Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2646: Odd woman

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Woman in white, her hair covered her face, making her face unclear.

However, it can be felt from its beautiful body that it must be a woman who has fallen all over the country.

Under the thunder, Fang Chen trembles with such means, Fang Chen trembles.

Just as he hid in the Dongsong Mountains to observe, all of a sudden the thunder swooped down, chaotic and disorderly, as if dancing in a group of demons.

And a white halo appeared on the woman in white.

The emergence of this layer of halo, so that the defense of the woman in a flash, has been raised to the strongest.

Let you stand thunderous and thunderous.

The woman in white brought a powerful visual shock to Fang Chen, and cultivation has never seen such a powerful warrior.


Suddenly, the woman in white seemed to feel something, and turned gently.

The beautiful eyes flickered and gave Fang Chen a faint glance.


Dongxie Mountain vibrated and shook endlessly.

Fang Chen, who was hiding in the Dongshang Mountains, also set off a storm in his heart.

He widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

Because at this moment, his body was imprisoned like a ghost.

"How can it be?"

Fang Chen shouted silently, trembling inwardly.

Dongxie Mountain is the pinnacle of treasure. He is the owner of Dongxie Mountain, who can control Dongxie Mountain at will.

But right now, the woman in white just glanced at herself, and she imprisoned her body through the cave.

How much strength does this require?

Fang Chen was even thinking that even if the woman in white wanted to kill herself, she couldn't resist even one look.

"too strong."

Fang Chen was palpitated, his body was imprisoned, and the breath of death came quickly.

"what happened?"


The trembling thunder in the sky vault disappeared in an instant, the dark breath collapsed, and the woman in white appeared in an arrow step before the Donggong Mountain.

She did not enter the Dongxi Mountain, but stood in front of the Dongqi Mountain, her dark eyes, and looked seriously.

Watching up close, Fang Chen only saw the woman's face.

beautiful as godness.

However, there was no expression on her face, and she was very cold.


Suddenly, the woman in white stretched out her white hands and snapped.

Suddenly, Fang Chen was shocked to find that his body left the Dongqi Mountain uncontrollably.


His heart was too trembling.

How could there be such a strong man in the world? Even if the scaled humanoid monster can wipe out the ancient **** in a wave, is it far behind her?

In Fang Chen's heart, there was a turbulent wave, and no one could understand his inner tremor.

It's hard to imagine, he stared blankly in front of the woman in white and froze.

Just when Fang Chen thought that the woman in white was going to kill him, something changed.

"Evil ancestor pupil?"

The voice of the woman in white, like the sound of nature, is very beautiful and beautiful.

Fang Chen froze for a moment, then nodded.

Just a glance, I found myself with evil ancestors.

Fang Chen's heart is a bit bitter. When he meets such a strong man, he can only be considered unlucky.

Even if the other party wants to kill himself, he can only admit his fate.

Fortunately, it seems that women in white do not care about themselves, but rather care about the evil ancestor pupil.

Seeing Fang Chen nod, the woman in white fell into silence.

There was a touch of sadness in her body.

Fang Chen looked at the woman in white secretly and did not dare to speak.

After a long time, the woman in white raised her head and looked at Fang Chen, her red lips lightly said: "You have not completely controlled the evil ancestor pupil."

Fang Chen nodded like a chicken pecked rice.

In front of the woman in white, he even stuttered.

The woman in white took out a token from her arms and handed it to Fang Chen, "If there is anything in Tianzunhai in the future, come to destroy God Island and find me."

After that, the woman in white disappeared into the endless ocean.

In the air, faintly left a breath of thunder.

Only with this thunder breath can we prove that what has just happened is real, not an illusion.

Looking at the disappeared back of the woman in white, Fang Chen was dumbfounded.

"What exactly is going on?"

Originally thought that the woman in white wanted to take action against herself, who knew she gave herself a token.

Fang Chen carefully looked at the token. The white token with a big slap was written with a spirit word on the front and a pattern of hibiscus on the back.

