Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2395: Sword Qi Vision

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Congenital realm, the territory is endless and vast.

The strong are like clouds, and there are many ancestors.

It has been half a month since the end of the animal tide, but the storm has not dissipated.

The matter of the seven top strong men teaming up to annihilate the three Xuanzhen Realm Beast Vendors is not known to ordinary people.

They only know that the master of the Lei Lei Pavilion has become the eighth giant of the Congenital Realm, and the Lei Lei Pavilion is among the top forces.

Fang Chen, this guy who can only cultivate the ground, became famous in one battle.

After the news came out, the entire congenital realm was shaken.

Everyone is cheering, is another venerable soldier born?

I remember far away that the venerable soldiers and soldiers were born.

Invincible, swept the martial arts of the same realm, and even killed the enemy across the realm.

Fang Chen's growth trajectory is exactly the same as that of the soldiers and soldiers.

A arrogance comparable to the potential of soldiers and venerable soldiers, all parties are competing to draw together.

Numerous forces poured into the city of Thunder and wanted to visit Fang Chen, but they all refused one by one.

During this time, he has been enlightening Shura Kendo and wants to create a follow-up sword move in Shura swordsmanship.

Despite being rejected by Fang Chen for countless times, everyone still did not give up, clamoring to see Fang Chen.

Later, Fang Chen couldn't close the door directly, and then it became quiet.

Who would have thought that giants such as Fei Hua Zhen Wang appeared one after another, inviting Fang Chen to join their forces.

Pei Lei Pavilion, an empty courtyard.

Seven people sat on the stone bench, only Fang Chen stood in the center of the courtyard.

"Fang Chen, come and sit down." The person who spoke was the ancestor Fei Huazhen of the Youth League.

Wen Yan, Fang Chen sat on the last stone bench.

"Fang Xiaoyou has amazing potential. Although I have been practicing endless years, I still have to sigh, the blue is blue." Old Yun Mo laughed.

"Okay, let me tell you."

Master Lei Lei looked directly at Fang Chen, "Fang Chen, you must have known their intentions. Your outstanding performance has attracted the attention of many powerful people. Behind them, there are top forces. If you want to Join, feel free to join. "

As soon as the Master Lei Lei's voice fell, the old man of Yun Mo opened his mouth.

"Fang Xiaoyou, join my Cloud Demon Sect, you can become my heir to the disciples, all the resources in the clan are at your disposal. I will always teach you."

The conditions for the old man of Yunmo are very generous.

But Fang Chen directly refused, he did not like Yun Mozong.

When he was on Xiaowuliang Mountain, Yunshan He, the descendant of Yun Mozong's descendants, openly dealt with the thunder city in order to pat the Hei Lei family.

"Fang Xiaoyou, you are thinking about it." The old man of Yun Mo frowned and seemed a little unhappy, but he didn't get angry.

"Haha, boy, join me at the Imperial Beast Gate. I can teach you the Imperial Beast Gate."

"My Red Condor Mountain can provide you with everything."

"My Youth League can teach you how to form a team."


In addition to the Black Thunder ancestor, the other six strong men are here.

They all offered attractive conditions and wanted to win Fang Chen, but after careful consideration, they were rejected by Fang Chen.

"I have received your kindness, but I just want to stay in the Lei Lei Pavilion." Fang Chen said apologetically.

Hearing the words, the Master Lei Lei laughed.

Despite the displeasure of the other six people, the Master Lei Lei could not be angry.

"Since that is the case, I will leave first."

The six strong men left in succession.

Their identities, able to condescend to attract, has already given Fang Chen face.

In their view, even with the potential of soldiers and soldiers, they must have sufficient resources to support their practice.

There is absolutely no thunder city in the area, and the foundation is not enough. It is impossible to train such strong men as the soldiers who sent troops to respect.

Since he is unwilling, then stop here.

"Fang Chen."

Lord Lei Lei was very satisfied with Chen Chen's performance.

"Patriarch, has my armor been completed?" Fang Chen cares most about his armor.

"There is still the last corner, it is estimated that it will be completed in a certain period of time." Ju Lei Ge main road.

"Okay, I'm waiting for the good news from the cabinet master."


The huge congenital realm is talking about Fang Chen everywhere.

Jingyun District, Ying Family, the meeting hall.

