Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2712: Qixing Tianshu array

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Fairy Ziqiong heard the words, and her beautiful eyes flickered.

She also just subconsciously thought that Fang Chen was scared by Fat Five and didn't want to be involved, so she left.

Who would have thought that he had actually turned in the task.


For a time, Ziqiong Fairy's face changed, not knowing what to say.

"Turn over the task?"

Fat Five was also stunned for a while, but quickly reacted and said angrily: "Boy, do you really want to live with Fatty Master?"

Fang Chen shrugged, "It's not that I can't live with you, but that you can't live with them."

Fang Chen pointed to the slightly embarrassed Chi Xiu, and the changing look of Ziqiong Fairy.

"So, are you determined to intervene?"

Fat five face dark, clenched fists, breath vertical and horizontal, lethal leak.

"If you had to do this, it would have to be like this."

"you wanna die."

The fat five were furious and burst out with a punch.

While his fists were blasting out, the void was constantly changing, and finally he blasted towards Fang Chen at an extremely tricky angle.


Fang Chen's veins were not moving, and the whole body was surrounded by sword veins.

Pedal Pedal!

The powerful anti-shock force came from Fang Chen's body, so the fat five's body also couldn't help but step back a few steps.

After stabilizing his body, he licked his dry lips and squinted towards Fang Chen.

"No wonder, that guy Qu Yunfeng lost to you, you have this kind of defense, and you can also protect yourself on Zuoshan Peak." Fat Five Road: "However, if you think, you can do it with Fat Master by this way If you are right, then you are too naive. "

Knowing the strength of Fang Chen's defense, Fat Five took out a spear from his arms.

Above the spear, there was a shocking pattern flashing.


The fat five grabbed a palm, and the spear burst into the void.

The tip of the gun flashed, carrying a trembling force, and roared out.

"Trick and worm skills."

Fang Chen couldn't see the strength of fat five.

"Brother Fang be careful."

Chi Xiu reminded that his complexion changed greatly and he was extremely worried.

Fang Chen shook his head gently and raised his palm. In the shock of everyone, his palm was constantly changing, and he finally held the long shot from the blaze at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

call out!

The spear stopped and the tight breath in the air shattered instantly.

At the same time, Ling Lie's killing intention was shot from within the spear, stab Fang Chen straight.


The illusory light hit Fang Chen and was instantly crushed by Jian Qi.


Fat Five exhausted all his strength and wanted to pierce the spear, but found that the spear was imprisoned and could not move at all.


At this time, Fat Five finally noticed something was wrong.

His look changed and his heart beat.

"Give up."

Fat Five roared, the whole body stirred up a vast force, Fang Chen's palms were loosened, and suddenly the spear returned to Fat Five's control.

Pedal Pedal!

The fat and bloated body receded, panting.

Fang Chen embraced with both hands, staring at him with a smile.

Fat Five wanted to continue the offensive, but in the end did not act rashly.

He stared at Fang Chen for a long time, and after a long time, he shook his sleeve fiercely, turning to leave.


Fang Chen scolded.

"What? Do you really think my fat man is afraid you won't succeed?"

Fat Five said with anger: "If the fat man is anxious, I will end up with you, and you want to take advantage of the fat man."


Fang Chen's double pupils radiate a terrifying light.

The supreme ancestor pupil urged, the powerful pupil power, escaped, and the entire sky dome instantly became silent.

Fat Five's body was imprisoned in the void, unable to move.

"now what?"

Fang Chen asked, spreading his hands.


Fat Five's heart was frightened, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

He tried his best not to open the shackles.

"What did you do to me?"

Fat Five roared wildly, struggling desperately.

"I disdain to kill you, but it doesn't mean that I don't have the strength to kill you." Fang Chen said: "The two of them have been handing over their cultivation resources over the past few months, otherwise I don't mind cutting off your head.


Despite being very angry, Fat Five didn't want to succumb.

But in the end it was still subject to Fang Chen's powerful pressure.

He couldn't even think of himself, how could Fang Chen's strength be so strong.

"Give you."

The fat five moved, and two Xumi rings appeared in his arms, and he threw them.

