Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2758: rebuke

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The highest ancestor pupil of the Linjia insect was actually dug by the mysterious guy in front of him.

And what shocked Fang Chen even more was that he was able to save Zhi Gaotong intact, which was incredible.

No one knows the information of Zhi Gao Zu Tong better than Fang Chen.

The supreme ancestor pupil is a special kind of existence. Once it leaves the warrior's physical body, it will soon dissipate its strength and become an ordinary eye.

"Brother Tianshu."

Bu Tian whispered softly, pulling Fang Chen back in shock.

Fang Chen closed the jade box and stared at Bu Tiandao: "Who the **** are you?"

Bu Tian shrugged, "I'm Bu Tian, ​​it's just a loose repair."

Upon seeing this, Fang Chen no longer asked, put away the jade box, and bowed to Bu Tian, ​​"I have accepted your gift, and I think Tian Shu owes you a favor."

Bu Tian hurriedly waved, "I said, I am sincerely making friends with Brother Tianshu, this is just my meeting ceremony."

Fang Chen still wanted to speak, but was stopped by Bu Tian.

Under the dark night sky, Fang Chen stared blankly at the back of Bu Tian's departure, his heart was quite sighed.

Butian knew the news of the highest ancestor pupil, and he gave it to himself without hesitation.

"Really just to make friends with yourself?"

Fang Chen thought.

After a moment, Fang Chen shook his head, and all his cluttered thoughts were thrown away.

"Forget it, since everyone has sent such a valuable gift, I can't use the heart of a villain to the belly of a gentleman."

Adjusted the mentality a little, and then took out the jade box again.


He urged to the Gaozu pupil, exuded the power of the ancestor pupil, and completely enveloped the jade box.

Suddenly, the highest ancestor pupil in the jade box resonated, exuded a vast breath, and suspended independently.


After Zhi Gao Zu Tong broke away from the jade box, Fang Chen was shocked to find that the power inside Zu Tong was dissipating quickly.

The appearance of the highest ancestor pupil is also gradually declining.

This amazing discovery shocked Fang Chen's heart.

"Quick absorption."

Soon he made a decision to urge his highest ancestor pupil to the extreme.

The power of the violent ancestor pupil, wrapped in the highest ancestral pupil of the worm, quickly absorbed its internal power.


The deafening sound came, and among the electric light flint, the power inside the insect's highest ancestor pupil was absorbed by Fang Chen.


Without the support of strength, the Supreme Ancestral Pupil collapsed instantly.

At the same time, Fang Chen's eyes exuded a silvery luster, and the vast force was shaken powerfully.

After a long time, his eyes gradually returned to calm.

At this time, where Fang Chen's eyes passed, the world changed.


Fang Chen can even see the rules of the power of heaven and earth in the air.

"The Supreme Ancestral Pupil improved a lot."

Fang Chen surprised.

The supreme ancestor pupil, evolved to the extreme, can understand the supreme rule.

However, since the endless years, no one has been able to succeed, because this path is too difficult.

Absorbing the power of the worm pupil's ancestral pupil, Fang Chen's supreme ancestral pupil has evolved a little.

"Now I urge to the high ancestor pupil with all my strength. The power of the ancestor pupil released is enough to trap the ancient gods in the ancient world." Fang Chen muttered.

At the same time, Fang Chen's eyes fell on the jade box again.

"What kind of material is this jade box? It's so powerful, that the Supreme Ancestral Pupil is declining rapidly after leaving it."

Fang Chen was surprised that he really couldn't understand what the jade box was not made of.

"No matter what, what is certain is that the material of this jade box is very special and very precious."

Fang Chen included the jade box in the Xu Mi ring.

Secretly wondering in the heart, what exactly does Bu Tian mean.


It is almost certain that Zhuzong's discussion on this point is now that the candidate for the championship this time must be Tianshu.

However, speculation is speculation, after all, we must abide by the regulations and continue the game.

In the second round of the competition, Fang Chen rode the ultimate dust and defeated the Shenzhu of the Fu family in the southwest with his strong power.

Many warriors were shocked.

Fang Chen's strength has been recognized by everyone.

Even the owner of the Fu family in Southwest China is quite sighed.

