Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2643: Stone monster

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The vast heaven respects the sea, an island.

The eyes are full of blue sky, and the whole island is almost sunk as if it has experienced war.

The island is crippled and some scarlet seawater has infiltrated the island.

This island is an unnamed island, not too far from Shuangtou Island.

"Is this the place?"

On the calm sea, a mountain suddenly appeared.

Fang Chen and Fenglei Thunder Beast, standing on the top of Dongxiu Mountain, looking into the distance, suddenly discovered the unnamed islands full of blue sky.

"Yes, the demon domain is in it." Ling Jian ancient god's eyes were hot, and he said in a deep voice.

With the help of Dongtze Mountain, the three came to the unnamed island.

"There has been a lot of war on this island." Fenglei Thunder Beast said, "Where is the demon domain?"

It is known from the mouth of the ancient **** of Ling Jian that the demon domain refers to an independent space.

Anyone who can enter the Demon Realm has a few enlightenment Xeon magic.

A group of three people soon came to a mountain that was cut in two.

"Just in this abyss." Ling Jian Ancient Shinto.

"What are you waiting for, just go in." Fang Chen said.


Standing on the mountain, looking down, suddenly found that a circle of gray ripples gradually revealed.

In the deepest part of the abyss, there is a blistering light group, this blistering light group is a legendary demon domain.

"If the matter of the demon domain spreads, it will surely shake the many powerful people of Tianzunhai." Ling Jiangu Shendao, he explained, while taking Fang Chen two people, ready to enter the demon domain.


Just then, a huge battleship appeared on the distant sea level.

"That is……"

Seeing the ancient **** of Ling Jian, his face changed greatly.

A huge sword is depicted on the huge battleship, and around the battleship is surrounded by a powerful and aggressive sword spirit.

"No, the people from Mojian Island are here." Ling Jian ancient **** said quickly, ready to jump into the abyss.

"Ling Jian Ancient God."

The battleship roared, and the scaled humanoid stepped out in one step, shrunk to an inch, and came to the mountain.

"You dare to betray Magic Sword Island and die."

Scale armor humanoid monster snorted, flexed its head, a bright sword light, burst out.

"not good."

Fang Chen also felt the powerful power contained in this sword light, he almost did not hesitate and hid in the Dongxi Mountain.


The Dongxi Mountain fell towards the abyss.


The ancient God of Lingjian could not resist it, and was directly killed by a sword of scaled humanoid monster.

At the same time, the wind and thunder beast also fled in vain, but unfortunately the strength of the scale armor humanoid monster is too strong.

With a punch, he threw the huge body of the wind and thunder beast.

With the help of the anti-shock force, the wind and thunder beast dragged the embarrassed body and fell into the scarlet ocean.


The water column soared and the waves were rough.

"what is that?"

The eyes of the scaled humanoid flickered and fell into contemplation.

"You're over."

Suddenly, an angry voice came.

The battleship docked on the edge of the unnamed island shook and wobbled as if to be broken.

At the endless sea level, a dark shadow, carrying a giant sword, came from the waves.

"call out!"

In an instant, a shocking and fierce battle appeared on the unnamed island.


Fang Chen, who was hiding in the Dongling Mountains, witnessed the death of the ancient **** of Ling Jian and followed the defeat of Fenglei Thunder Beast.


He clenched his fists and his eyes were scarlet.

At the same time, he also deeply remembered the scaled humanoid monster.

If he guesses well, this scaled humanoid monster should be the owner of Mojiandao.


A vibrating sound came out, and the Dongxi Mountain fell into the blistering light mass.

There was a loud noise in the air, and in this shocking sound, the bubble light mass gradually disappeared.


The air is full of strong demon spirit, which is completely different from the demon clan in the chaotic void.

"Is this the demon domain?"

Fang Chen muttered to himself.

The world knows that there is a Xeon Divine Skill in the Demon Realm, but he is not sure which of the 49 Xeon Divine Skills.

Stepping on the sole of the hot desert, Fang Chen felt a strange breath and penetrated into his body.

The dark bloodline was instantly excited, and the power of the wild bloodline emerged, wrapping Fang Chen's whole body.

"Demonization magic."