"Is it because of the evil ancestor?"

It doesn't make any sense, the woman in white found her evil ancestor pupil, and did not **** it.

Thinking about it, Fang Chen believes that the most likely situation is that one of the masters of the evil ancestor, who met the woman in white, seems to have some emotional entanglement.

Fang Chen just found out that when the woman in white found that the evil ancestor pupil fell into silence, there was a struggling color on the cold face.

Even, she seemed to recall certain things.

"This should be."

Fang Chen nodded, and no longer thought much.

"I don't know what the woman in white is."

Fang Chen smirked in his heart, if the woman in white was really willing to help herself, it would be easier in the future.

It's a pity that she still doesn't know what the woman in white is called.

"Something in the future, you can go to destroy God Island to find her, does she live on destroy God Island?"

Fang Chen didn't know what it meant to destroy God Island when he first entered the sea of ​​Tianzun.

So, without much thought, quickly manipulate the Dongxi Mountain and quickly left the sea.

After the affairs of the woman in white, Fang Chen became more careful.

In Tianzunhai, there is a lot of crisis. He has not yet stepped into the realm of the ancient gods, and he has no power to protect himself.

"How strong is the woman in white?"

Whenever I think back to the scene where a woman in white is bathed in thunder, Fang Chen trembles inwardly.

It's too tough, so when the thunder strikes, if it's you, it's already gone.

The woman in white, as if everything is fine, leisurely.

In the end, the woman in white pulled herself out of the Dongxi Mountain across the sky and was even more shocked.

"Do you know who the woman in white is?"

Fang Chen asked about Xuan Ming's heart.

He just contacted the heart of Xuan Ming in secret, but the latter simply did not speak.

"Master, it's just too dangerous. I'm scared to speak."

The heart of Xuan Ming.

After hearing this, Fang Chen was speechless for a while.

"Don't you claim to be the same as Tian Zunhai? How can you be so counselful?" Fang Chen said.

Xuan Ming's heart was a little embarrassed, hehe smiled and said: "That's just the rumor of the world. Besides, without the control of the old master, my strength is greatly reduced. If the old master is still there, what is the Tianzunhai? Can be suppressed. "

"What do you mean, the original owner of Dongxie Mountain is stronger than the woman in white just now?" Fang Chen asked.

"The woman in white is too strong, and the ancient **** is like a local chicken and dog in front of her. Before the master left, she was not as strong as her." Xuan Ming's heart said.

After asking a few words, I couldn't ask for anything. Fang Chen didn't ask any more.

Adrift aimlessly, a few months later, Dongdong Mountain is near an island.


Through Dongxi Mountain, Fang Chen looked outward.

The sword in front of this island was so shocking.

"Do all the warriors on this island practice Kendo?"

Fang Chen murmured.

Put away Dongsong Mountain and set foot on this island.

After spending a few days, I came to a city.

After a little inquiry, Fang Chen was shocked.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally hit and ran into the magic sword island.

"Isn't the ancient **** of sword sword the one of the magic sword island?"

Fang Chen's heart moved slightly, and there was a bit of bitter smile on his face.

At the same time, Yi Rong changed his appearance.

When originally on the Unnamed Island, the scaled humanoid monster recognized himself, and it would be terrible if found here.

Originally wanted to leave, but after hearing a news, Fang Chen was ready to stay.

"Have you heard? A few days ago, in the west of Magic Sword Island, a **** tree was found, and many powerful people poured in there."

"Yeah, I heard that the **** tree is very cunning, and it's hard to find it when it's hidden."

"Many ancient gods have gone to grab the **** tree. According to their saying, after refining the **** tree, it is at least comparable to a century of hard work."

After coming to this city, Fang Chen heard many words about the **** tree.

He moved slightly in his heart. Are the God Trees in their mouths the old **** sticks of his good brothers?

"Inquire first."

Fang Chen pondered.

In any case, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility, he can't miss it.

Entering Dongxie Mountain is just to find some brothers.

If you can find the old **** stick, then several other people can naturally find it.

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