Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2872: communication

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Perhaps I saw the scene of Fang Chen fighting the Red Devil Tiger, and feared Fang Chen's exquisite swordsmanship, so as soon as he came up, Hu Tung-yue exhibited a powerful and aggressive way.

Every move is enough to kill people, this is the rhythm of quick battle.


A roar spread throughout the world, Tiger Swallowing Moon opened a large mouth of blood basin, a powerful technique of swallowing suddenly appeared, covering the entire Yanwutai.

His intention is obvious, that is, he wants to **** Fang Chen into his mouth and then crush it.

However, how could Fang Chen give him such a chance, he sneered, his feet stomped, time and space escaped, and thousands of phantoms appeared in an instant, spreading out all over Yanwutai, encircling the Tiger Swallowing Moon Regiment .

At the same time, he exhibited the invincible kendo, the strongest move.

Unreal sword!

When he wielded this sword, the entire world seemed to be flooded with the illusory sword light. The seemingly phantom sword light contained invincible power.

The domineering power of Kendo, at this moment, is perfectly revealed.


Unreal sword light, at a speed invisible to the naked eye, crushed all the power of swallowing, and appeared in front of Tiger Moon.


Tiger Swallow Moon roared, his claws snapped, and the void was crushed by him, but after touching the unreal sword light, his body was retreating.


In the head of Tiger Swallowing Moon, the powerful forces of the **** tiger were released, and these forces gradually condensed into a cone-shaped weapon in front of his chest.

Tiger Swallow Moon's claws turned sharply, and the awl in front of him also spun quickly, as if to wipe out the whole earth.

Everyone trembles, this is the strongest killer of Tiger Swallowing Moon, and it is also the cone-light rung of the family of shocking gods and tigers.

Yes, it is Fu Lu.

The biggest difference between Hudunyue and Red Devil Tiger is that he possesses a very powerful technique of Run Mi, which is said to have been left over by a strong man in ancient times.

So far, he hasn't realized it, but can only urge a small amount of power.

However, for him, all this is enough.

His claws control the cone light rune, constantly approaching Fang Chen, and at the same time the vast force squeezes Fang Chen's whole body.

"Fu Mi?"

Originally Fang Chen thought that there would be a hard fight, but when he saw Tiger Swallow Moon urging the cone light rune, his face showed a slight sarcasm.

Comparing him with Fulu is a big joke.

In the territories of the demon clan, it took three full years to absorb the power of Tian Fuzhu cleanly.

And his rune realm is also rising.

"Do you want to fight against me with Fulu, a half-hanger?"

Fang Chen saw through the flaws of the cone light rune at a glance, and he had not yet waited for Tiger Swallowing Moon's full strength to die.

call out!

I saw Fang Chen's incomprehensible bomb, the power of the terrifying Runao, which erupted instantaneously, turned into a finger, and shot into the cone-light rung.


Cone light fulu suddenly heard a clear sound, followed by shaking, it seemed to be broken.


Hu Tunyue's face changed suddenly, he forced to control the cone light rune and attacked Fang Chen.

However, before approaching Fang Chen, the cone-light rung exploded suddenly, and countless debris covered the sky.

Many warriors below kept retreating, and their hearts were full of panic.

Cone light rung explodes, the power of the escape is too strong, and they are somewhat unable to resist.


In just one breathing time, the power of the cone and light rune has completely dissipated. On the performance stage, peace was restored again. Fang Chen and Hu Tunyue looked at each other as if nothing had happened.

"Who's winning?"

After stabilizing their bodies, they looked at Yanwutai curiously and asked aloud.

On the rostrum, the head of the Shenhu clan rubbed his hands, and his heart was cold, and he stared at Fang Chen intently. If he dared to take a dead hand, he would definitely shoot it as soon as possible.


Suddenly, Hu Tunyue's body trembles, kneeling on one knee, and spouting blood in his mouth.


"Tiger swallowed?"

The people couldn't believe it, and there was a storm in their hearts.

As strong as a tiger, it is lost to the human warrior in front of him. How strong is his strength?

Fang Chen once again refreshed people's perception of him.

Break the record again and again, and create miracles.

