Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2693: Named peak

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Name the peak.

The living area of ​​the named disciples is also where the cultivation takes place.

On the huge named peak, there are many named disciples.

Just boarding the famous peak, Fang Chen saw an elder, waiting for him with a smile.

"Meet the elder."

Fang Chen nodded gently.

"The dean has already told me, I will take you to the place of residence."

Elder Huiyi took Fang Chen to walk on the tree-lined avenue, and soon came to a luxurious area.

In this area, each separate courtyard is a residence for registered disciples.

"This is the Ziming Garden, and only the top 100 named disciples can live." Elder Huiyi said slightly: "However, your situation is special, I will arrange you here."

During the speech, the elder in gray handed a token to Fang Chen, with a hundred written on it, representing the hundredth other courtyard.

"The No. 100 Beyond House on the edge is your courtyard." Elder Gray-clothed pulled out a booklet from his arms and handed it to Fang Chen said: "The rules of Mingfeng are all here. I want it here To get resources, you must make corresponding efforts. You want to become a formal disciple unless you pass the test. "

After Fang Chen was settled, the elder in gray clothes left.

In fact, the elder gray-clothed is also a bit curious. The guy in front of him looks mediocre, and he really can't understand why he can shock the dean and even the dean came to him in person.

Fang Chen sat on the stone bench in the No. 100 Beyond Courtyard and carefully looked at the booklet.

He didn't even know that his stay had made many disciples on Ziming Garden and Mingfeng extremely dissatisfied.

"Why should a new disciple be admitted to Ziming Garden?"

"Yes, only one hundred disciples in front of Mingfeng can move in. Is he going through the back door?"

"Huh, the No. 100 Beyond House, which was originally obtained by Li Xinlong after defeating his opponent, is now snatched by a newcomer. This is a good show."

For a time, there were many opinions on the named peak.

Many disciples are curious as to who Fang Chen is and why he can directly stay in Ziming Garden.

"Hum, dare to occupy Dragon's resources, he is looking for death."

"No matter what his background, he can't occupy Long Ge's courtyard."

Many of Li Xinlong's crowds released their words and let Fang Chen move away from Ziming Garden.

Despite the ups and downs of the outside world, Fang Chen simply ignored it.

"The named disciples are ultimately only the outermost disciples of Tianshu Academy. It is extremely difficult to obtain resources."

Fang Chen closed the booklet and said to himself.

After reading the booklet, he had basically understood the situation of Mingfeng.

The strongest of the named disciples is only in the late period of Void and Ancient Realm. He doesn't even need to exert his full strength to defeat the opponent.

"President Tian Shu made Fu Huan become an elite disciple, but made me a registered disciple."

Fang Chen murmured: "He must be afraid of my existence and was discovered by the Lin family and other forces."

In fact, Fang Chen knows it, but he doesn't say it.

Suddenly, there was hustle and bustle outside the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, shouting voices were introduced into the courtyard.

Originally, Fang Chen didn't intend to ignore it, but it was hard to listen to someone's abuse, and Fang Chenteng stood up.

"Miscellaneous, quickly roll out of Ziming Garden."

"Damn things, dare to occupy Long Brother's other courtyard, have you eaten the bear heart leopard gall?"


As many of the named disciples yelled, the door of the other courtyard opened and Fang Chen walked out of it.

Suddenly, there was silence in front of the door.

"Are you a new registered disciple?"

A yellow-haired guy headed, asked arrogantly.

Fang Chen nodded, the latter sneered: "Do you know, who is the other courtyard you live in now?"

"Isn't it mine?"

Fang Chen asked back.

"Your? Just like you newcomer, are you eligible to stay in Ziming Garden?"

"I tell you, the owner of the 100th Beyond House was strongly defeated by Long Brother, thus giving up the residency of the Beyond House. Originally, Long Brother planned to stay in the near future, but who thought that the elder Huiyi actually arranged you in Here. "

"This is a naked face. Is it remarkable that you have a background?"

