Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2385: Something changed

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The loud chirping sound contains the unique breath of six puffins.

This kind of breath cannot be changed, it is deeply imprinted in the depths of the blood.

"Unfortunately, this is not a pure blood six bird."

Inside Xuantiancone, there was a sighing sound of Qi Ling.

Six birds have a unique position in the monster world, and because of their own strength, it is a rare existence to look at the chaotic void.

If it is a pure blood six feather sky bird, even if it is a Profound God Realm, it will be jealous.

"Also, in this land of projectiles, the appearance of six puffins is already remarkable, how can there be pure blood?"

Qi Ling continued, following the life of Emperor Xuan Xuan, he had seen countless treasures of heaven and earth, as well as many Xeon monsters.

I even saw the existence of the same realm as the Emperor Xuxuan.

After hearing the news of the six birds at the beginning, Qi Ling was also very excited.

But think about it now, because you see too much, so the expectations of the six birds are high.

"However, even if you don't have six pure blood birds, it would be like a world of treasure for you now." Ji Ling continued: "If you can conquer it, cultivate it into nine feather birds It is possible that the bloodline will return to its ancestors, inspiring the purest bloodline. "

Fang Chen is not thinking about the issue of pure blood or impure blood, but how to be able to conquer six puffins.

Through the Xuantian cone organ spirit, he already knew the Xuantian realm warrior of the Black Thunder family distributed here.

He is confident that he can lead a few top Xuantian realm warriors away, but he has no confidence in conquering six birds.

According to legend, the six-pied finches are the most noble lineage of the que family, and they have super powers and are proud of the monster world.

Their strength, unprecedented strength, even in the same realm, far exceeds the human warrior.

Moreover, the six-pied bird has a powerful talent.


When the six-pied Skylark enters the fighting state, all the feathers on its body will fall and surround its body to form a closed space. This space is called the six-feather space.

In the six-feather space, the six-sky bird is the absolute king.

Once the human warrior falls into it, Yuanshen will be hit.

Unless it is the strength of Yuanshen above 9 Yuan Realm, otherwise it cannot resist the invasion of Six Feather Space.

The most important thing is that the six-pied puffins are very good at working together in space. If the human warriors are trapped in their space, they ca n’t move at all as if they are stuck in the swamp.

If let outsiders know that a ground-breaking warrior dared to pay attention to the six puffins, it would be death.

However, with the presence of the Xuantiancone Spirit and the powerful Imperial Beast Tower, Fang Chen is confident that even if he is not enemies, he will be able to retreat.

"Are you sure the Imperial Beast Tower can inhale six birds into it?" Fang Chen repeatedly asked.

The Imperial Beast Tower is his biggest reliance on six birds, and if he fails, he will suffer the most brutal pursuit of six birds.

"If the cultivation of these six pigeons is only at the level of the Profound God, it will definitely not be able to resist the attack of the Beast Tower." Break apart. "

"Break through the space of six feathers?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened. Six Feather Space is famous all over the world. How can he be a groundbreaking warrior?

Is it necessary to use Xuantiancone to forcibly crack it?

Even the Star Hidden Sword of Chaos Level can't be broken?

The space of Six Feathers is erratic, and if Xingyin Sword wants to break open, it is necessary to master its lifeline, which is precisely the most difficult.

However, as the weapon spirit of Emperor Xuxuan, how could he not know?

"The old master once fought against the nine birds."

Qi Lingdao.

After hearing the words, Fang Chen shook his heart.

Nine birds, that is the ultimate goal of the evolution of six birds.

Any nine-sky bird can dominate the existence of Chaos Void, which is equivalent to such powerful people as the Xuxuan Great Emperor of the human race.

The evolution of countless six birds has ultimately failed. In hundreds of billions of years, only a few six birds have successfully evolved into nine birds.

Didn't expect that Emperor Xuan Xuan actually fought with one of the nine birds?

"How is the outcome?" Fang Chen asked curiously.

"Humph, every bird in the sky, how can you get the old master."

Qi Ling's words were full of disdain.

Nine feathers are very strong, and their talents have reached their limit.

Nine Feather Space has made countless human warriors desperate, but Emperor Xuxuan is not an ordinary person, and his means are beyond everyone's imagination.

Even the strong of the Profound God Realm, like ants in front of him.

"But after all, the Nine-feather Skylark is really strong. The dim sky that was fought in the first battle almost turned the sky into a scum. In the end, the old master was able to suppress the Nine-feather Skybird, It was also injured by nine birds. "

Qi Ling continued: "That battle, I followed the old master to participate in the battle, and went through the whole process, so I know all the life gates of the nine birds."

Speaking of which, Fang Chen already understood, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Even loopholes in the Nine Feather Space can be found. What is the Six-Feather Space?

"You mean, use the loophole to break the six-feather space, and then use the imperial tower to conquer the six-feather skylark?" Fang Chen asked.

"Liuyu Tianque is very cunning, it has not left here, presumably to lure more human warriors to come, and then wipe them all out." Will pay for their stupidity. "

"it is good."

Fang Chen chose to believe in Qiling's words unconditionally.

There is a dark cave on the mountainside not far from Fang Chen.

Outside the cave, several elders of the Xuantian Realm of the Hei Lei family are guarding, and there are many young generations of the Hei Lei family.

"Elder Black, according to the time estimate, Lei Qianju should have received the message?"

An elder looked at the dark cave and asked.

"Don't worry, the six puffins seem to be injured and can't move. When the thousand must come, they will start to work directly." Black Elder's eyes were full of hot colors.

That is the legendary six-sky sparrow. If it can be conquered, the Black Thunder King will definitely reward it.

It may even be appreciated by the Black Thunder Ancestor who has been closed for thousands of years.

Others are unclear, but as the elder of the Black Lei family, he knows clearly that since the millennium ago, Black Lei Ancestor has been in retreat, preparing to hit a higher level.


A loud voice came again from the dark cave.

At the next moment, Elder Black and his face changed drastically, the mountain shook, the stones fell, and the cave seemed to collapse.

As the sounds of the six puffins spread, the sound of countless beasts roared intermittently from a distance.

"No, it's calling a companion."

The black elder suddenly wanted to understand and shouted loudly.

"Then what should we do now?"

This is the end of the matter and no time can be wasted.

"Do it yourself."

Without saying anything, Elder Black rushed directly into the dark cave.


However, just as the other elders were about to rush in, suddenly, with a bang, the body of the black elder flew out of the cave.

"Quick ... go."

Elder Black vomited blood, his face was pale, his eyes were full of panic, exhausted the last trace of strength, and shouted loudly.

"Elder Black."

Seeing this, the other elders hurriedly came.

"Don't worry about me, go away."

Elder Hei was panicked, and was very frightened inside, urging others to leave here quickly.

"Elder Black, what happened?"

"Elder Black, what's inside?"

Several elders are unknown, so asked.


The dark cave collapsed, and dense white feathers appeared suddenly in the sky. After these feathers appeared, they quickly surrounded the Black Thunder family.


Six feather space, now.

Elder Black saw this scene, his face dim, but he shook his head helplessly and said, "It's over."

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, six **** appeared.

It looks like a rooster, with its head high and a small hill-like body. On its head, it has a certain phoenix crown, and its eyes look down.

In the distance, Fang Chen was shocked when he saw it.

To be honest, what he shakes is not the six birds, but the space of the six feathers.

"Is this the six birds?" Fang Chen asked.

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