Now, even the most powerful young generation of the Shenhu family, Tiger Swallowing Moon, has been defeated.

Amidst the shock of countless people, Fang Chen seemed exceptionally calm. He did not take advantage of the victory to chase down and kill the tiger.

He also thought about making this choice for a long time. First of all, Tiger Swallowing Moon is the strongest young generation of the Shenhu family, and the Red Devil Tiger is incomparable to him.

Secondly, he also wanted to communicate with the immortal robbing lotus. If he slaughtered the tiger in public, he would anger the head of the shepherd tiger completely, and it would be himself that would suffer.

On the square, everyone was shouting Fang Chen's name.

On the rostrum, everyone looked at each other with a gloomy face.

No one expected that the elaborately designed game was destroyed by Fang Chen who was born out of thin air, and the Red Devil Tiger died as a result.

"Patriarch, let me kill this guy."

An elder preached secretly, but was blocked by the elder tiger chief. "In the face of the people of this tribe, if the people are beheaded now, the people of the world will definitely say that the Shenhu family is too brutal and unbelievable, which is not conducive to the future of the Shenhu family to dominate this area."

After thinking for a long time, the Shenhu clan said: "Don't move him for the time being, let him communicate with the immortal robbing lotus in front of everyone, and then kill it silently."

All this is done for the world.


The head of the Shenhu clan gave a slight cough and waved his hand, instructing the clan to lift down the injured tiger swallowing the moon, and then his dark eyes fell on Fang Chen.

"Little fellow, you are very courageous and courageous." The Shenhu patriarch asked: "I'm curious, in this area, who can teach you a disciple like you?"

On the surface, it seems to be sighing, but in fact, it's cliché to see if there is strong support behind Fang Chen.

"My master is relatively low-key and doesn't like being known to outsiders." Fang Chen said.

It is said that the face of the Shenhu Patriarch has changed obviously, but he still smiled and said: "You defeated Hu Tunyue, and you want to come to elect you as the first of the Shenhu tribe this time, no one will object?"

There is silence below, against? Just kidding, they still want to live longer.

"Since there is no objection, then you are the first this time. My Shenhu family can't speak out. You have an opportunity to communicate with the immortal lotus. Of course, if you fail, you must leave the Shenhu City." Shenhu The patriarch said.

Fang Chen's eyes are hot, and he can't wait to try to communicate.

In the eyes of many warriors, the Shenhu Patriarch took Fang Chen to the forbidden place deep in the Shenhu City.

"This is the forbidden land of the Shenhu tribe, and the immortal robbery lotus is in it." The Shenhu tribe said long. "You can enter the forbidden area now, looking for the immortal lotus."

Fang Chen nodded and jumped into the forbidden area.

In the void, a smooth mirror surface flashed, and everyone's eyes stared tightly here.

"Huh, how about finding it? Can you communicate with the immortal robbery lotus?" The elder tiger chief looked at the mirror and sneered again and again.

At this moment, Fang Chen turned to look at the void and said: "Patriarch, there is such a strong prohibition on the immortal calamity lotus. I can't get close at all, can I lift the prohibition."

"If the prohibition is lifted, and I cannot communicate with the immortal lotus, it is my problem, I will retreat."

Fang Chen said this from the moral commanding heights.

Before the forbidden land, many warriors talked.

The Shenhu clan grew up with a big wave of hand, and the prohibition gradually collapsed. A fascinating lotus appeared in front of the world.

"Is this the immortal lotus? It's so beautiful."

"Oh my god, it's really the immortal robbery lotus. If I can get it, I might have the opportunity to impact the legendary robbery, even at the level of the realm of gods."

"Don't dream, the immortal lotus is the treasure of the Shenhu family, who can get it?"

"I don't know if this little brother can awaken the immortal robbery."

The voices of the people passed into the ears of the elder tiger chief, who was motionless.

"It is said that the immortal calamity lotus has spiritual wisdom, and if it cannot be recognized, it would be tempting to wake it up."

"Along the way, this little brother has created countless myths, maybe this time will be able to reproduce miracles?"

Many people are expecting that Fang Chen can wake up the sleeping immortal lotus.

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