Immemorial Sword Venerable

Vol 3000 Chapter 2907: Hot

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After talking with the pure-blooded cub for a while, Fang Chen realized that over the years, the pure-blooded cub actually pitted Lin Yi for tens of thousands of Yuan Dan.

"I don't know what Lin Yi is now," Fang Chen said.

"who cares."

The pure-blooded cub said with a smiley face, taking advantage of Fang Chen's inattentiveness, gently clawed, and cut Fang Chen's finger.

"What are you doing?"

Fang Chen was shocked and hurriedly raised his finger.

A drop of blood fell on the pure-blooded cub, and the latter quickly absorbed it.

At the same time, a profound and profound power penetrated into Fang Chen's mind.


The earth vibrates and the highest rule flashes regularly.

This is to recognize the Lord by blood.

Fang Chen looked at the pure-blooded cub in surprise, this guy was very proud before, rather die unyieldingly, but now take the initiative to recognize the Lord.

What has he experienced in these years?

"Don't you look at me with such a look?" The pure-blooded cub shrugged and said helplessly: "Don't you just confess your blood? Haven't you always hoped that? Now, as you wish."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen shook his head gently and did not speak.

The pure-blooded cub shifted the topic and said: "In these years, I have been thinking about bypassing Lin Yi to find Zun Yuandan, but this guy is inseparable. Now that is all right, you are back, we can go to find Zunyuan Dan. "

"Huh?" Fang Chen looked at the pure blood beast.

He vaguely remembered that in front of the hill, the pure-blooded cub reached an agreement with him, let him help collect Zunyuandan, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth to swallow.

And he also said that he knew a place, there are many Zun Yuandan.

"In my inheritance memory, there is some information about Zun Shrine, but the time is too long and a lot of incompleteness." The pure-blooded cub said: "I only know a rough place right now, which requires us to explore.


After being betrayed by pure-blooded cubs, and hit hard, Lin Yi's heart was filled with shocking anger.

"Damn blood beast, actually betrayed me."

Lin Yi was very angry. "But why did he betray me?"

The pure-blooded cub has been with him for more than a decade, and has always been very afraid of himself and has never acted betrayal.

But today, after meeting the man, he betrayed himself.

"Did they know it from the beginning?"

Lin Yi thought suddenly.

The picture of the battle with Fang Chen flashed in his mind. In his heart, he became more and more affirmed that Fang Chen was not simple.

"An ancient god, able to enter the Zunshen Temple, has many doubts in itself, plus his swordsmanship is so exquisite, if I don't accept the inheritance, I don't believe it."

"Also, his long sword is actually a weapon in the half-step emperor realm."

All kinds of associations, Lin Yi believes that Fang Chen's body is bound to hide many secrets.

"Be sure to catch this kid and get these secrets from him." Lin Yi said in a deep voice, his eyes were hot, and he seemed to have seen that he had obtained a half-step emperor realm weapon, and got a terrifying sword technique, plus After he surrendered to the pure-blooded cub and left the Immortal Chemical and Chemical Institute, he swept the world and invincible posture.

"As long as you are still in the divine shrine, you can't escape Lin Yi's palm."

Lin Yi stood up and said with a terrible face: "However, the third person must not be allowed to know about this matter, otherwise, if it reaches the ears of those who rob the respected realm, I will definitely be throwing water out of the bamboo basket."

Lin Yi did not want to make wedding dresses for others, so he had to keep it secret.

"Huh, wait, I will let you know, I Lin Yi means."

Sleeve robe flicked, a crack appeared in the void in front of him, Lin Yi stepped out and entered it.

Soon after, the crack healed and the sky returned to calm.


Respecting the shrine, mountains and rain are coming from the wind.

The repressive breath is getting heavier and heavier, and the mortality rate of human warriors is gradually increasing.

It has been more than ten years since the opening of the Immortal Chemical Institute, and those weak human warriors have almost died.

Nowadays, almost all the remaining ones are at a certain level, the most powerful.

However, many powerful people who robbed the realm of the realm, because of a piece of news, one after another.

