Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2401: free

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After two rounds of competition, Fang Chen's sharp edge has already been revealed.

The remaining fifty people who are truly qualified to compete for the final victory are the only ones with the Xuanqi Realm Martial Arts, plus a Fangchen.

In this innate battle, the biggest dark horse is undoubtedly Fang Chen.

The Chihan of Chijiu Mountain was defeated so easily.

Thinking of this, the members of the Black Lei family had hot faces.

After Lei Teng lost, they are still debating, saying that Fang Chen is skillful.

Now, the facts are drawn back fiercely by the facts, and the members of the Black Lei family are complacent.

"It's just a crooked way."

In this regard, Lei Jian stood hand in hand and said indifferently.

Even the Xiaoming King of Putuo Temple on the side couldn't help it, "If Shura Kendo is a crooked evil, what is the thunder of your Black Thunder family?"

Everyone else looked at Lei Blade, and the big giants on the podium clearly felt dissatisfied.

"Ancestor of Black Thunder, a disciple of the Black Thunder family, dare to disrespect the Sword Sovereign like this?"

The original Demon Sword Sovereign, the famous Zhenxing Tiantian, countless martial arts awe.

After that, Venerable Demon Sword disappeared, went to Demon Slayer, and passed down Shura Kendo.

Although Venerable Demon Sword disappeared, everyone's awe of him continued.

Even many of the ancestors of the people present have been blessed by the Sword Sovereign.

Lei Ren openly said that Shura ’s swordsmanship was a wicked way, causing a lot of dissatisfaction.


The Black Thunder Patriarch was pressured and scolded the Thunder Blade.

"Quickly apologize."

Lei Ren apologized despite his dissatisfaction.

"Your predecessors are angry, and Thunder's blade is wrong. Don't take it seriously." Thunder's blade said: "As everyone knows, Shura Kendo is created by Venerable Demon Sword, how could it be a crooked evil path. I just said Fang Chen, he didn't know what to use He crooked the evil way, got Shura Kendo, and swindled here. "

"The people of the Black Lei family are really like you, and have a thick skin." Fang Chen said.

"Boy, you pray for the next round, don't be touched by me, otherwise, if ..."

Thunderblade threatened.

Fang Chen shrugged and said, "I really hope that we can meet in the next round."

"If this is the case, I will definitely blow you away with a punch. No, you don't need a punch to deal with you, and you can suppress you with one finger."

Fang Chen estimated to stimulate Thunder Blade, the latter was angry, but was blocked by the Black Thunder Patriarch.


The old ancestor of Black Thunder said in a deep voice, "The third round of the game begins now."

There were 25 games in the third round.

Xiaoming Wang shot first, his hands folded, and Jin Cancan's light radiated from his head, which was shocking.

"It is worthy of King Xiaoming of Putuo Temple, and the means of Buddhism and Taoism are taken seriously."

I saw that King Xiaoming was talking in his mouth, his hands were folded, and he shot directly.

Suddenly, the opponent was blasted.

This method shocked four.

The next few people also won the battle.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen's opponent in this round was really a Thunderblade.


Lei Jian jumped forward and jumped onto the Yanwu platform, exuding cold killing intentions.

"Boy, do you still dare to talk hard now?" Lei Ren said coldly.

"I said, if I meet you, a finger suppresses you."

Between the speeches, Fang Chen was amazed, and suddenly his fingers surged sharply, and then suppressed towards the Thunder Blade.

Fang Chen used a trace of black vibrating gold armor to wrap his fingers, disguised so well that even Master Lei did not notice it.


As Fang Chen snorted, his finger pressed directly on Lei Jian's body.


The lightning blade banged out with both hands, hitting on the finger, and suddenly exploded.

The violent force emerged, and the entire Yanwutai was shaking.

"Look how I cut your finger."

Lei Ren sneered, and exhibited the Black Lei family's tremendous learning. While preparing to show his talents, he was shocked to find that his body could not move.

"what is this?"

In his body, a trace of dark power fluttered everywhere, violently destroying his internal organs.


Thunderblade wanted to force it out, but as soon as he used the power in his body, this black power became more powerful.

"It's impossible to resist the attack of my black vibrating gold armor." Fang Chen said secretly.