As for the ancient **** Xi Long, his eyes were hot, he had not met such an outstanding genius for a long time, and there was a faint heart in his heart.

In the third round, no one dared to challenge Fang Chen, who successfully advanced to the next round.

In just one morning, the third round of the game was completely over.

What surprised Fang Chen was that Bu Tian took the initiative to quit the game.

Although others are not clear, Fang Chen is very clear that Bu Tian's strength, although not as good as him, is at least much stronger than Fu Jin and others.

Before Bu Tian was leaving, he gave Fang Chen a meaningful look, and finally disappeared into the vast crowd.

Three days later, the final finals proceeded as scheduled.

It's just that the opponent directly admits defeat before the game begins.

Many warriors are still unsatisfied. They are anxious to see Tianshu shoot again.

Unfortunately, there is no way.

At this point, Tianshu became the strongest genius of the various schools.

Because of his outstanding performance, Tianshuyuan directly led to the overall achievements, and finally Tianshuyuan was divided into a city.

Don't underestimate this city, it was a blood fierce join, Tianshuyuan was very excited.

"Congratulations, Tianshu."

Master Fu and others stood up one after another and congratulated Fang Chen with fists.

Fang Chen also nodded to the strong ones.


At this moment, a crack appeared in the sky, and a loud dragon chant sounded through the clouds.

Everyone's face changed greatly, looking out into the void.

Needless to think and know, the coming person must be the first dragon controler of Blood Fiend.

Sure enough, the dragon controller surrounded by the golden dragon appeared.

Only this time, there was one more person behind him.

After seeing the person behind the dragon controller, Tianshu Dean and others shrank their pupils.

"That's ... a hand of despair?"

Several others also hurried forward to greet the hands of despair.

"Master Desperate's hand arrives, there is far away, and atonement."

"Haha, I didn't expect that the various sectarian confessions this time also attracted the desperate hand adults."

"Sir, please take a seat."

After hearing the voices of the powerful on the podium, the whole square was in an uproar.

The hand of the desperate continent, the desperate continent who saw the dragon before and after it, actually appeared.

"Is he the hand of despair?"

"The one who claims to have opened up the desperate continent, the well-deserved ruler?"

"It's too strong. The breath from my body makes me feel depressed."

Many people admire the reputation of the desperate hand, and their eyes are full of hot colors.

The hand of despair nodded gently, but his eyes fell on Fang Chen.

"Have you decided yet?"

The words of the desperate hand puzzled everyone, what to consider?

Does the desperate hand want to take Fang Chen as a disciple?

Only Dean Tianshu had a look of sadness on his face.

"It is the glory of the younger generation to be able to follow around adults, just ..."

Fang Chendao said: "There are still some common affairs to be dealt with by the younger generation, otherwise, there will be concerns in my heart, and I will ask the adult to allow me to return to Tianshu Academy to deal with my own affairs."


The dragon-controller reprimanded: "The master takes you away because he deserves you. What are your qualifications to bargain with the master?"

"Adult, Tianshu is still small and not very sensible. I apologize on behalf of Tianshuyuan." Dean Tianshu quickly stood up.

Do not provoke the hand of despair, otherwise Tianshuyuan will suffer as a result.

The desperate hand's face changed, apparently a little displeased.

The dragon controller is very clear that the master is already angry.

"Tianshu, you have only two choices now, leave with the master, or die."

The voice of the dragon controller spread, and countless people stared at this scene with wide eyes.

For a time, the square was extremely depressed, and everyone in Tianshuyuan was worried about Fang Chen's situation.

Fang Chen looked directly at the hand of despair, thinking quickly in his mind.

"The strength of the desperate hand is much stronger than that of Dean Tianshu, and I have no strength to fight back in front of him."

Fang Chen thought to himself.

Even if he urged the time and space escape technique with all his might, and turned into thousands of phantoms, he could not escape the palm of the hand of despair.

"How to do?"

Fang Chen was anxious.

At this moment, Dean Tianshu spoke.

"I urge adults to let Tianshu return to Zongmen to deal with things outside of him."

"President Tianshu, what are you talking about? Is there anything you can say here?" The dragon-controller scolded.

For a time, the atmosphere was depressed and the sword was drawn.

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