"On the named peak, even if you have a great background, it won't help."

A group of people had different opinions and stared at Fang Chen with anger.

The yellow-haired man took a step forward and sneered, "You will still live in Mingfeng for a long time to come. I advise you not to offend Long Brother."

"Who is Dragon Brother?" Fang Chenfeng asked lightly.

"Li Xinlong, the top 100 registered disciples." Yellow-haired man said.

"It's none of my business?"

After talking, Fang Chen was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, the yellow-haired man stepped out, blocking Fang Chen.

"Boy, don't you want to toast without eating fines, offending Brother Long, you haven't got off well."

Fang Chen was speechless and closed the door with a bang.

An angry crowd was left.

"This guy is too arrogant."

"What should I do? If he never came out, wouldn't we have no way to take him?"

The yellow-haired man's eyes rolled, and finally he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Go in."


The yellow-haired man kicked the door open and entered the other courtyard.

"Fast and quick, don't let others see."

Many famous disciples surrounded Fang Chen's regiment, and the situation was fierce.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes and grinned. "If I remember correctly, Mingfeng prohibits other disciples from arbitrarily breaking into Zimingyuan's other courtyard. You have violated the rules. Even if I beat you up, the elders will not say anything."

"The premise is that you have that strength!"

The yellow-haired guy sneered, and soon the Thunder shot.

Bang Bang Bang!

Fang Chen's body turned into a residual image, like the same breeze blowing.

A banging sound came from the courtyard, and many named disciples were lying on the ground in a row, and a miserable cry came from their mouths.

"You dare to attack the same door, this is a death sentence."

The yellow-haired man yelled in anger.

Fang Chen walked towards him step by step, slaps and slaps crisply in his face.

Suddenly, a red and swollen handprint appeared on his face, clearly visible.

"You guys don't even have the qualifications to let me do my best."

Fang Chen scolded.

The yellow hair was turned in a slap, and his heart was full of shock.

"Boy, you wait, Brother Long will not let you go."

After a while, the other courtyard became quieter.


"Brother Long, that newcomer is too arrogant, we all say that the 100th is your other court, he also shot."

"That's right, he doesn't take you Long Brother at all."

"Bring Brother Long to shoot and beat up the guy."

Many of the injured named disciples, led by the yellow-haired man, found Li Xinlong.

The latter stood straight, standing quietly.

The dark eyes turned, thinking in his mind.

There was a terrifying breath in his body.


Suddenly, Li Xinlong turned and shook his hand to give the yellow-haired man a slap.

"Stupid, don't you know the rules of Mingfeng? They dared to break into the Zimingyuan courtyard, really looking for death." Li Xinlong said fiercely: "If you break the rules first, even if the guy kills you, you will not be punished. . "

Upon hearing this, the yellow-haired man stopped talking.

However, after a pause, Li Xinlong's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "However, although you violated the rules first, it can be regarded as doing things for me, Li Xinlong. He made you like this, but he did not give me Li Xinlong's face."

Li Xinlong sneered, "I want to see how much you have the ability, just to name the peak, dare to do right with me Li Xinlong."

Upon seeing this, many named disciples smirked in heart, Li Xinlong shot, the guy would be seriously injured if he didn't die.


Ziming Garden, No. 100 Beyond Courtyard.

Fang Chen is thinking about how to combine Shura swordplay with Qingtian swordplay.

Suddenly, there was a voice outside.

"Li Xinlong's visit, please invite Daoyou to come out and tell."

Fang Chen's thoughts were interrupted, a little angry.

"Go, don't bother me."

Fang Chen scolded directly.

Outside the gate, Li Xinlong heard the words and his face was green, his fists clenched, creaked, and angered.

However, he resisted the anger and grumbled: "Since the Taoist friends refuse to meet, then I hope you have been hiding in the other courtyard and do not come out."

After all, Li Xinlong turned and left.

For a time, news about Fang Chen on the named peak came out.

The newly-named disciples challenged Li Xinlong, but did not dare to walk out of the other court.

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