The power in the black vibration gold armor is arbitrarily destroying the internal organs of the Thunderblade.

And his fingers are firmly suppressed.

On the square, many warriors watched nervously.

"Why is there no movement?"

"Isn't Thunderblade really suppressed by a finger?"

Many people were talking in a whisper, they saw Lei Blade motionless.

On the rostrum, the faces of the vulture king and others suddenly dignified.

"This guy?"

"This kid is not simple, he should have a very strong defensive armor on his finger, otherwise it is impossible for such a powerful force to erupt."

"Master Lei Lei, for this innate battle, you have to work harder."

Several giants believed that this was prepared by Fang Chen personally.

"Huh, although he is strong, he can't stop Zong Bai."

The vulture king thought to himself.

The outstanding disciples of the Tianqing sect have extremely strange means. They are almost invincible in the same realm.

It was Black Thunder's ancestor, and his face was blue, and he wished he could find a hole in the ground.

The Thunderblade was summoned out in order to deal with this inborn battle and kill Fang Chen by the way.

Who would have expected that this child's strength has skyrocketed to this extent.


Everyone pondered, Fang Chen snorted, fingers pressed, Lei Ren kneeled on one knee, and the sound of bone fracture came from inside.

There was blood at the corners of his mouth, his eyes turned scarlet, his face scared, and he fell into a frenzy.

"You can't suppress me."

Thunderblade roared wildly, burning the thunder bloodline in his body, and wanted to fight back Fang Chen.


Seeing this, while Fang Chen's fingers continued to press down, the black Zhenjin armor wrapped his right foot and kicked out with a sharp kick.


Thunderblade was kicked and fell to the square.

"Have you lost?"

The people shook and looked at Thunderblaze dumbfounded.

"I didn't lose."

Lei Jian leapt forward, rushing towards Fang Chen frantically.

"Ancestor Black Thunder."

On the rostrum, Master Lei Ge stood up and said in a deep voice: "Lei Ren has fallen out of Yanwutai. According to the rules, he has lost."

"Master Lei Lei, do you think I'm blind?"

Black Thunder Ancestor coldly said, immediately waved his palm, a gentle force, bound the Thunder Blade, and then took away from Yanwutai.

"Ancestor, I ..."

Thunder Blade was ashamed of the Black Thunder ancestor and lowered his head.

"It's not wrong to lose." Black Thunder Ancestor said. "Retreat."

Thunderblade also lost, and the Black Thunder family has missed any reward for this innate battle.

The ancestor of Black Thunder was extremely angry, and wished to break Fang Chen's body into pieces.

However, there are many strong players present, he can not shoot.

Several other giants are also looking at each other, and Fang Chen's threat has greatly increased.

They were full of confidence, and they also became worried.

The warriors in the square were all shocked, but the battle continued.

When the third round ended, only 25 people remained.

It was too late, and the old ancestor Hei Lei announced that he would rest for one night and continue tomorrow.

Into the night.

In the mansion, the Black Hall ancestor sat at the top of the meeting hall.

The vulture king, the beast-controlling shadow snake, the moon demon, and the cloud demon old man, are located on both sides.

The five giants come together to discuss countermeasures.

"The appearance of Fang Chen severely broke the balance of the innate battle." Black Thunder Ancestor said first.

"I suspect that he has an extremely strong armor on his body. The defense of this armor can only be broken by at least Xuan Xing Realm. Xuan Qi Realm can't break its defense at all." The vulture king said.

"Yes, his sword is not of low grade. If he does his best, there is no suspense in the first place. Even if he is a member of the Tianqing sect, I am afraid he can't help him." Shadow Snake said.

Moon Demon and Cloud Demon Old People nodded one after another.

The innate battle is of great importance, and the scene of a single big family is never allowed.

Moreover, Fang Chen's defensive armor is really too strong, which severely disrupted the balance of the game, which is something that several giants do not want to see.

"It must be Lord Lei Lei."

The ancestor of Black Thunder said: "He is lurking in the Thunder City, and he is deliberately trying to destroy my Black Thunder family. In this inborn battle, he put everything on Fang Chen and must stop it."

"Yes, unite several other people, sanction Fang Chen together." Yun Mo said old.

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