After Fang Chen took the Xu Mijie, he withdrew his pupil power, Fat Five lifted his imprisonment, and fled in vain.

Chi Xiu and Ziqiong Fairy have been dumbfounded.

"Brother Fang, what have you experienced in the past few months? How could you become so strong all at once?" Chi Xiu asked hurriedly.

"Have it?"

Fang Chen laughed: "I have always been so strong."

Chi Xiu and Ziqiong Fairy took back their own cultivation resources, smirking in their hearts, and their faces were full of smiles.

"You can suppress Fat Five from turning your hands, and Fang's strength is also at the top of Zuoshan Peak." Chi Xiu said excitedly: "In the future, see who else dares to bully me Chi Xiu."

"Fat five is just a small character. I'm worried that Fang Chen's move this time will attract the person behind the fat five." Fairy Ziqiong's expression changed.


Fang Chen waved.


The Qixing Tianshu Array is a peerless array on the Zuoshan Peak and a holy place for many disciples to practice.

Fang Chen stood outside the formation, and looked at the vast and gray.

"What an exquisite formation."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, such a delicate array, let him marvel.

Only the strong leaders such as President Tianshu can arrange such a magnificent formation.

"The entire formation is connected to the heavens and the earth, absorbing the power of heaven and earth all the time. In this way, after the refinement of the formation, the power of heaven and earth is automatically transformed into the cultivation resources of many disciples, which is really powerful."

Fang Chen said: "Moreover, this formation is invisible and invisible, I can't see through it at all."

Thinking of this, Fang Chen stepped out and entered the Qixing Tianshu array.

"Brother Xing, right there."

Fang Chen had just entered the formation, and Fat Five came here with a person.

The arrival of Zhao Longxing caused a great shock.

"Isn't this Zhao Longxing? How did he come here?"

"It is said that Zhao Longxing broke into the seventh floor of the Qixing Tianshu array six months ago, and is only one step away from the eighth floor. Looking at the Zuoshan Peak, it is only a few Tianjiao that can rival it. "

"Yeah, Zhao Longxing will be able to become an elite disciple and even a core disciple in the near future."

A lot of praise sounds, endlessly.

Zhao Longxing looked forward indifferently, and Qixing Tianshu array raised a ripple, drowning Fang Chen's figure.

"Fang Chen?"

Zhao Longxing muttered to himself with a playful smile on his face.

"Brother Xing, that guy is too unpredictable. I know that Brother Xing attaches great importance to Ziqiong Fairy, so I wanted to invite her to come, but it was stopped by the guy Fang Chen." Fat five said: "And, The guy was arrogant and arrogant, letting go of the rhetoric and saying, even if Star Brother went, he was not afraid. "

After hearing this, Zhao Longxing nodded.

"It can defeat you in an instant. The strength of this child cannot be underestimated." Zhao Long said.

What he really cared about was Fang Chen's terrifying swordsmanship.

"You are waiting for me here."

Zhao Longxing stepped out in one step and entered the Qixing Tianshu array.

The grayish atmosphere immediately dispersed, making way for Zhao Longxing.

Zhao Longxing strode into it, and many disciples from the outside were amazed.

"Awesome, it's really awesome. I haven't been able to understand Qixing Tianshu Array for many years, and Zhao Longxing went straight in."

"Yes, there is no pressure on Zhao Longxing for the first seven floors."

"I don't know if he can enter the eighth floor this time."

Many people are looking forward to whether Zhao Longxing can step into the eighth floor.


Qixing Tianshu array.

Fang Chen just came in and felt extremely mysterious.

"This formation is not much worse than the three thousand rolls."

Fang Chendao: "Step by step, as if I practiced the path of my life."

After thinking a little, Fang Chen sat cross-legged and began to understand Qixing Tianshu array.

Soon, Zhao Longxing came here and saw Fang Chen.

"Huh, the first floor is blocked?"

call out!

While Zhao Longxing was speaking, he was awe-inspiring, and the vast array of breaths swept away, blowing away the breath of Qixing Tianshu around him.


Around Fang Chen, there was a vacuum zone, and the air of the Quartet was like a cage, trapped in the middle, making him unable to touch the Qixing Tianshu breath.

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