Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2687: Worldly

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Deep in the Jedi, there is a huge Buddha statue.

As high as a hundred feet, there is a golden light around the Buddha statue, giving people a feeling of entering the Buddhist shrine.


Fang Chen stopped and looked up at the Buddha statue in front of him, his heart shook.

He can feel the majestic power from the Buddha statue, this power is like the rough sea, and he is like a small boat, drifting with the waves.

Gradually, Fang Chen closed his eyes, his consciousness spread, and enveloped the Buddha.


The sound of thunder, like thunder, fell into Fang Chen's mind.

The electric current spread, and his body shuddered.

However, his heart was unable to calm down for a long time.

The Xu Xuan Zhen Jing works automatically, and the recipes spread out among his limbs and at the same time, his mood is also changing.


The heart of Xuan Ming exudes a soft light, detached from the innate Otoki, suspended in mid-air, and came to the Buddha statue.

"The old master once practiced here."

After seeing the Buddha statue, the heart of Xuan Ming was more certain, the old master had been here.

A series of thunder sounds penetrated Fang Chen's mind into his heart.

In just a few minutes, Fang Chen's state of mind has undergone a great transformation.


When the last thunder sound got into his body, the whole body was trembling.

He thought that his heart burst out of the dazzling to the ultimate light, and exploded violently, and the powerful force spread out and swept the whole earth.


Fang Chen opened his eyes violently, and he felt his mood changed dramatically.

Clear your mind!

At this moment, all kinds of doubts before, suddenly bright.

The running speed of the Xu Xuan Zhen Jing was greatly improved until it broke through the bottleneck and reached a higher level.

"The third level of state of mind."

Fang Chen's mouth turned up, showing a smile.

I did not expect to be able to repair the Xu Xuan Zhen scripture to the third level in such a coincident place, and at the same time the state of mind has reached a higher level.

"The Emperor Xuxuan of that year really took it seriously."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh. Although the Emperor Xuxuan was only practicing in the ancient realm, his state of mind far exceeded the ancient gods in the same realm.

"Being able to create the Xu Xuan Zhen Jing and other mental cultivation methods, one can imagine how strong Xu Xuan Emperor's state of mind is."

Fang Chen murmured.


The abrupt, silent Xuantian cone rushed out of the Sumiya ring.

"Congratulations to the master, cultivated into Xu Xuan Zhen Jing." Xuan Tiancong seemed excited.

Since the old master fell, he has never been really happy.

"Unfortunately, even if the Xu Xuan Zhen Jing is cultivated, there is no way to compare with the Xu Xuan Emperor in the state of mind." Fang Chen said.

"The old master once said that the warrior has a strong focus. The master has obviously achieved the perfect point at your age." Xuantian cone said: "After the Xu Xuanzhen is cultivated, your master's state of mind is far beyond the same The realm warrior and even the Xinggu realm are not as good as you. It will be easier for you to cultivate as a breakthrough in the future. "

After hearing the words, Fang Chen nodded gently.

At this time, the heart of Xuan Ming changed.

"Did you find anything?" Fang Chen asked.

"Maybe, the old master's experiment was successful."

Xuan Ming's heart said in a deep voice: "At that time, the old master often sat alone under the stars, thinking about how to jump out of the cage and hit a higher level. He believes that the most perfect form is to use his Taoist mysteries and Buddhist sacred The combination of technique and thought, two completely different concepts, thoroughly blended together, take its essence to remove its dross, create peerless magic, and thus break the world. "

"This buddha statue should have been left by an ancient sage, and it contains a very strong atmosphere of Buddhism. Even, I can feel the atmosphere of the old master in it. This shows that the old master has tested him here. The result of Xuan Ming's heart: "The Buddha statue is intact and can also hold the atmosphere of the old master, so I doubt that the old master should succeed."

Fang Chen was confused.

He didn't know much about Buddhism and Taoism.

"Master, you can try to absorb the breath inside the Buddha statue, maybe there will be unexpected gains." Xuan Mingxin suggested.

"Can it be absorbed directly?" Fang Chen asked, showing his doubts.