"Have you all heard the news recently?"

Ying Yuanxiong looked around and said slowly.

A bitterness appeared on his face.

"Is Fang Chen in the rumor the same person who killed Yinghua and others?" Asked an elder.

"I don't believe it. How can a warrior who breaks the ground kill Lei Qianjue?"

"Yes, Lei Qianjue is the peerless genius of the Black Lei family. How can the warriors of the realm be able to kill?

Many elders do not believe it.


Ying Yuanxiong said in a deep voice.

"I called you to let you discuss countermeasures, not to discuss the truth of the news."

After hearing the words, everyone was silent.

Ying Yuanxiong said that it is tantamount to admitting that the two are the same person.

This is a terrible message, and how long will it take for this person to easily kill Thunder.

If you give him some time, even the British family, I am afraid it will be destroyed in minutes?

"Patriarch, with the Black Lei family, our British family will surely be in peace."

"Yes, Lei Qianjue has fallen. The Black Lei family will not give up. If Fang Chen dares to leave the city of Lei Lei, he will die.

Listening to the noise below, Ying Yuanxiong felt for the first time that he was a little tired.

Was the original decision really wrong?

Since the appearance of Fang Chen, the relationship between the Black Lei family and the Ying family has also shown signs of rupture.

Yingxiu even withdrew from the British family, causing dissatisfaction with the Black Thunder family.

Now, Lei Qianjue of the Black Thunder family has been beheaded by Fang Chen.

And the root of all this is Fang Chen.

The first contact with Fang Chen was Yingxiu Yingying.

If the Black Thunder family moved down, the Ying family could not resist it.

In fact, Ying Yuanxiong was right.

Lei Qianjue's death completely angered the Black Lei family.

They vented all their anger on the British family.

In just three days, the Iron Thunder of the Black Thunder family had equalized the British family.

The Ying family, after being removed from the cloud area, no one survived.

After Yingxiu learned of the incident, it was only a short while, then he entered the room and continued to delve into the formation.

Looking at Ying Xiu's lonely back, Fang Chen sighed.

"Although Axiu withdrew from Ying's family, her body shed blood."

Fang Chendao said: "The Black Thunder family can't kill me and vent their anger on the British family. Although their British family is completely responsible for themselves, but the root of everything is me. Moreover, I and the Black Thunder family are already endless. If there is a chance, I will take revenge for Axiu. "

After speaking, Fang Chen crossed his knees and learned about Shura Kendo.

In the third month after the wild beast tide ended, the sky above Thunder City was full of sword energy, and the city was shaking.

On this day, Fang Chen created the seventh trick of Shura swordsmanship.

Six months later, Jianqi became substantive, and a series of Stegosaurus appeared over the Thunder City.

The sword is like a dragon, and the sword is like a rainbow.

The eighth stroke of Shura swordsmanship was born.

However, Fang Chen didn't stop and was still working hard.

A year later, the innate battle is coming, Fang Chen created the ninth trick of Shura swordsmanship.

At this point, Shura Swordsmanship has become a veritable top-grade Lingtian Divine Spell, and its attack power is formidable.

"The innate battle is about to start, I don't know if Fang Chen can suppress everyone?"

"Some difficulties, even if he breaks into the most holy realm, it is too difficult to try to crush everyone."

"In the inborn battle, some contestants' cultivation ability has reached a profound atmosphere, and Fang Chen cannot win at all."

"That's not necessarily. In the past year, the vision of Jianqi above the Leicheng City is very likely to be inspired by Fang Chen. His strength may have reached the point of rapid progress."

Many people are talking about how far Fang Chen's strength has reached.

Even though the wild beast tide is over for a year, the name of Fang Chen still makes people remember.

The Black Thunder family.

"Ancestor, let Fang Chen grow up?" Black Thunder Star said.

"Although his potential is strong, he hasn't grown up and will not threaten my Black Lei family." Black Lei Ancestor said indifferently: "However, he violated my Black Lei family.

"However, he has been hiding in the Thunder City, and our people can't enter at all." Black Thunder King is distressed.

"Stop all actions against Fang Chen." Black Thunder ancestor said.

"Why is this?"

"The innate battle is on the verge. I believe that the old guy, Lord Lei Lei, will definitely send Fang Chen to participate, and there will be opportunities to kill him."

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