue said: "If I guess it is good, it is very likely that this time it will be hosted by Lei Qian Jue. . "

"Lei Qianjue?"

For the first time, Fang Chen heard of Lei Qianjue's name, and he didn't know much about it.

"The Lei Sanjue you beheaded is at most an outstanding arrogance in the Hei Lei family. This Lei Qian is definitely the most wicked genius in the Hei Lei family for nearly ten thousand years. His strength is very strong, waiting for you to see He will understand when he is. "

"Hei Lei family, Lei Qianjue."

Fang Chen's mouth was muttering the name.

After a moment, Fang Chen's eyes flashed a cold killing intention, and immediately said: "If so, then go and see."


Xiaowuliang Mountain is located near the wild mountain. Standing on this peak, you can clearly see the situation of the wild mountain.

Some strong men sit in the town, and the monsters on the wild mountains dare not rush out.

However, with the passage of time, the beast tide is getting stronger and stronger. One day, the wild demon clan will rush out of the ground and fight against the human clan.

At the top of Xiaowuliang Mountain, the younger generations of the major schools came here one after another.

Some slightly weak sect gates are located not far from the top of the mountain and exchange ideas with each other.

And those top geniuses are standing on top of the mountain.

"Lei Xing, how did you host the Xiaowuliang Mountain Summit this time?"

Suddenly, one of them came forward and asked with a laugh.

"My elder brother Lei Qianjue has already penetrated into the wild mountains and beheaded the monsters, but he has already told me that it won't be long before he will come." Lei Xing smiled.

Lei Xing is tall, burly, and exudes a strong thunder breath.

He is the strong man of the Lei family, second only to Lei Qianjue. He has stepped into Xuan Tian Realm long ago.

However, so far, it has been in the early days of Xuan Tian Realm.

In a blink of an eye, many forces came to visit.

As the host, Lei Xing greeted him constantly.

Three hours later, Fang Chen and others arrived and immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Qian Jue Shou? Ju Lei City is here too?"

"Hahaha, there is a good show."

Everyone knows that the relationship between the Black Lei family and the Lei Lei City is very bad. Every small Wuliang Mountain Summit will target each other and fight.

"Let's go, let's go up." Qian Jue walked in the forefront, and his whole body exuded violent power, and instantly shocked many people.

"What? Qian Jue hands stepped into Xuan Tian Realm?"

Some warriors who wanted to find fault, stepped back and panicked.

They also didn't expect that Thousand Talents had actually stepped into Xuan Tian Realm for many years, and it seemed that Lei Lei City was prepared this time.

"Huh, isn't that guy behind Wang Jue's hand Wang Yi?"

Someone recognized Wang Yi, and when he found that he had also stepped into Xuan Tian Realm, his heart tremors suddenly.

"Did he even step into Xuantian Realm?"

"The two great Xuantian realms lead the team, no wonder that Leicheng is so fearless, Lei Qian will never come, and relying on only one thunder, can't hold back.

The voice of discussion spread across the mountainside.

Above the top of the mountain, Lei Xing, who was greeting everyone, was also heard.

Standing with his hands down, he stood on the edge of the mountain top, looking down, and his eyes fell on the Thunder City Thousand Hand.

"Thousand hands, Wang Yi."

Lei Xing said lightly: "Two Xuantian Realms? Is this putting pressure on my Black Lei family?"

Although Lei Qian was never here, but behind him was the Black Lei family, and he was not afraid of anyone.

Besides, even Qian Jue and Wang Yi stepped into Xuan Tian Realm at the same time, he was confident and able to defeat both.

"Thunder, the visitor is not good."

Many Tianjiao looked at Lei Xing with interest, not knowing how he would prepare for the aftermath.

"Huh? Who is that guy behind Lei Xing?"

When the people of Juelei City walked halfway up the mountain, someone finally found Fang Chen.

This person's cultivation is only to open up the ground, but he can walk behind Qianjue's hand, from this point can prove that his status is very high.

After a while, someone picked out Fang Chen's identity.

Fang Chen, who killed Yingjia Yinghua in Jingyun District and elder Yingshan, took away the black ore of the Black Thunder family.

Suddenly, everyone exclaimed.

"Is he Fang Chen? I heard that he used the ground-breaking practice to kill three martial warriors in one punch?"

"True and false? No matter how strong the situation is, it can't be so strong?"

"I don't believe it."

Many people do not believe it, because the news came from the city of Juelei.

On top of the mountain, Lei Xing is very clear about Fang Chen's identity and his strength.

He narrowed his eyes, looked at Fang Chen, and said slightly: "He is Fang Chen?"

"Master Lei Xing, he is Fang Chen."

A man laughed in Lei Xing's ear.

Lei Sanjue fell into the thunder city. Although no one could prove that the murderer was Fang Chen, the Black Lei family calculated this account on Fang Chen's head.

"It's really no effort to break through iron shoes and find nowhere. Since you are here to find death, then I will blame me for being thunderous."

There was a dark smile on Lei Xing's face.

On the mountainside, there are some powerful sect gates, blocking the way of Qian Jishou and others.

"Ultra Thunder City is not qualified to climb to the top of the mountain."

"If you want to participate in the Xiaowuliang Mountain Summit, you should stay here honestly, otherwise you will be welcome to blame us."

"Either here, or roll down the Xiaowuliang Mountain."

The sound of scolding one after another came into the ears of Qianjue.

The latter sneered, but anyone who is hostile to their thunder city is the stray dog ​​of the Black Thunder family.

"Let them come up."

Just when Qian Jue was ready to start, suddenly Lei Xing spoke.

Qian Jue raised his head and glanced at Lei Xing.

Behind him, Fang Chen did not face Lei Xing from beginning to end, without any expression on his face, very plain.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

Lei Xing sneered. "Pretend, I want to see. Will you be as calm as now?"

Lei Xing let the words out, everyone no longer stopped, and everyone in Lei City stepped on the mountain smoothly.

"Thousands of hands, long time no see."

"Thousands of talents, you have stepped into Xuantian Realm."

Many arrogances, hello to Qian Jue, and Wang Yi.

After all, stepping into Xuantian Realm at such an age is already qualified to be on an equal footing with them.

"You are Fang Chen?"

Lei Xing ignored Qian Qianshou and looked directly at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was silent, Lei Xing was furious, and said, "I will talk to you."

"Lei Xing, your tone is respectful. Brother Fang is here on behalf of us." Lei Xing frowned.

"Well, I let you come here from the Thunder City, to give you face ..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Yi interrupted him.

"Lei Xing, you dare to accept my challenge."

Wang Yi is straight-headed and does not like to talk. Lei Xing's words have deeply stimulated Wang Yi. The latter said nothing and challenged him.

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