The legacy left by the immortal emperor is now alive, and this news shocked the entire Zunjing Temple.

Usually, some large and small inheritances will not attract the attention of the powerful. But this time is different, the inheritance of the immortal emperor is extraordinary, and it can be achieved in one step.

In a gloomy mountain stream, the waterfall rushed straight down.

An old man shrouded in black mist, his voice hoarsely said: "The inheritance of the immortal emperor, I waited for so many years, and finally I got it."

When he was talking, his eyes were red, the surrounding void, directly imprisoned, and the waterfall that flew straight down was also instantly still.

"Old guys, it's time to compete."

After that, the old man shrouded in black mist disappeared into the void.

Somewhere on the mountain peak.

Old man Bai Weng sat cross-legged on the bluestone, looking down at the earth.

From time to time, news about the inheritance of the immortal emperor came.

A light smile appeared on his rumpled face.

"Zun Shrine has been silent for more than ten years, and the weak have been eliminated. The birth of the immortal emperor will definitely cause a **** storm. But this is an opportunity. If it is obtained, it will certainly be able to step into the level of the world **** within a hundred years."

The strength of the old Bai Weng can also rule the roost in the respect of robbery.

"The ones that threaten me in the Zunshen Temple are the ones that I want to grab in front of them and pass the immortal emperor into their arms."

Old Bai Weng's eyes looked like a torch. When he stood up, a thunder suddenly sounded in the clear blue sky. A thick thunder dragon swooped down and swept away the old Bai Weng.

At the same time, there are powerful robbers who rob the realm in various hidden places.

Their goals are strikingly consistent, and that is the inheritance of the immortal emperor.


Fang Chen was tired for a few days.

He sat down under a towering tree, panting.

"How far is it?" Fang Chen asked.

The pure-blooded cub looked at the inherited memory in his mind, and then determined the direction, pondering: "According to the guidelines in my memory, it is about half a month away."

"It's really a ghost place, getting hotter and hotter." Fang Chen chuckled.

He was born with a blood source of fire, and the most fearful thing was the high temperature.

However, on the way to the place that the pure-blooded cub said, it was getting hotter and hotter.

Now, he feels hot all over, even the power of the fire source bloodline can't resist such high temperature.

"If it is a common place, it has been discovered by others." The pure-blooded cub said.

Fang Chen nodded, "By the way, do you have any recent news of the immortal emperor's inheritance and birth? Is there any information about the immortal emperor in your inheritance memory?"

The pure-blooded cub shook his head, "In the ancient times, the immortal emperor was also the master-class strongman. That kind of strongman, the people of my family, cannot be touched at all. Besides, you do n’t have to think about it too much. How many powerful robbers are paying attention, how do you an ancient **** compete with them? "


Fang Chen nodded, "The first priority is to find the place you mentioned first. As for the immortal emperor's heritage, I don't want to forget it."

It ’s not that I do n’t want it. There are too many strong men. He will be bombed as soon as he shows his head.


Suddenly, a crazy thought flashed in Fang Chen's mind, "Are we going to be the place where the immortal emperor inherits?"

In theory, it is possible.

Because, the inheritance of the immortal emperor, hidden in the Zunshen Temple, is always shifting its position, and it is very likely to appear in every corner.

"How can it be."

Purebred cubs pouting, how can there be such a good thing.

After a short break, Fang Chen and the pure-blooded cub continued their journey.

As the journey progressed, Fang Chen was filled with horror. Because the more you move forward, the heavier the gravity, and in the end you ca n’t fly, nor can you perform the space-time escape technique.

You can only walk on foot.

The hot high temperature can roast the martial arts. If there is no blood source of fire and blood of the black hole, it can withstand one or two, and it has already died under the high temperature.

On the contrary, the pure-blooded cubs showed an extremely strong physique, and were not afraid of high temperature.

"Human warriors are vulnerable, and this high temperature can't resist it."

The pure-blooded cub whispered.

Fang Chen is speechless. How can the physique of the human warrior compare with the pure blood beast?


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