The heart of Xuan Ming exudes a faint light, and a voice comes out.

"Do you know forty-nine Xeon Divine Skills?" Fang Chen surprised.

"I once followed the master and came to Tianzunhai." A word from the heart of Xuan Ming made Fang Chen suddenly understand. "Demonization Divine Skills, ranked forty-fifth among the forty-nine Xeon Divine Divine Skills. After cultivation, it can be transformed into a monster monster form.

"The demonization magic is in this demon domain, if you want to get it, look for it." Xuan Ming's heart said.

"How can I find it?" Fang Chen moved slightly.

Xuan Ming's heart pondered, "If the demonized magic technique is destined to you, you will naturally find that if you are not destined to it, don't think about it in this life."


The voice of Xuan Ming's heart had just fallen, and suddenly a storm raged, and the dust was flying.

Throughout the desert, there was a mist, flying sand and rocks, like a big enemy.

"what happened?"

Fang Chen was shocked at the same time, in the mist, came out a stone monster.

Why he is said to be a stone monster, because its whole body is made of stones, and there is almost no flesh.


The stone monster is so high that the desert trembles with every step.


The stone monster roared upward in the sky, immediately clenched its fists, and punched Fang Chen.

"not good."

The Hunyuan sword body is urged with all strength, the strongest defense is formed, and the rich sword spirit surrounds the whole body.

Fang Chen burst out with a punch.


The two fists collided and Fang Chen's body exploded instantly.

"So strong."

Fang Chen exclaimed, immediately withdrew the Xingyin sword, and exhibited the Shura sword technique.

call out!

After a series of fierce sword lights, they roared out and intertwined in the sky, forming the strongest sword net, like a stormy pear attacking stone monster.

At the same time, Fang Chen took out Xuantiancone in his right hand.

The power of the body is injected into the Xuantian cone, and it is completely actuated in an instant.

On the Xuantian cone, a bright light erupted, and at the same time, the virtual Xuan Zhen Jing in Fang Chen's mind also automatically ran.

Xuan Tiancong's power soared rapidly, and in a blink of an eye he reached the extreme.


Fang Chen waved out violently, and Xuan Tiancong split the stone monster's head.


Xuan Tiancong hit the stone monster's head fiercely, sparks splashed and stone chips fell.

The stone monster was still not injured, but instead grasped the strong attacked sword net.


The stone monster is too strong, Fang Chen can't cope with it at all, his body flashes and he quickly retreats.

The stone monster quickly pursued in the rear, but his speed was slow, and he could not catch up for a while.


Shuttle through the sky, Fang Chen found a mountain ahead.

"Go up."

Without hesitation ascended the mountain, at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

The stone monster stopped at the foot of the mountain and did not reach the peak.


In the sky dome, the explosion-like power spread like fireworks, and at the same time, a line of writing slowly appeared.

"Defeat stone monsters and gain demonization magic."

Seeing this line of writing, Fang Chen's eyes were hot and he almost didn't jump.

"Can you get the demonization magic by defeating the stone monster?"

Fang Chen's heart trembles, he understands that this stone monster in front of him should be the test of demonization magic on himself.

At the same time, he also speculated that the stone monster could not climb the mountain, this should be a safe place specially prepared for himself.

"I will definitely get demonization magic."

Fang Chen licked his dry lips and said lowly.

"The stone monster's power is very strong, and its defense is invincible. If you want to defeat it, the master, there is only one way." Xuan Ming's heart exudes a soft light and said lightly. "Using the formation method to trap it, and then supplemented with the power of the evil ancestor pupil, it is possible to defeat it."

"Is the formation method combined with the evil ancestor pupil?" Fang Chen murmured.

However, at this stage his formation has not been strong enough to trap this unreasonable barbaric stone monster.


At the foot of the mountain, the stone monster looked up and shouted.

In the crack of the stone, the fire erupted, and the whole person gave an extremely depressed atmosphere just like before the volcano erupted.

"Simple strength, I am not an opponent of stone monsters. But it has no wisdom, and I have unlimited possibilities. With all the means, we can definitely defeat stone monsters."

The opportunity to fly into the sky is at your feet.

Whether you can grasp it depends on yourself!

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