"The power inside the Buddha statue is very violent, and there is a sense of Taoism mixed with it. It is chaotic and disorderly. If it is forcibly absorbed, it is very likely to be repulsed, but you can rest assured that you can relax a lot with my help.

As soon as the words fell, a strong breath emanated from the heart of Xuan Ming, and at the same time the Dongxi Mountain appeared suddenly.

Fang Chen began to absorb the power in the Buddha statue with the help of Dongsong Mountain.


Just after absorbing, I felt a strong resistance.

"not good."

The power in the Buddha statue is obstructing Fang Chen and counterattacking him.


Dongxie Mountain played a great role in forcing the Buddha statue into it.

"the host."

With the cry of Xuan Ming's heart, Fang Chen used Xuan Ming's heart to suppress the Buddha statue and began to absorb it.


The internal power of the Buddha statue is rapidly being consumed.

After a while, the power in the Buddha statue was almost exhausted.

It is also at this time that mutations burst.

Suddenly the golden light of the Buddha statue suddenly began to skyrocket.


Fang Chen's body was forced to retreat directly by the Buddha statue, and at the same time the power of repression of Dongxi Mountain also shattered.

"not good."

Xuan Ming's heart screamed badly, and madly urged Dongxi Mountain to suppress the Buddha statue.

However, to no avail.

In a blink of an eye, the Buddha statue skyrocketed to an extremely high level.


In the process of skyrocketing, the head of the Buddha statue hit the sky above Dongxie Mountain.


The Dongtze Mountain cracked and a crack appeared, and this crack has been spreading.

In the end, still not resisting the impact of the Buddha statue, there was a big gap.

The dim golden light around the Buddha statue skyrocketed again, soaring into the sky, and flew out of the hole from the gap.


The huge Buddha image hit the ground with heavy dust and tremor.

In Fang Chen's stunned state, the Buddha statue returned to its original state.

At the same time, a vicissitudes of ancient voice came out from it.

"Hum, read it on your friends, and spare you once."

In this voice, there was a cold breath: "If there is a next time, there is no forgiveness to kill."

Boom Boom Boom!

The sound contained a strong impact, Fang Chen's body receded, and his face was a little hidden.

When he stabilized his body, his blood rolled and his internal organs vibrated.

"Senior, do you know where the old master went?"

Xuan Ming's heart was very excited and asked quickly.

The Buddha statue fell into silence, and a long time later a sigh came: "A friend and I were here to discuss the combination of Buddhism and Taoism. Although he has achieved something, he is not satisfied with the status quo. Explore deep. "

"Does the old master have anything left?" Xuan Mingxin asked.

"Just what he absorbed was left by his friends. Okay, let's go, just do it for yourself."


Fang Chen felt a gust of wind blowing, and he appeared on the plain outside the Jedi.

His heart trembles. What kind of person exists in the Buddha statue?

Is it too powerful? Turning the hand, a hole is formed in Dongsong Mountain.

"Why are these strong men willing to succumb to the barren land?" Fang Chen was puzzled.

Perhaps it was a stranger from Taikoo Chaos, come here to wash your soul.

He has no thoughts about Jinyun Chaos at all, otherwise, with his strength, one thought can dominate Jinyun Chaos.

"Old master, he is still pursuing that way."

Xuan Ming's heart was a little excited, but also a little lost.

"Relax, as long as the seniors are still alive, we will meet one day." Fang Chen comforted: "Maybe, we can meet in Taikoo Chaos."

"Oh, are you okay?"

Fang Chen asked to change the subject.

"Senior Buddhism and Dao, although hurt me, but left a hand. As long as there is enough time, I can heal." Xuan Ming's heart said.

"That's good."

Putting Dongsong Mountain away, Fang Chen pressed his hand against the depths of the Jedi and finally left quickly.

The mighty wind blew through, and the leaves fell on the ground.

The dust was flying, and the power of heaven and earth spread from all directions.

A sigh came from inside the Buddha statue in the Jedi.

The voice contains helpless and complex emotions.

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